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Posts posted by VillaAlex

  1. I loved Blue Valentine, although anything with Gosling in is usually great. :D Looking forward to his new film Drive, got some very good reviews.

    Recently watched...


    Brilliant film, it's quite a long one and hard to follow at times but it's broken down into two parts which gives you a break if needed. My first Tarkovsky film, and visually it was beautiful for its time very much like 2001 by Kubrick.

    Also watched...


    Very fun watch, you may notice the one guy from Inglourius Basterds. It can't be taken very seriously, you just take it for what it is.

  2. No because you could easily say that in Arsenals form they'd have wanted to have bounced back and ended their season at home with a win. The same way you presume Liverpool didn't want Europa League when that certainly didn't seem like the case to me listening to players like Lucas midweek. A club like Liverpool have the resources to play in Europe and still do well in the league so they would have been highly motivated to win today.

    It's all silly presumptions.

  3. stoke - drew -

    west brom - lost-

    wigan- drew-

    arsenal- won-

    liverpool- won-

    It was also a very good time to play Arsenal too. They were understrength that day and there for the taking. And, let's be honest, whilst we played quite well today, Liverpool did not want Europa league football and the deck chairs were out today. Our luck seems to have changed in the last few weeks though, which is pleasing. I refuse to get carried away because we have ended the season positively, I think it would be wrong not to recognise the improvement, but we should view the season as a whole.

    Absolute rubbish, amazing that when ever we win is because the other team weren't up for it or were in a bad spell. Just as bad as when we lose and it's for one reason or another.

    A win is a win.

  4. Coyle has always been overrated. A good manager but has a lot to prove before joining a club like ours. The good football is a load of rubbish too, it's still pumping it up to Davies every attack. They have scored some quality goals though.

    Certainly prefer Hughes.

  5. If he wants to stay in the PL i'd take Ancelotti and will go as far putting him in front of Moyes who openly admitted he isn't interested and he can bring Ray in too.. can't see it though as he'll get offers from Roma etc I presume.. I hope we atleast enquire though.

    Ancelotti will be no good for us. He has never or very rarely brought any youth players through. He works with sides that are already built.

    I agree with this, he's a good manager but he's not the right fit for us. His reputation is irrelevant.

  6. Nice to see people are so forgiving.

    Let's not give him a chance, lets write him off from the word go. It's unbelievable that an experienced Ligue 1 and international player isn't good for the Premier League in the few games he's played in.

    FFS. How about you give him a chance, he like many foreign players needs time to settle, he's had his good moments and his bad. We judge him next season when he has a pre-season under his belt and has adjusted to the league. Reading the article it suggests his family may be based in Cameroon still so it can't be easy for him living here right now with no-one really to relate to due to language issues. Add to the fact he's had suspensions and injuries to deal with.

    If people are stupid enough to judge a player on a few games well I'm glad they aren't in football as a lot of players would simply not make it in the game.

  7. Never watched A Serbian Film or Salo, never will. Martys was enough for me.

    Regarding Lilya the worst part of the film for me was the guy who made her do the roleplay as if she was his daughter, very disturbing...

  8. I read Issue Zero and paid the same amount, as you mentioned the St Pauli article was excellent. I enjoyed reading about Hellas Verona too.

    Undecided whether I'll get the others though.

  9. I wouldn't call it heat of the moment. A few I know were hoping we'd get battered every week, some even wanted their local rivals to beat us :shock:

    I'm sure it will be forgotten though, only two years ago they were our number one fans :lol:

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