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Posts posted by irreverentad

  1. I booked a meeting room for 1pm yesterday. At about 12:59 I noticed a woman and wheover works for her go in there. So stuck my head in and said "sorry, I've booked this room, we're just about to have a meeting"

    and she replied with "Can we use it for 10 minutes?"

    I felt like saying "No you can't you silly bitch", but I politely said "Sorry but we've got a lot to get through so we'll need the full hour" (which was true)

    She **** huffed and puffed about it before leaving and she's still giving me dirty looks today when I pass her in the office.

    **** off!

    I know that feeling. Pisses me off when people who work in a business centre think they own it in its entirety.

    And heaven forbid you ever order biscuits for the meeting. By the time you meet the client at reception and take them to the meeting room half the bloody biscuits are gone!

    The very same woman has just genuinely pissed me off again!

    Someone in her team just used the phrase "Shit sandwich" (a polish girl, and she was only asking what it meant because she's never heard it) and this woman got super pissed off because she claims she can no longer finish her lunch (a sandwich) because she can't get the image of a shit sandwich out of her head.

    It's all very amusing.

    She sounds like the 'whole world revolves around me' type!!

  2. I booked a meeting room for 1pm yesterday. At about 12:59 I noticed a woman and wheover works for her go in there. So stuck my head in and said "sorry, I've booked this room, we're just about to have a meeting"

    and she replied with "Can we use it for 10 minutes?"

    I felt like saying "No you can't you silly bitch", but I politely said "Sorry but we've got a lot to get through so we'll need the full hour" (which was true)

    She **** huffed and puffed about it before leaving and she's still giving me dirty looks today when I pass her in the office.

    **** off!

    I know that feeling. Pisses me off when people who work in a business centre think they own it in its entirety.

    And heaven forbid you ever order biscuits for the meeting. By the time you meet the client at reception and take them to the meeting room half the bloody biscuits are gone!

  3. Not saying we are in for him, not saying a bid would be accepted, not saying we would match what he would want, not saying he would come.

    He does fit the current make up of young hungry point to prove players. What he has in addition is proven pl quality

    I doubt the hungry bit.

    It took him ages to get into match fitness this season and apparently he wasn't so great at training at Liverpool.

  4. It makes us look small time and amateurish imho

    You don't invite someone over to see what they're like. You'll have already decided before then that you want the player, you bring him over to make sure he likes what he sees

    To then let the bloke leave, state to his own fans that he wants to leave and then leave him dangling is just completely shit whatever way you look at it

    I always thought the rumours of Randy turning a new leaf we're likely to be false and this pretty much confirms it. He's not changed at all, the money will stay in his pocket and he'll expect Lambert to turn us around on the cheap

    You know what will come next, Lambert have doubts about what he's let himself in for and another manager hunt in about 12-18 months

    Sell up Randy

    PS :

    Any other lapsed season ticket holders had MULTIPLE (4 in my case) almost begging phone calls asking when you'll be renewing?, Makes me think talk of a massive sales increase is also well wide of the mark.

    Lambert has always said that character is important to him. Apparently according to Norwich fans I know that is his way of doing things. He likes to speak with them and 'interview' them. I think it is entirely plausible that Vlaar didn't pass the interview.

    Re Season tickets......AVFC whether you like it or not is a business. They sell season tickets therefore you must look at this division as a sales department. Eg the people calling will be set targets which means they could either be out of work if they don't hit them or more positively striving for bonuses. That is why they are on the hard sell.

  5. IMO attraction is what gets you into the position to START a relationship. If you aren't physically attracted to someone then why would you say go up to her in a bar and begin a conversation?

    Looks, as much as people don't like to admit, are important in the majority of relationships.

    If they weren't then online dating profiles would have no profile pictures and just be all about your personality.

    Now, along the way in a relationship personality probably does become more important. e.g. you've been going out for a year, you know each other pretty well, you love her for who she is and what she's like and not how she looks. She maybe puts on some weight but you don't notice and don't care. A year ago you might not have given her a second glance with how she looks now.

    Badly put perhaps but it made sense at least to me.

    Scenario 1:

    She is VERY physically attractive. You get to know her, and she is also your sort of person. Result.

    Scenario 2:

    She is not ESPECIALLY attractive, but certainly OK. You get to know her, and she IS your sort of person. Guess what? After a while, you look again, and decide that she IS extremely attractive. This is not a case of kidding yourself, it's a reflection of how attraction works. Again, result.

    Scenario 3:

    She is VERY physically attractive. You get to know her, and she is NOT your sort of person. You may have a superficial sexual relationship, but the longer you know her, the LESS attractive she starts to look. It's the other side of the Scenario 2 phenomenon.

    Scenario 4:

    She is not ESPECIALLY attractive, but certainly OK. You get to know her, and she is NOT your sort of person. Move on.

    What I'm getting at is the fact that "looks" and "personality" are not two distinct, separate things. Our minds modify our first impressions in ways we may not even notice.

    Scenario 5?

    She looks like an absolute munter who is sweating so badly it is gushing from her socks and her legs are full of gravy. Her face looks like a salami selection at Aldi on a bad day. You cross the road as quickly as possible to get away.

  6. I get shocked how often women come on to the men with wedding rings on

    Women always want what someone else has. They see it as a challenge. Fickle fillies!

    They're not fickle. They just don't want to **** you. ;)

    That is also sadly true! But its ok as I take myself home and set some mood lighting, soft music, and lube up Gordon the Gopher's squeeky mouth!

  7. I stand by my statement that they are equally important. Anyway the advice I got from here was the same as from my friends, so thankyou all. Might be making an appearance in here more often.

    I agree. You do need attraction there too.

    But they're not the be all and all of a relationship.

    I am not sure you could have one without the other. I think you must be attracted first then build upon it with regards to personality. I agree that in the long run personality is more important, BUT you need the attraction there in the 1st place.

    Anyway Wiggy, look at you coming over all sensitive on here now you are married!!!! Personality this, personality that....remember we have all see your fit missus!!!!!!

  8. This all seems very strange.

    Vlaar visits Villa

    Vlaar/Feyenoord confirm above

    Vlaar happy to join

    Feyenoord happy to sell

    No movement

    Feyenoord unhappy - deal must be done quick now

    No movement

    Vlarr - deal off (messed around).

    As twitter would probably put it:



    Are we better off out of this? Was it all a smokescreen? Does PL prefer another (i.e. Ramis, a.n.other).

    If, as suggested, the club confirmed that there wouldn't be any signings whilst the team were away on tour then surely this is just Feyenord trying to flog one of their own to be able to move in the market themselves (I hear they are pretty hard up financially).

    Haven't heard about anyone else being in for Vlaar.

    Good post.

    I agree.

  9. I wasn't a big fan of the tour. I found it dull and I was a bit disappointed with the stadium.

    However the museum it worth a trip there on its own!

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