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Posts posted by irreverentad

  1. I am thinking of learning Judo at the age of 30. I used to do it 20 years ago but forgotten most of it. I am pretty unfit though now.

    Is it madness to do it?

  2. Nice article and new quotes....


    Last year it managed Feyenoord contract of Ron Vlaar extend until mid-2014, despite an expiring contract. But with their backs against the wall when the club was little more than agree to a limited lump sum. This week beat Aston Villa on the North Hollander.

    A departure is inevitable. "Of course you would rather not, but at that time the situation was just the way he was', says Martin van Geel today in conversation with the AD. "The danger that zero dollars for Ron would walk out the door. But when he bites anyway knew that Stefan de Vrij pulled over. It also gave an important signal in the direction of many other boys. "Feyenoord's contract Vlaar tried again last week to break open and improve, but the player did not comment on that offer. "We wanted to keep him very happy," said Van Geel.His impending transfer to Aston Villa leads by Vlaar itself to mixed feelings, shortly before the season starts. The player feels responsibility towards Feyenoord, as captain of a club where he played nearly seven years, and who supported him when he was struggling with severe injuries and - recently - private problems.

    On the other hand Vlaar also feels that this is the time for a jump to the Premier League, at the age of 27, shortly after a personal perspective from EK pretty decent."It was a good conversation, and Villa is a beautiful, big club," responded Vlaar, who yesterday a big smile after the morning workout Varkenoord could not suppress. "But otherwise I can not say much about. I wait for what will happen in the next days. It is up to the clubs. "

    "It's still annoying in this box: they are true always for your best players," says Van Geel. "If you want evil, you can always difficult to do a transfer, for example, to challenge it to a sporty improvement 'goes. But we wanted in the case of Ron absolutely not. He is here almost seven years been an exemplary force. Such a boy do not you thwart. Also towards the younger boys would be a bad signal. We always love them for that if they develop well at Feyenoord, they automatically get a chance on an even better step. Then you get a transfer does not block at all. "

    Coach Ronald Koeman will not cheer the departure of Vlaar, a key player in the team as he had in mind. "After Guidetti, Bakkal and El Ahmadi is the fourth player from the ashes," said Koeman. "Then it seems logical that we do something to counteract it, even given the experience that brought Ron."At Aston Villa is the third Premier League Player Vlaar that the selection of manager Paul Lambert joins after Karim El Ahmadi and Brett Holman. The tradition club from Birmingham last season had a truly difficult year in the Premier League. Lambert recently came over from Norwich City, and now to build an entirely new team at Villa Park. Vlaar for the manager sees an important role, he said Sunday at the defender and his agent

  3. Thought i'd bring up some stats of another tall, strong striker who is a familiar face and we could even sign for free. Let us compare his stats to those of Carroll:

    Carew (@ Aston Villa) - 2007-2011, 113 Apps and 37 Goals

    Carew (@ Stoke + WHU) - 2011+, 29 Apps and 3 Goals

    Carroll (@ Newcastle) - 2006-2011, 80 Apps and 31 Goals

    Carroll (@ Liverpool) - 2011+, 42 Apps and 6 Goals

    Can't remember what Carew cost us at first unless it was just a swap for Baros? Either way, with Carroll touted at approx £15-20m, it is safe to say there are much better options available for such a price, i'd probably even take Carew at 32 years of age for free and spend the dosh elsewhere.

    Errr no!

    Carew WAS a good player for us. But he is too old and slow now. If he cannot thrive under Big Sam and his tactics last season then he has no chance now at Villa in the Premier League next season. He is past it.

  4. Is anyone keeping track of the summer's movements and the potential (assumed) impact on the wage bill? In the past, the word on the street was that the wage bill was the key financial holding us back. I'm assuming that this summer's transfers will continue the trend of decreasing the wage bill, but I haven't been keeping track.

    Off the top of my head...(and likely completely wrong)


    Heskey (60?)

    Cuellar (35?)

    Guzan (15-20?)


    Lowton (20?)

    KEA (30?)

    Holman (30?)

    Guzan (15-20?)

    at the moment, we're slightly positive/neutral, and if Vlaar comes in with Hutton leaving that wouldn't change much I would think. If some combination of Collins, Warnock, Makoun, Gabby, Delph, etc leave, then we should have room for a few more signings, particularly younger foreign or lower league players.

    Beye was paid off too til the end of the season so add £42k on.

    Also Lowton will not be on £20k from league 1. More likely £12-15k. KEA was on £17k at Feyenoord apparantly so I would think £25k ish, same for Holman. So I would guess we are still up by £70k ish pw.

    But it is all guesswork.

  5. Looks good, but I'll be surprised if anything goes through until we're back from the US.

    Not so sure.

    Did PF go to the States (honestly don't know if he has)?

    If not then it made sense for Lambert to meet the player and show him around yesterday and let PF negotiate with Feyenoord. Also the player took his agent so I am sure terms were discussed.

    I would hope its sorted by Friday.

  6. As many of you know I met my current GF on POF and 9 months later things are going well.

    We were out with some friends a few weeks ago and we were asked where we met. I got embarrassed and said that we were introduced by a friend. When we left the GF asked why I said that.

    Is it normal to feel embarrassed about meeting on-line?

    Apparently it's common. I can understand it. It does seem a little awkward and silly when you think about it. I met the hubster on myspace. But he told people we met on holiday for the longest time because he hated saying we met online. It just bothers some people more than others. I never much thought it mattered but a lot of people do. I think your reaction is actually in the majority.

    Thank you.

    Maybe its a bloke thing as the GF didn't understand why I lied.

    I just panicked!

  7. As many of you know I met my current GF on POF and 9 months later things are going well.

    We were out with some friends a few weeks ago and we were asked where we met. I got embarrassed and said that we were introduced by a friend. When we left the GF asked why I said that.

    Is it normal to feel embarrassed about meeting on-line?

  8. Went out for a curry last night with the mates, really enjoyed the curry had never been to the place before but really liked it, had a couple of drinks afterwards all good fun, got home, went to bed full and satisfied...

    ...woke up at 1.30am feeling like my stomach was trying to turn itself inside out and devour my own intestines, felt ropey ever since and now feel a little apprehensive about going out for a mates going away drinks. Goddamnit.

    Have you had a shit yet?

    That followed the feeling of Beelzebub himself trying to claw his way out of my stomach via my belly button. I think stuff from a previous life was seeking the exit come the end or something.

    Eat a lot of Activia & Yakult and let the good bacteria and bad bacteria have a fight to the death!!!!

  9. Went out for a curry last night with the mates, really enjoyed the curry had never been to the place before but really liked it, had a couple of drinks afterwards all good fun, got home, went to bed full and satisfied...

    ...woke up at 1.30am feeling like my stomach was trying to turn itself inside out and devour my own intestines, felt ropey ever since and now feel a little apprehensive about going out for a mates going away drinks. Goddamnit.

    Have you had a shit yet?

  10. Just sent the missus this

    "The day that you came into my life was the day that my life became special. You have brought out a part in me that I thought I'd never be able to find. What you make me feel for you is nothing short of the ultimate happiness. You are in my thoughts, my dreams, my desires, but most of all my heart. The magic of my life is all because of you. xxx"


    That sounds like my wedding speech!!! :shock:

    I though it read as an obituary!

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