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Posts posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. A facking huge spider has run out from under my chair and is now sitting in the middle of the floor staring me out. Big thick jet black mother.

    It's between me and the door. I'm trapped!

    I hate spiders but you are probably 75000 times bigger than the bastard. Crush!

  2. Cheers for the sleeping advice. I set alarms at, well honestly, 5.00am, 5.20am, 5.40am and then get up on my 6.00am alarm. I realise this may be messing with my sleep but if I cant wake up and go YES! Another hour in bed, then it'd kill me. To have an alarm go off and get straight up? I could never do that. I haven't done that since I was a kid.

    That's a very bad habit and surely you know it. Set if for 5:45 if you need a little sleep in time. But you need to push yourself to wake up.

    And also you're here on VT after 11. tut tut :)

    I know Dogg, you're right. But to 'snooze' just once and for 15 minutes, I'd be in tears. I'd imagine thought ones willingness to wake depends largely also on circumstance and as mentioned above, I detest my job - perhaps this is more the factor?

    Maybe, I don't know. It's just a habit you're in though, it does you no favours.

  3. Cheers for the sleeping advice. I set alarms at, well honestly, 5.00am, 5.20am, 5.40am and then get up on my 6.00am alarm. I realise this may be messing with my sleep but if I cant wake up and go YES! Another hour in bed, then it'd kill me. To have an alarm go off and get straight up? I could never do that. I haven't done that since I was a kid.

    That's a very bad habit and surely you know it. Set if for 5:45 if you need a little sleep in time. But you need to push yourself to wake up.

    And also you're here on VT after 11. tut tut :)

  4. Here's a random question, what time do you guys go to bed / get up? And how much sleep do you like to get each night.

    I find that I really want sleep to be like putting a battery on charge, but it's not like that for me. I very rarely ever feel refreshed and good to go. I wonder if I'm missing something, or doing something wrong, I can't seem to find my happy medium.

    My first alarm goes off at 5.20am then I will (eventually) get up at around 6am. What time do you think I should go to bed?

    Well you're ruining 40 minutes of good sleep right there.

  5. christian artists? Does that mean what it seems to mean?

    as-in christian musicians? such as Tim Hughes, Deliriois?, Matt Redman.

    Im aware none of those will mean anything but they are the more famous ones, espeically Delirious?


  6. So it's 50/50?

    Foul after foul, mistakes and someone doing the unexpected. Don't blame the referees anymore (I'm not suggesting you did), everybody makes mistakes and shit happens.

    :? Is your perfect game a 0-0? Because mistakes and defensive errors are what lead to goals. BBC and SKY analyse the shit out of games and all they talk about are mistakes, he should have got tighter, he left his man free, he tracked the ball not his man etc etc...

    Forcing a team to make mistakes is what leads to goals.

    BBC and SKY are pessimists! :D

    0-0 could be perfect game but not necessarily perfect result. 0-0 could be really entertaining game with some spectacular goalkeeping.

    I don't know about forcing a team to make mistakes ...? Maybe we have different philosophy? Excellent team score spectacular goals, without the opposite side making any mistakes.

    Well no, every goal could be stopped when you analyse, an interception there, a tackle here. Maybe 5% of goals are spectacular.

  7. So it's 50/50?

    Foul after foul, mistakes and someone doing the unexpected. Don't blame the referees anymore (I'm not suggesting you did), everybody makes mistakes and shit happens.

    :? Is your perfect game a 0-0? Because mistakes and defensive errors are what lead to goals. BBC and SKY analyse the shit out of games and all they talk about are mistakes, he should have got tighter, he left his man free, he tracked the ball not his man etc etc...

    Forcing a team to make mistakes is what leads to goals.

  8. As much as I would like to see MON doing it the Ron Saunders' way I still don't think we have a squad that can challenge the big4 - or should I say the top4. And we certainly don't have - at the moment - the performance to do that.

    'There's no point beating Chelski & Liverpool, if we can't beat rubbish like Wigan, Blackburn & Wolves'

    What if losing to Wigan and Blackburn tells the real story? What if winning against Chelsea and Liverpool were just accidents?

    I'm probably the most negative poster on here. I am the real villain!

    But every game and result tells us where we are and who we are.

    Or vice versa? At least you know you're negative though.

  9. But people can keep deluding themselves that we're actually playing well because we got a few headers against a CL-tired Chelsea.

    Well Chelsea weren't CL tired firstly and secondly defending is a part of playing well.

    I didn't think we defended particularly well today which affected the rest of the team especially midfield. Against Chelsea the ball was passed out of defence, not always but, more than it was today.

  10. Astonishing. We play better today than we did against Chelsea but today was somehow 'poor'?

    Christ, I think I know now who nicked ClaretMahoney's drugs! Played better today than we did against Chelsea? That's as mental a statement as I've ever read on VT.

    So good result=play good, bad result = play bad. Is that it?

    We played poor today with an improved performance in the 2nd half. I'd almost always take a draw away from home but we did not play well. How can you say we did? 4 of our front 6 were off form.

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