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Posts posted by diehardvillan

  1. Tim Abraham:-

    More in @ExpressandStar on Wednesday but #AVFC could well appoint their new man before the weekend...If not sooner.

    I had a feeling it would be done by the end of this week. I can't see it going on much longer. I just hope the right appointment is made. It would be a bad start to the weekend if the trumpster aka McClown is appointed come Saturday.

    He was spotted early this afternoon though in Birmingham



    parks player

    Posts: 51

    Re: Who Should be Aston Villa Manager ?

    « Reply #2250on: Today at 2:47:50 PM »

    Just had a text that says confirmed interviews are Curbishley, Hughes and McClaren, Ancelotti isn't interested as reported, Benitez has been told a polite "no thank you"

    Has that message been deleted as I cannot see it on there now.

    What a great shortlist by the way. Really pleased with the direction we are going in.

    Only joking, get a life saddoes!

    it was never on there it was a joke

    I thought so. Not funny.!!!


    parks player

    Posts: 51

    Re: Who Should be Aston Villa Manager ?

    « Reply #2250on: Today at 2:47:50 PM »

    Just had a text that says confirmed interviews are Curbishley, Hughes and McClaren, Ancelotti isn't interested as reported, Benitez has been told a polite "no thank you"

    Has that message been deleted as I cannot see it on there now.

    What a great shortlist by the way. Really pleased with the direction we are going in.

    Only joking, get a life saddoes!

  4. Can somebody copy and paste MM's post

    Mazrim get a sense of humour !!


    parks player

    Posts: 50

    Re: Who Should be Aston Villa Manager ?

    « Reply #2169 on: Today at 12:37:50 PM »Smokescreens and mirrors . Villa maybe just not very happy about Ancelotti story and GH story being leaked a little prematurely thus throw a banana skin in (- Logged

  5. Not at all fella. Not at all. I was just merely stating that Mat Kendrick tweeted that the two candidates in question have prem league exp...Hense, not Klinnsman. You obviously didn't see the tweet msg before you sent your message, and I thought you had. Just a crossing of wires my friend. No harm done.

    Klinsman has no Premier League Experience? Who was that playing for Spurs at the end of his playing career then? Are there two Jurgen Kinsman's, I think we should be told.

    Or to put it less sarcastically, the point being made was that Matt Kendrick didn't say Premier League Managerial Experience. In fact Klinsmann isn't a bad bet as he was RL's original 1st choice before MON was appointed by Ellis.

    Alright fella....Calm down! We're all on the same side here. :D

    I maybe mis-read it. I would have thought, it would have to be someone with managerial experience in the Premiership...Not playing. Silly me.

    I am quite aware that Klinnsman played for Spurs. I should, my uncle is a season ticket holder and I have been watching Villa at WHL for years.

  6. Oh and if they are being interviewed tomorrow - then thats Mark Hughes effectively ruled out.

    Am i one of the few on here that would be quite gutted if Hughes has been ruled out?

    With all the crazy names being banded about me; no not at all.

    I'd take Hughes now to be quite honest. Yes, the way he left Fulham was a little bit below the belt..But, I blame his agent, not him.

    The sooner he gets rid of him the better. The guy is a liability.

  7. Btw jurgen klingsman's name is floating around

    I popped a fiver on him earlier in the week at 50/1 just out of blind madness. Be a lovely £255 back if it comes off :D

    Didn't realise that Klinnsman had Premier League managerial exp.

    Where did they say premier league managerial experience? The phrase is a manager with premier league experience. NOT premier league managerial experience.

    Anyway, my bet was when I was pissed and thought fook it.

    Oh, ok...So they will choose someone with Prem Exp playing wise. I see.

    You really haven't been reading my posts regards Klinsmann at all have you?

    I stated I put a punt on him when I was pissed and thought '**** it'. How the hell you've turned this into a debate about premiership experience is beyond me?!?

    you are looking fare too DEEP into what I've said mate.

    Not at all fella. Not at all. I was just merely stating that Mat Kendrick tweeted that the two candidates in question have prem league exp...Hense, not Klinnsman. You obviously didn't see the tweet msg before you sent your message, and I thought you had. Just a crossing of wires my friend. No harm done.

  8. Btw jurgen klingsman's name is floating around

    I popped a fiver on him earlier in the week at 50/1 just out of blind madness. Be a lovely £255 back if it comes off :D

    Didn't realise that Klinnsman had Premier League managerial exp.

    Where did they say premier league managerial experience? The phrase is a manager with premier league experience. NOT premier league managerial experience.

    Anyway, my bet was when I was pissed and thought fook it.

    Oh, ok...So they will choose someone with Prem Exp playing wise. I see.

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