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Posts posted by diehardvillan

  1. Moyes to Villa is really gathering steam on twitter. Obviously we all know it is purely speculation. But, I am kind of hoping that now one story will actually stick. I still have a feeling he has always been our prime target, and that is why nothing has been leaked or even mentioned from Villa or Moyes. It will be Moyes...........I can dream!!

  2. Can people stop believing what they see on SSN. They speak utter drivel. They haven't got a clue. At one stage they were stating that Benitez was having talks with Villa, only at the same time to have McClaren as the favourite on the yellow ticker. They really haven't got a clue. Villa have dealt with this superbly. They are not rising to the bait from any media source. They are just going about their business in the right way and are committed to finding the right candidate to take Aston Villa forward. I have faith in Randy and i'm sure he is working around the clock to make sure that the future of Aston Villa is in safe hands with the right appointment. It is quite clear that the media are rattled that they know sweet fa about what is going on; so in turn, they are making it look like they know exactly what is going on. When, infact, they know jack shit!!

  3. Rijkaard or Moyes for me. Its seems the most logical scenario after all the merry-go-round feelings we have endured over the past week or so.

    Moyes has been very quiet. This seems different to last time. I have a gut feeling (no ITK) that Moyes will be our manager by next week.

  4. So guys. Martinez says no!!! Actually, what is with SSN suggesting that every manager we have been after have refused the job!!! RM was never offered the Villa job. He had preliminary talks. That is it!!

    David Moyes into 2nd favourite with Skybet. 3/1. But not really anything to set the pulse racing.

    Any other news

  5. Update on Martinez:

    Wigan Athletic Chairman Dave Whelan yesterday praised Aston Villa for their thoroughly professional approach when requesting to interview manager Roberto Martinez, who is being considered for a position as head ball boy at Villa Park. According to Whelan, everyone at his club had been highly honoured and “dead chuffed for our Roberto” following the visit of a Villa delegation led by Chief Executive Paul Faulkner, described as “a real gent” by Latics tea lady Elsie Wainwright, visibly flushed with the excitement of serving freshly baked pies to the distinguished guests.

    Although thought to be tempted by the Midlands giants’ offer of nearly £500 a week, more than double his current salary as Latics manager, Martinez is said to be “unsure whether he is ready to take the step up.”

    A final decision on the man to lead Villa’s ball retrieval team next season is now expected to be postponed until next week, while Chairman Randy Lerner turns his attention to considering applications from Carlo Ancelotti and other candidates for the club’s vacant managerial position.


  6. I wish they'd just come out and tell us it's Ancelotti, this waiting is like someone sticking a Blues shirt on me without consent - torturous!
    Don't jinx it! I remember Sunday night some dingus on here changed their avatar to Ancelotti and we all know what happened the next day!

    You muppet!!!!

  7. Right I'm totally confused after actually getting some work done tonight..... left the thread in turmoil coming to terms with RM

    now there's speculation it's someone else?

    Can I beg a quick round up? Any ITKs?

    Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    @ @shaunteale @thevillans Big if.Brum mail reporting the complete opposite in tomorrow's paper but we shall see.hope it's true, but predict RM

    37 minutes ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply

    Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    Martinez rumours are that he will reject Villa - some are that he has already said yes - some are that he has not been offered yet .

    Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    @ @MatKendrick @carlroney do you know what I know Mr K ?! Haha what a week !!

    Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    “@shaunteale: Gobsmacked ,if true #utv” opens can of worms !! Btw , you need to ring Macca. been texting tonight re stuff

    Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    @ @spare_avfc Thats the problem, I cant name them. The source has come directly from the club and a few bits needs to be tied up yet

  8. Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    @ @shaunteale @thevillans Big if.Brum mail reporting the complete opposite in tomorrow's paper but we shall see.hope it's true, but predict RM

    I'm confused big time.

    Nice to see my tweets being mentioned :D

    Does this mean i'm ITK??? :lol::lol::lol:

    Who are you then?? Coop_86 or thevillans

    haha thevillans...i don't have anything interesting to mention....

    so don't start hounding me :winkold: :lol:

    haha. That's cool. I think we are just all eager to know whats going on. Crazy times but exciting. I hope we are not left disappointed. I am kind of accepting it is RM so I do not get disappointed. That way. if a huge surprise appears out of nowhere; I shall be very happy indeed.

  9. Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    @ @shaunteale @thevillans Big if.Brum mail reporting the complete opposite in tomorrow's paper but we shall see.hope it's true, but predict RM

    I'm confused big time.

    Nice to see my tweets being mentioned :D

    Does this mean i'm ITK??? :lol::lol::lol:

    Who are you then?? Coop_86 or thevillans

  10. MatKendrick Mat Kendrick

    Sorry super sleuths, 'Bad' was not a reference to statues/Fulham/Hughes! I'm not a cryptic crossword!

    What the **** is he going on about? Just **** come out and say it you spineless numpty. We don't buy your stupid paper anyway and all you are doing is losing friends!! Oooh, aren't I Mr Important because I have a tiny bit of info. Patronising cock, all you've done is mislead us.

    Not you kkr :D

    A little bit uncalled for tbh.

  11. Now the guy has been asked who he think will be the next Villa manager and he said 'Martinez'. All seems bollocks

    Surely that's sending us off down the wrong path as they are not allowed to say anything about anything else...yet...if...when...who knows?

    I won't sleep tonight!

    Yep, who knows. Makes for interesting news tomorrow.

    Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    Martinez rumours are that he will reject Villa - some are that he has already said yes - some are that he has not been offered yet .

    1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply

  12. Coop_86 Chris Cooper

    @ @spare_avfc Thats the problem, I cant name them. The source has come directly from the club and a few bits needs to be tied up yet

    Oooh, I know something. I can't say what I know but I know something. What a waste of time and energy. If they knew anything, they'd want to break it first. Total bollocks.

    Not you diehard :lol:

    Who knows mate. But, it does set the pulses racing!! lol.

    We shall see.

  13. Pause for thought anyone?


    Oh yes please!!! She can manage me any day of the week!!

    What is so special about her? She would be only an average girl here in Slovakia. British, you are feeling like in heaven when you are here...I know it, I am always laughing on you when I see your blockheaded views on our girls roaming through the city center.

    Take a trip to Slovakia :) it is worth of it.

    she not that nice now - but she will go on to be one of the top 6 models in europe

    I think I'll have her as my desktop background...That should please the missus. My argument will be - well it's only because she has a villa shirt on!! Not a patch on you darling. lol

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