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Posts posted by diehardvillan

  1. Based on recent developments on Oddschecker, my thinking is that Martinez will be our next manager.

    Betting with Victor Chandler and William Hill is at 4/7, Paddy Power is at 1/2, and Red32 quickly shifted to 1/9 and then suspended their betting.

    Obviously it's all based on the amount of bids, but it's all becoming a bit odds on.

    Just like Hughes was @ 1/20 or Rafa @ 1/2 or McClaren @ 6/5....I wouldn't take any notice.

    Hughes was really at 1/20 at some point? Bookies must be loving this at the moment.

    He most certainly was. So personally the odds a meaningless.

  2. Based on recent developments on Oddschecker, my thinking is that Martinez will be our next manager.

    Betting with Victor Chandler and William Hill is at 4/7, Paddy Power is at 1/2, and Red32 quickly shifted to 1/9 and then suspended their betting.

    Obviously it's all based on the amount of bids, but it's all becoming a bit odds on.

    Just like Hughes was @ 1/20 or Rafa @ 1/2 or McClaren @ 6/5....I wouldn't take any notice.

  3. just got back from work, i will have a lot of reading to do to see where we are now, hopefully people have moved on from pretending martinez would be a good appointment by thinking that despite his career so far in management, that he would pull it around from a 16th placing for 2 years dragging wigan down from 11th and the 3rd worst stats in the league.

    lets hope we get someone at LEAST moyes standard.

    now to read 70 odd pages of posts

    I wouldn't bother mate. There is nothing new to report. Not really.

  4. Isn't is possible that actually Lerner may have gone to see Houllier in his holiday home in Corsica. He was initially going to go there is April to recuperate. I honestly think we are getting a little carried away with a flight that may just be a simple visit to check out how Houllier is doing. Although he is no longer a part of Aston Villa; I'm sure Randy still holds him in high regards and maybe, just maybe, he just wanted to check in with him to see how he is doing.

    Houllier said he was staying in England.

    Well back in Arpil he was going to go back to his holiday home. I don't know. Anyone's guess.


  5. Isn't is possible that actually Lerner may have gone to see Houllier in his holiday home in Corsica. He was initially going to go there is April to recuperate. I honestly think we are getting a little carried away with a flight that may just be a simple visit to check out how Houllier is doing. Although he is no longer a part of Aston Villa; I'm sure Randy still holds him in high regards and maybe, just maybe, he just wanted to check in with him to see how he is doing.

  6. Some of the conspiracy theories on these message boards are so comical.

    I'm sure Randy is working around the clock to appoint a new manager. We just have to be patient.

    I don't look at the message board for 4 hours, and suddenly over 70 pages have been added. Crazy.

  7. So what is the news everyone?

    Any further updates from page 130 last night? Is Martinez still the only target, or are we looking at any other candidates? I presume we are, but has anything been said?


    To summarise - we still don't want McClaren because he done shit with England but has done a good job at club level and won stuff.

    Some fans don't want Martinez because he has won nothing.

    So basically we are after John Barnes/Bill Shankly type of manager :P

    Right. So It would be a waste of time even looking back a few pages. Thanks. Saved me from reading all the negative posts

  8. It does seem that Whelan is very confident he will stay. Also add that to the fact that it is understood he feels he owes a debt of loyalty to Whelan, who stuck by him when there was pressure to sack him and is not likely to ask to leave. But, it does tie in with what MM said regarding someone returning from there holiday. Whelan says he will be very surprised if he is Villa manager. The guy will conduct himself very well in his interview, and if he is sold by the club; and I can't imagine why he wouldn't be; I'd expect him to take the job. But who knows. No doubt Moyes will resign tomorrow just to add another name as favourite.

  9. Martinez is a young upcoming manager with a lot of great credentials. He has a philosophy of playing football the right way, has a great knowledge of the game for such a young manager, and seems to be a manager who would be very loyal to a club. However, this is a guy who is currently in the early stages of management, he is still learning. When they specified that we needed a manager with Prem League experience, I didn't think it would be a manager who barely kept Wigan up by the skin of their teeth on the final day. Don't get me wrong, if we appoint him, I will back him. I just feel that he is still a novice and has a great deal to learn in management. Is Villa too big a step for him right now? Well, only time will tell. But, I personally feel he is NOT the manager we should be looking at right now. We are looking for someone to follow on from Houllier's philosophy of playing football the right way; and Martinez does fit into the category. But, are we willing to take a huge punt on someone without essential steel and experience needed to provide us with stability and progression; and gamble with the prospect of another season of failure. I think it would show a slight lack of ambition and the move could backfire big-time. It would also indicate that contrary to what us Villa fans think, he will be told that he has to sell to buy. I would be extremely worried that not only will Young be leaving, Downing will follow and we would only have Bent for one more season. Worrying times for me.

  10. You have to hand it to Randy. He really is keeping the media on their toes. Honestly, every single journo is clutching at straws. They haven't got the slightest clue who we are in for. The journo's have just got a pick n mix of managers and are hoping sooner or later one Rowntree's Random will have people believing!!!

  11. You have to hand it to Randy. He really is keeping the media on their toes. Honestly, every single journo is clutching at straws. They haven't got the slightest clue who we are in for. The journo's have just got a pick n mix of managers and are hoping sooner or later one Rowntree's Random will have people believing!!!

  12. You have to hand it to Randy. He really is keeping the media on their toes. Honestly, every single journo is clutching at straws. They haven't got the slightest clue who we are in for. The journo's have just got a pick n mix of managers and are hoping sooner or later one Rowntree's Random will have people believing!!!

  13. I don't want to build peoples hopes up I really don't and I don't want to mislead people my earlier post is what I know Hughes not considered McClaren considered but that was it Ancelotti definately considered and wanted to speak to him . I don't know anymore than that but something just tells me there is a ' Bent meltdown ' coming . Don't know why but just a snippet of info which I am not going to post leads me to think that not everything we are hearing and sseing is maybe what we are doing because if it is right it will take it's natural course and I don't want to mess it up either .

    Another MM post.

    I trust MM completely. I really believe that something extraordinary is going to happen over the next three or four days. Not ITK, just MM seems convinced and that is enough for me.

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