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Posts posted by MessiWillSignForVilla

  1. 8 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    As well as the proportions of those groups that vote - what are the volumes. I mean are we talking about 40% of 1 million 18-24 year olds and 80% of 3 million 60+ year olds?* it'd be interesting to know which age group had most influence both in terms of how likely they were to vote and how many of them there are.




    According to the CIA World Factbook, in 2015 in the UK, they were;

    15-24:- 12.41% (7,951,742)

    65+: 17.73% (11,365,586)

    So considering you'd have to shave off 15-17 year olds too, 65+ is significantly bigger.

    Edit: Added numerical totals, dunno what the statistics for registered voters are though.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    he's a man who thinks that voting to leave the EU will stop muslims from africa and iraq coming to live in the UK, so the statement that he's very wrong isn't really up to debate in my head, he's a man living in barnsley who sees a couple of asians around him and is convinced they're taking over, i can honestly say ive never been to barnsley so i dont know what the demographic up there is

    Just looked it up, and of course Barnsley is 95.2% English, and only 0.4% of the population is Muslim, with less than 1% having Religions which your typical racist would confuse as Muslim (i.e Sikh, Hindu, etc.), of course the prick* thinks Muslims are flooding into the country ruining the place, he's probably never even met a **** Muslim!


    *Note: This prick in particular, not all Leave voters before anyone says.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, krisagg75 said:

    i wonder how much of the leave vote was an anti government vote.

    "I hate how the government are running things, let's give them more power, that'll show 'em!"

    If people really have voted along this line of reasoning, there's even more idiots in this country than I thought.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, YGabbana said:

    What are we baseing the Lpool links on?

    L'Equip were reporting it, although a Journo for the Liverpool Echo, who I presume is slightly closer to the club, has said they're not interested.

  5. 1 minute ago, Woodytom said:

    As much as it must not be true.

    Coz let's face, what respectable source is telling us otherwise? Aston villa? 

    What respectable source is telling us it isn't happening with firm proof? Because the Daily Mail certainly isn't "respectable".

  6. 2 minutes ago, KJT123 said:

    Anyone reckon we'd have any chance in getting Redmond? 

    No. As an ex-nose and given his reputation, I think he'd rather stay at Norwich or wait for a Premier League team to come in for him, which I'm sure at least one will try and get a bargain, especially considering the rumours that Norwich might be financially screwed.

    Would love him though, the sort player we could do with, although I'd prefer to see Grealish and Traore on the wings personally.

  7. Never really liked Top Gear, and didn't watch it last night (well, I caught 5 minutes of it and turned off as I was thoroughly bored), but I see Chris Evans seemed to have a bit of a Benitez-esque meltdown on twitter. FACT.


    The one thing I did notice from watching that first 5 minutes or so, Evans was trying his hardest to be Clarkson. If you want Top Gear to become it's own, new thing, don't try imitate what it was.

  8. No way Leicester will allow Schmeichel to leave, he's way too important to them. I think a lot of the rumours about him being on his way because they've signed Zieler are overlooking the fact that Zieler counts as Home Grown for the Champions League, add that to how good he is and the fact he cost £2.6m, why wouldn't Leicester want him, even as a rotation/back up? It's a great signing, and the sort of shrewd signing that they'll need to keep making to keep a CL spot.

    As for de Gea to Real, I'm pretty sure that Zidane supposedly wants to keep Navas as his #1 and doesn't want de Gea, doubt he'll be leaving Utd.

  9. 7 minutes ago, kurtsimonw said:

    Vardy wasn't looking for contact, he was in on goal. The other bloke literally throw himself in to Stones. Not sure how they were the same.

    It's not that they were the same, it's that neither were penalties, yet the commentators were as usual coming up with the soft excuses that Vardy's was a penalty, yet for the Turkish player's one Hoddle was instantly dismissing it as a dive.

  10. 2 minutes ago, dounavilla said:

    Well personally I couldn't offer him a pot to piss in. But I'd say 4-6mil might persuade them ? This figure is a pure guess on my part.

    That would be between £80kpw-£120kpw I believe, not sure I'd want to be paying someone that in the Championship, no matter how rich we were.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    DM, NP or RDM, I just hope TX makes the right appointment. EB, RG, TS, PL and GH didn't really work out under RL and PF/TF.

    Glad to see some have manged to forget that season with AMcL!

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