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Everything posted by limpid

  1. If I'm on a lowbie and you need the mage, I'll always log the mage - that was what I did last week.
  2. No, I've got bored. It's happened before.
  3. I'm so bored I'm going to take a break for a while. I've raided once since TBC. Almost every single time I want to do an instance, we end up sitting around for an hour while we fail to find a tank. I've levelled a rogue, a warrior and a priest into their 20s. My hunter is stuck at 64 because the levelling is the same as my mage (and too recent). Whenever I log into a guilded toon, nothing is going on in gchat. Perhaps it's me or lousy timing or whatever, but I'm going to take a break and see how I feel in a few weeks.
  4. Are you on Tarren Mill yet? I can send you these.
  5. You must roll on"Tarren Mill". You must roll Horde. Anything else doesn't matter.
  6. It's so he can conserve his infinite mana pool.
  7. limpid

    Smoking ban.

    Are you saying people will die even if they give up smoking?
  8. I'll be levelling my hunter.
  9. I've never played a shaman, but I guess you buy them from a vendor - probably a reagent vendor.
  10. I wish the armory worked on all browsers. Pile of crap.
  11. Any chance of an update on the eve of your run?
  12. You need 5k to get the skill. I think you can buy the mount at any time.
  13. I had a good night with my mage last night, although having to roll need on a green was embarrassing. Got a nice new trinket though.
  14. limpid

    Villa in Europe?

    Perm any 2 from 10 = 1 in 5. There is no relationship between the first and second draws. It makes no difference that one ball was drawn before the other.
  15. About the burgers?
  16. I think most mages spend some points in frost. It is the survivability tree and we are the definition of glass cannons. All fire is nice for levelling though.
  17. I'm in. Hopefully the wifi will be working by then :-(
  18. No one joined for my black rock run :-(
  19. Cool, no-one said no. See you all in Kargath at 7pm.
  20. Looks like I'll have broadband in the week from Tuesday. It may even be working tonight. I expect a full attendance (or at least some players) for BRM/BRD on Monday night - the bank holiday - at 7pm. If we have several 55-60 chars we can run them a few times. I don't think it's worth grinding for gear, but there are loads of qs and it'll be a laugh
  21. Any game in which they fielded an ineligible player should have the score changed to a 3-0 defeat. That is the FIFA rule and I see no reason why it shouldn't be applied in this case.
  22. Concorde is parked outside my office. Literally.
  23. I got on last night with my 3g card. Ping times of 2.5+ seconds. Not good.
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