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Europe by car...


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Most of the major routes in SA coaches run every 30 mins / hour so you are not really tied down to much in that regard ..if you miss one you just catch the next one ..

Polish up on your Spanish though ... Our coach from Lima to Nasca they told us stay on until the end and that will be Nasca ... at midnight we pulled into this car park with a Shed and 2 people got off and everyone else stayed on board so obviously so did we .. at 2am we began to get a tad concerned and eventually I found a passenger who was able to tell me Nasca was in fact the place with the shed ...and that our coach was going on to some destination about 6 hours further up ... though the medium of English and arm waving we were able to communicate with the driver and get him to radio a coach coming the other direction and we then swapped coaches at 2:30 on a desert highway and got into Nasca in time for our flights over the lines .. in fact as luck would have it there was even a bar open at 4:30 when we rolled into town :-)

all part of the adventure as they say :-)

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Cheers Tone! My spanish is fine, not pitch perfect but easily good enough to hold a conversation. And my mate who wants to come was taught by me then stayed in colombia as the only foreigner in the village for a year.

Definitely expect an adventure!

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