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Posts posted by mykeyb

  1. First half was dire, first 10 minutes of 2nd half great. The rest average.

    Why does Cuellar insist on launching throw-ins down the line when 4 or 5 times in the match he had Milner 10 yards away totally unmarked.

    Why did at times we have Dunne, Cuellar and Collins all going up for the ball which meant that Reading players were totally unmarked for the knock down.

    I think our name is on the cup but we will have to be alot better in the semi.

    MON will have to learn to rotate a bit or we are going to miss out big time

  2. After just watching The Lovely Bones I would recommend anyone who has read the book to not bother seeing it.

    Never read the book, and to be honest being a parent I found the whole subject unappealing but the mrs wanted to watch it.

    6 out of 10.

  3. Just finished watching "Gamer", **** great stuff!

    Michael C Hall (Dexter) was a great villain!

    I watched this last night and thought it was **** shite. A modern day take on the Running Man.

    Im not highbrow, I quite liked "Law Abiding Citizen" but never really got into it.

    Thats the great thing about this thread. You can try some films that you wouldnt normally and enjoy something you wouldnt otherwise bother watching.

    Likewise you can waste 90 mins of your life watching shite.

  4. Had both and the Scenic was a much nicer car to drive and bloody nippy for diesel. Started playing up and my brother who knows his motors said it was probably the oil pump and a £1200 bill.

    Wife has a Picasso, just doesnt feel as solid as the Renault though but has done some miles at minimal costs.

    You takes your pick

  5. As others have said 4-5-1 with Heskey just didnt work.

    I would have had Ash Young on the bench and played Carew and Delf up front.

    We got balls into the box but nobody gets on the end of them.

    As a manager Carew would do your fruit in giving away needless frekicks which just took the pressure off their back-four.

    Pretty confident that we will do them at Villa Park and we should have enough to get through to the semis.

  6. Has the whole 4-4-2 with petrov doesn't work been put to bed yet?

    So one win in the last five games.......

    Depends on if you view Heskey as playing a proper one of 2 strikers or is he taking up a deeper 4-4-1-1 position?

    Not sure anyone can claim a moral (or immoral) victory on this as we will never know how the team would have done playing 4-5-1 will we.

  7. Phew normal service has been resumed - the Villa tinted glasses of BJ are firmly in place.

    But he didn't score those 3 (?) chance BJ, nor did we look to have alternatives. It was a very one dimensional Villa today and after the efforts of Thursday, the argument for use of the squad system are very much there to be asked? MON's tactics and team played to type today and there was no freshness about it. Despite what you say there are a lot of very valid comments in this thread, on the whole sensible frustrations that come from watching a case of 2 points dropped rather than 1 point gained.

    Teams that typically qualify for the champs league have that strength in depth across al areas. For us it seems that the one are specifically where we lack that is up front. Maybe this transfer window should get interesting after all?

    Totally agree Drat.

    Cannot believe he started with the 10 outfield player who started on Thursday. Just what is the point of having a bigger squad if you only use it when injuries intervene. ?

    Our strikers have got some stick in this thread some of which is a bit harsh. The team seem to play better when Heskey plays as he liks the midfield and attack better than Carew does however a lot of his work is done near the centre circle and so is not in the box when the crosses come in. Similarly Gabby works the channels and works hard but again he is not in the box often enough when the ball comes in.

    Someone like NRC or maybe even Delph would have worked better today. The wingers can then work the wings and get further forward as they can to a certain extent forgo their defensive duties.

    Lack of any other substitutions today is a puts a big question mark over MONs tactical abilities again

  8. One thing Blackburn were particularly shit at was moving the ball out of defence - time and again they gave the ball away.

    Which was nice. :D

    And the constant going backwards from decent position only for Guzan to kick it out for a Bburn throw! Wrecks my head so much!


    Also yet again from 55 - 70 minutes our midfield dissappeared without MON taking action (both Heskey and Petrov were spent forces by then)

    Would have taken this result at 7.55pm but should have been so much better.

    A 20 goal striker would change our season so much.

  9. Just before the 60 minute mark they were at the edge of our box and Petrov was too tired to run 10 yards to chase their player, they were putting more and more pressure on us and we needed a substitution, MON brought on Carew for Heskey and I turned the TV off. They deserved the 3 points on the hour of the match I saw.

    Cannot complain too much as we have had a good run but sometimes MON needs to make substitutions based on the game rather than his play by numbers routine.

    Bring on Liverpool.

  10. Rumours of version 4 software doing the rounds already, some mention of a forward facing camera (but then Im sure the same rumour appeared before the 3GS was released)

    What would be the killer upgrade that would make you want to get the next version? Better screen, better camera, new user interface. People are expecting the next Iphone to be a major upgrade after the rather limp 3G to 3GS one this year.

  11. Well a personal highlight for me would be to see the faces of Jacqui Smith & Hazel Blears when hopefully the GBP kick them out on their arses for milking the system. (You can add any other, labour, tory, lib dem MP of your choice here)

    After watching Panorama last night when for some reason Blears didnt want any airtime on BBC One, I hope the BBC do the decent thing at the next election and turn the tables and avoid her.

  12. So cuellar played, petrov played, heskey played and we played a 4-4-2 formation, i thought the world was meant to end if all these happened at the same time?

    So some would have us believe.

    Good result against are rather awful Pompey team with how many changes...................one swallow.

    Always good to reach a semi but would be nicer to go all the way

  13. Thanks guys for the replies,didnt expect such a quick response.

    3 kids and 8 adults at the moment. We have a dual oven and a steamer so lucking to steam most of the veg if possible to leave the oven free for the meat, roasties and possibly some roats veg as an alternative.

  14. Long may it continue as it will mean we are still moving in the right direction.

    If the "right direction" is monotonous, predictable football with players incapable of passing to each other, then yes we are. If it's qualifying for the Champions League, then no we're not. Spurs were so much better than us today in the second half, and we were supposed to be at home. Dreadful football from us, yet again.


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