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Posts posted by mykeyb

  1. Can any of you "seasoned pros" answer me a couple of questions.

    Is it right that control of the characters is by mouse & keyboard only, if so why in gods name was there not the option of using a Gamepad.

    Is playing it online so much better than on your own, because if tried hard but to be honest Im struggling to see the point.

  2. Just curious as to why so many people are backing Lerners bid when we dont know anything about Stills consortium. If the rumours (and there are many of em) that the Saudis are involved then financially we would be minted.

    I know thats Lerner suppossedly said £60 million for this transfer window and £60 million for Januarys, but then what?

    Thanks for getting my day started with a really good chuckle. The idea of a Villa fan worrying about what will happen after £100 million invested in 6 months is priceless. Thanks mykeyb.

    Even as I was tyoing it I felt it was a bit to surreal!!!

  3. Just curious as to why so many people are backing Lerners bid when we dont know anything about Stills consortium. If the rumours (and there are many of em) that the Saudis are involved then financially we would be minted.

    I know thats Lerner suppossedly said £60 million for this transfer window and £60 million for Januarys, but then what?

  4. Last years Deloitte Football Money report placed Villa at Number 20 and also commented on what Villa needed to do to improve on their position.

    Im pretty sure that was just on turnover, not profits or wealth and had a lot to do with a good league cup run, good league placing and healthy amounts of fans paying to watch the team play.

    Im pretty sure we wont be anywhere near the top 20 next time the survey is published.

    Well done Doug

  5. That was / is the biggest reason I doubted the Comers Takeover, as the share price leapt when their proposed offer was leaked.

    We never heard about the Mirror Groups offer until Doug put it in his book.

    I wouldnt be suprised if and its a big if, we get taken over we wont hear about it until its done and dusted.

  6. How is this different to his pot of gold quote from last year.

    When it suits him he says he knows nothing about the takeover, he isnt told.

    He knows Ellis wants to sell and some people have expressed their interest (despite not having the cash)

    Hopefully something might happen in the summer, but we need someone to meet Ellis's valuation first.

  7. Just imagine this situation at Everton, West Ham, Spurs, Newcastle etc. it would be aall over the nationals and national phone in's. Ellis made us irrelavant to them.

    And we the fans have gone along with it.

    No protest marches

    No boycotts of games coz I support Aston Villa not Doug Ellis, when they are doing the exactl opposite. As long as fans came through the turnstyles Ellis had his mandate to stay in power.

  8. You would have thought that this would be a pretty big story in the local press if not the nationals.

    And we have read nothing.

    Is our local press so awfull it cant do ome digging and print the truth about what is going on at VP or are they being paid not to look to close.

    I agree the board in its capacity is there to act in the best intrests of Aston Villa PLC not Doug Ellis.

    If I was looking to buy the club I wouldnt want to do anything before the end of the season as the value of the club must be shrinking on a daily basis, so we will probably have to wait untilthe summer for Doug to leave the club in one way or another.

  9. Maybe the Comers (if the deal is still on the table that is) wants to be sure that Aston Villa FC will not get relegated before the takeover? Maybe (if) we'll reach the "magic" (see how low I´ve sunk...) 40 points we will see some action from the Comers?

    Whilst not being a fan of this current takeover bid we certainly need something to happen at our club before it goes into terminal decline.

    Why pay £64 million for the club now when in 3 months time it might be worth much less (hopefully not tho)

    The only risk they run is that someone might sneek in and pinch it

  10. how long do people reckon it will take for it all to fail after the transfer window shuts then?!?

    1 week?

    2 weeks?

    im going for 2 weeks...

    and a statement similar to the one below...

    "aston villa plc continue to look for a buyer who can take the club forward the way the board think is best for the long term stability of the club...

    avil, did not show that they had the full financial backing to complete the transaction and werent considered the right people to progress the club....



    There is also the option that The Comer Bros have been dragging their heals over this until the window shuts.

    Now they have a good 4-5 months to assest strip the club with no-one making waves about actually spending their money on players

  11. And more to the point, how does anyone make a profit out of football anymore ?

    Well you could borrow the money from a bank to buy a club with a fairly large holding of land.

    Sell the land at below market value to your own company, redevelop the said land and make millions.

    You then pass the debt with the bank you used to buy the club to the PLC a la The yank who bought Manusa.

    And then you look to sell the club to anyone who will take it on.

    Only thing is the club is well and truely screwed in this, but then the current chairman would have the millions he is demanding when no-one else seems to be interested.

    Good job Doug will only sell to someone who has AVFC at heart.......

  12. I just get the feeling that AVIL had more than a little to do with Rothchilds being appointed........

    Michael Neville as part of his remit as a director in several board rooms is an advisor on mergers and aquisitions (amongst other things). I believe his experience in this field would indicate any stalling in the takeover would not be down to AVIL. Maybe he prefers working with professionals and was responsible for suggesting bringing a quality agent like Rothschilds in?

    How could Neville appoint Rothchilds to sell something he doesnt own!

  13. Petchey is about to pick up £30m from other deals and so is hardly short of cash.

    And you never know, he might be waiting for cuddly to croak so he can assume power.

    Never suggested he was short of cash, just pointing out that if there is an offer on the table which is below Dougs valuation but at this point in time is a fair reflection on the worth of the club, it might be the highest offer the shareholders receive.

    If Doug pass away it has been mooted that any offer made for them would be "on the cheap"

    You dont get as rich as Petchey by being sentimental in business

  14. You have to wonder what Jack Petchey will do.

    If the Comer brothers pull out it is unlikely that something will happen in the near future.

    Our half yearly reports are due very shortly and people arent expecting them to show much that is positive.

    As time passes the value of his shares will diminish, the offer of £5.60 or whatever is unlikely to beaten, and I suspect any offers in the future to be sub £5.00.

    If I was him Id want the cash out as quick as possible.

    If he did sell the pressure would be back on Ellies big style.

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