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Everything posted by Cracker1234

  1. http://twitpic.com/5b5hpv It's started.
  2. Guardian poll Should Villa employ the manager who took their rivals down? vote yes or no.
  3. @Back2Fight: Radio City now reporting that David Moyes has resigned as Everton manage
  4. :drowsy: Apparently he got that from the Everton PR guys....They're not going to say he's resigning the next day are they, they may not even know.
  5. Rijkaard's agent denies Villa interest #avfc http://wp.me/ptkZo-350
  6. Please don't remove these mods, I and I'm guessing others would also like General Krulak to see what some of the journalists who the club let into our press conferences are saying about Aston Villa right now I think the silence has finally pushed some of them over the edge General, keep up the good work.
  7. philmcnulty Phil McNulty Fairly definitive this one. Just been told by a man who should know that David Moyes is not leaving Everton for Villa. Or anyone else
  8. Yeah ok I got owned, but it still don't say how many are higher on the shortlist than him....Could be low medium high and top targets.. 20 managers on the list, he could be 12th with 8 in front of him. We just don't know.
  9. The term "high on the shortlist" is media driven. You/we have absolutely no proof whatsoever that this is actually the case, other than Villa asked to talk to him as part of the process. There is no proof that he would have been offered the position. I do have proof because it's on the official site from the statement. You have proof that he was high on the shortlist? I really want to see that, the statement on the OS don't say nothing about Martinez being high on the shortlist.
  10. Think of it like this, we sent out letters to 7 clubs on the same day asking if we can speak to their managers, but to keep the contact out of the media whilst we're in talks with their managers. Dave Whelan agreed to us speaking to Martinez just like the other 7 clubs agreed to allow us to speak to their managers, Martinez because he feel he owes Dave Whelan something said no straight away when he heard we wanted to speak to him.....Dave Whelan felt he had no reason to keep it from the media that we've contacted him as we're not in talks with Martinez now as he has said no, but he can use Martinez saying no to his advantage to get more season ticket sales and make out how great an owner he is by getting Martinez to stay and making Martinez a saint for staying. Martinez may have been 7th on the list, but he was the first one to say no he is staying where he is, so the media spins that and says Martinez was top of the list, when they haven't a clue who is on that list for starters. All of that couldn't have happened as much as it could have happened, but let jump in and think of the worst first of all huh.
  11. That's what the media have said, what has General Krulak said more than once, they will not be doing things via the media, so the reality of it is, the media know nothing from the club....McClaren's people said only that there has been no contact with Aston Villa at all, he hasn't spoken to Paul or Randy. So it's just media bollocks as to why McClaren never got an interview.
  12. Reason ancelotti could not come - Here
  13. Don't shoot me, but I think I've just found tomorrows favourite for the bookies.
  14. Yes, a BIG BIG day of waiting for 0
  15. I understand not? Picture of Ethan Moore maybe?
  16. Maybe Randy flew to the US and Moyes flew to meet him from Barbados, would be easier to do that than to fly to the UK for a meeting.
  17. You shocked that a woman had a job at Aston Villa or the fact that she can type as good as a man?
  18. Yes she has, some tend not to believe she has been right though....6 days before Houllier arrived she posted it, before Gmac came she posted it. She has been off on some things too, but transfers go like that even with MM.
  19. I said yesterday afternoon after listening to Dave Whelan interview that Martinez wasn't coming to Aston Villa, you could just tell from the interview he was staying at Wigan. He didn't turn us down, he didn't want to upset the Wigan fans by having an interview with us...As that's all it was an interview.
  20. We offered him the chance and he decided he didn't want to Like it or not football clubs are brands in today's modern football and you need to protect your brand. Have you ever stopped to think maybe he just didn't want to leave Wigan, it maybe doesn't matter who came in for him he felt he owed it to Dave Whelan and the Wigan fans to stay on a while longer? Did that cross your mind? or was your first thought: Another thing I can have a MOAN about on VillaTalk.
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