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Everything posted by Cracker1234

  1. That's all it boils down too, they're being stroppy because they can't open their presents.
  2. Who ?? I've had another 2 bets since YIM ..Woot us.
  3. You think that because you don't have a clue who the next manager will be, you only know about some managers that were offered an interview yet that's all they were offered INTERVIEWS...Just like the media you know nothing.
  4. I don't give a toss what anyone else thinks, I'm real proud how my football club has and is continuing to handle looking for a new manager.....Although we fans don't have a clue what is happening, the media don't either, they're guessing just as much as us and I think that's great.
  5. Yeah I was so wrong last season. What was you right about? Houllier didn't leave because of results, it was because of his health.
  6. I have just seen a little old lady struggling with her bags. I said can you manage? She said I dont want the Villa job!!
  7. I think everyone has missed Coop post this. .H I'm off to work, I'll leave you's to work it out.
  8. If anyone can get him to talk it would be you?
  9. That was just tweeted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Pellegrini
  10. lol, well done! How long have you been looking for a Corsican??! I chuckled at both posts.
  11. You can tell he is a ginger from that picture.
  12. That was TheTrees and Gazton...They're the naughty boys Julie, you should spank them.
  13. Had £10 on QSF £314.47 £276.00 £49.58 = £640.95 Please, I beg you please!
  14. Found out where it's been...This isn't a lie Macbhx is the person who started all of this, he tweeted that Randy's jet had left Birmingham airport
  15. His jet left at 7:55am to where we don't have a clue, someone said Madrid maybe as a joke.
  16. TheTrees is our very own plane spotter.
  17. TheTrees any truth to this? Where is his Jet heading?
  18. I like Martinez, I'm not sure if he's the guy to take us up the league, but I'm willing to give him a chance. I think he could build something here given the chance.
  19. What makes you say that? He's only had to choose 1 manager so far, Jol said we had contacted him whilst he was at Ajax..he was employed.
  20. Been trying to tell people this Tim, they just will not listen, SSN say it so it's true..Bollocks.
  21. Apparently we've already met with Moyes/reps twice already. Who told you that Salifou ????????? Look at who else is on holiday with Rooney and Moyes.....
  22. I was thinking about him the other day, would Villa take a look at him...I'm not sure.
  23. Apparently we've already met with Moyes/reps twice already.
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