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Posts posted by WhatAboutTheFinish

  1. 1 hour ago, BOF said:

    If* Cardiff allowed Sala to arrange his own transport (and the general thinking is that they may have), then it wouldn't surprise me if the insurance company decided they hadn't taken reasonable care of their asset, and decided not to pay out.


    * that's a big 'if' by the way.

    Assuming Cardiff did have some form of insurance I'm not sure that the insurance company could reasonably expect to hold Cardiff responsible for a player 24 hours a day and refuse to pay out. They will try to reduce their liability though. I'm sure there will be a lot of finger pointing between Cardiff's Insurance Co, Sala's personal insurance Co and the Pilot's Insurance Co. Will take time and could get messy, no wonder Cardiff are stalling. No doubt the insurance company will want to see the outcome of any inquires that may be held before paying out too.

    • Like 1
  2. Of course the UK government had a way to avoid the current backstop fiasco back in 2016, that was to hold parallel talks on withdrawal and future trade.  The EU drew a completely arbitrary red line that has subsequently proved to be a mistake. Without it, the whole Irish border equation could have been resolved, one way or another, by now.

    Mr Tusk’s rhetoric of ‘We don’t accept this plan, we don’t accept this plan, we don’t accept this plan, why don’t you have a plan’ or ‘We won’t talk about future trade, we won’t talk about future trade, we won’t talk about future trade, why won’t you be clearer about what you want in the future?’ is wearing a bit thin. 

    • Haha 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Chindie said:

    That's not the point. It's not the cost, the difficulty, whatever, of applying for visas etc.

    The point is right now, you can just get up and go. That's being taken away. Regardless of whether what replaces it is easy, or cheap. You've lost a freedom that today, you have.



  4. I actually think Birkir probably has a good footballing brain but clearly doesn’t have any technical ability to back it up with. Which is the exact opposite of Hourihane who has good technical ability but doesn’t have a brain! 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    I knew you were going to get the answer to this post that you got. Sadly, what you are witnessing is the beginning of the 'Remainers stabbed us in the back' dolchstosslegende

    EDIT: I suppose this post may be considered somewhat incendiary, so I should make clear that I'm not personally accusing @WhatAboutTheFinish of being a far-rightist; however, that is who will be using and promulgating this talking point in the weeks ahead. 

    WTAF reconciled himself to the fact that Brexit wasn't going to happen a long time ago so there'll be no accusations of back stabbing from me (except when talking about Gove of course!). The timeline has very much been Remainers were in charge, Remainers are in charge, Remainers will be in charge. I don't think that's overtly controversial (or far-rightest! 😉 )

  6. 5 hours ago, jackbauer24 said:

    Why is this so hard to understand/face up to? Why are so few politicians pushing for it? A leave vote was for a multitude of reasons and, rightly or wrongly, some of them are simply incompatible with others so no one knows what the second choice is.

    The reason so few people are pushing for it is because in order for the Leave side to be able to come with their own plan they would need to be in a position to negotiate a deal on their terms with the EU, ie. in power. Otherwise, as is now, whatever is proposed is just met with a 'this is just not possible, the EU will never agree to that'. I would suggest the status quo suits the remain camp far more than the leave one.


    20 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

    The way to resolve this is with a transferable vote referendum.

    Whilst in agreement with the principle, a referendum with 5 options on the paper just isn't going to happen. It may seem simple to you but you have to remember we are talking about the British electorate here! Given the hoo-ha with regards to spending limits (and its perceived influence on outcome) in the last referendum, I doubt creating a system where Leave campaigns can legitimately outspend Remain by 4 to 1 would be the smartest move either.


  7. 30 minutes ago, desensitized43 said:

    Just don't get how it can be anti-democratic to hold another democratic vote. We hold elections every 4 years (sometimes sooner) ffs. People change their minds, new facts come to light, politicians lie.

    You might be on to something here. If Labour win the next general election maybe the tories can stay in power whilst launching a series of legal objections to the change of power. Then they can agree to handing over power after two years, so long as that is followed by a 2 year transition period whereby all the key decisions are made at Tory Party HQ. During this time of course, plenty of analysts and big businesses can come out with a series of stats and statements to inform people how Corbyn's economic policies would be bad for the economy as a whole. We would also learn that some of the promises made by Labour in their manifesto were undeliverable and that the electorate was misinformed. After all that is done, we can have a new General Election, Conservatives win by a big majority and everything is ok because people change their minds, new facts come to light and politicians lie.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Skruff said:

    We try to play out of defence but we don't have right  the players.

    We try to play long balls but we don't have the right players.

    We try to play on the counter but we don't have the right players. 

    We try to play a pressing game but we don't have the right players. 


    Shambles. Terrible. 


    So in summary, we don't have the right players.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, LakotaDakota said:

    must be a slow news day as the mail have even done an article about his move

    Interesting piece, wonder what his big secret is? Having said that, if Bruce was deliberately trying to change the perception of McCormack’s professionalism then it was his greatest achievement at Villa!

    Even when I was  reading that article, I could hear myself thinking...Ross McCormack...


  10. 3 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    He'll be getting the same wage.

    Been reported in places that Wolves will be trebling what he is currently on. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 48 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    I think a few generations of people have forgotten just how good we have it. 

    From food, to tech, we have the best things available on the planet available to us at the click of a button.

    In the case of a no deal, when people have to start thinking about seasonal eating (what, you can't get strawberries in January?! Pineapples and bananas don't exist anymore?!), people might realise just how convenient our lives have been for a bloody long time, and that's a result of international trade and cooperation.


    Just out of interest, in which countries of the EU do Strawberries grow naturally in January and what percentage of pineapples and bananas sold in the UK are produced in the EU? 😉

  12. 56 minutes ago, ml1dch said:


    Obviously level of education and level of intelligence aren't a direct corollary (hell, look at the current Government). But the facts are there.

    I think a more useful gauge would be to see figures for age and education combined. I think it is fair to say that the number of graduates amongst the over 60s is simply fewer than in today's under 30's. I don't know many 70 year olds with a 2.2 in Media Studies from the University of East Anglia!

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