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Posts posted by Rightdm00

  1. 9 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    I could be wrong, but I don't think all the numbers are there in his stats to warrant paying £160k a week that he's rumoured to be seeking.

    He needs to deliver more imo.

    The other side of the coin could be that some would argue that we could find a decent replacement elsewhere in the world for £60m+ and £160k p/w if push came to shove.

    Monchi and Unai will already have a shortlist no doubt.

    Looking at our long term situation.  Doubling Ollie's salary to 160k would cost ~£5 million a year. Over a 5 year contract that's £25 million. That's isn't much when we are talking salaries for strikers. Take a look at Spotrac, every lead striker/attacker is clearing over 200k p/w for a top 6 club. 

    You would rather fork out £60 million in transfer fees and the increased salary to this mythical new striker. That's just bad business. Ollie deserve the deal and it makes financial sense. While it's true we could possibly find a better striker, we could also spend double what we paid for Ollie and end up with someone much worse. 

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Kiwivillan said:

    People that think our striker situation isn't sorted are deluded or completely oblivious to striker situation in PL

    He still hasn't signed the contract. So I guess presently sorted but not for the long term. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

    You can't have someone like Digne on 160k a week and not expect Ollie to be asking for something similar.


    Agree. Attackers are usually your highest paid players. Would be dumb if his representation didn't ask to at least match the highest earner. 

  4. At what point does Boehly attempt to purchase Brighton outright and just swap league positions. Sucks the promoted teams are so bad or we could be cheering on a Chelsea relegation. 

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Jas10 said:


    Whatever # the club is offering will probably have to go up. Just don't see an obvious replacement for him, at least at a price we can afford, out there. His agent probably knows that as well. Still think the deal will get done but Ollie definitely has the leverage. 

    • Like 3
  6. 10 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

    Before or after the knock? After it I did notice he wasn't jogging naturally. Hope it's just a little knock.

    Honestly he got the knock so quick I couldn't tell.  Like you stated, hope it's just niggle. Definitely don't want a recurrence of the original injury. Bones in the feet are notorious for taking forever to heal. 

    • Like 1
  7. Still not convinced with him on the left side of the midfield. Diaby playing in his preferred position but is far to good to unseat. Great option to have though. Going to put one through the net eventually. Can't wait. 

    • Like 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, R.Bear said:

    Absolutely anonymous over 90 mins.

    Won the game with a brilliant finish.

    Nothing about him makes sense.

    5th game from 6 with a goal contributing action. If he starts we have a great chance at scoring and winning. Long may it continue. 

    • Like 4
  9. 20 minutes ago, andym said:

    Take our look at our shape in the build up to their 3rd, wtf is that. Every player high except Konsa who is about 30 yards deeper, most players strolling and not on their toes, no idea what Tielemans is doing pointing, that's his man if it turns over. Massive hole straight down the middle if we lose it, and that's what happened with a shocking pass by Digne straight to their defender.

    The goalscorer is the player with bright yellow boots closest to Kamara, so he gives half our team a headstart and still beats them up the pitch.

    But that's not a surprise when you watch the video and everyone of our players is just jogging back, 5 minutes in the second half ffs.



    First goal Konsa drops deeper than everyone else putting Digne's man onside for the cross. Digne should have went with the runner but Konsa dropping the line deeper doesn't help at all. Just a really disjointed performance all around. 

    With your example the midfield and defensive lines aren't connected they are overlapping in some terrible amoeba like shape. No one knows who is responsible for what which leads to missed assignments on a loss of possession. Good news is most of this is fixable, against the type of quality in the conference league, with some film sessions and squad selection. Still don't know what we do for the elite teams in the PL. 

  10. 9 hours ago, Villa87 said:

    One of the single worst performances I can remember seeing from a Villa player. He is absolute dross. 

    Agree on the performance but don't think it defines the player. He isn't a RB, end of. Never want to see him there again. 3 in the back CB or stop gap DM maybe but that's it.

  11. Still not convinced by him in the midfield. Just doesn't put in enough work without possession.  Think he needs to be in that second striker role to be most effective. That way we get all the best bits without the increased work rate out of possession. 

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, The Fun Factory said:

    Unfortunately, it's twice now that we have played the backup side for a cup game under Emery and lost. We have had all summer to add to the squad depth so we can compete on all fronts however yesterday suggested that might be harder than we thought.

    Everton will fancy their chances if we play a similar side next week.

    Lost 2 key starters to injury right as the season began.  Sometimes life deals you a crap hand. Unai is trying build a competitive squad but it definitely remains to be seen whether he has the tools to get it done. 

    He has to be given time to figure out what works and what doesn't.  What we don't want is a MON plan where you just run the first 11 into the ground and end the season moving backwards. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, Pinebro said:

    He doesn't remind me oif Benteke.

    He doesn't remind me of Drogba.

    He reminds me of Jhon Duran. Hate player comparisons.

    He has a very unique combination of speed, strength and technique. Not sure we have seen anything like him before.  If he continues on his current trajectory, people will be comparing new strikers to Duran 20 years from now. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Risso said:

    I'm not sure it's really that relevant. When we first bought Luiz we'd just come back up and he was playing with players like Nakamba, Targett and Jota. Kamara is playing next to one of the best midfielders in the Premier League, surrounded by other internationals. It's not remotely comparable.

    Luiz was not the player he is now when he arrived. The current talent around him makes his job easier but he also went through his own process to become the present day stalwart we are all used to.

    You can go back and read scores of pages in the DL thread with many posters wondering whether he will ever be good enough or just to get rid. Young, talented players have poor stretches. That's just a fact. It's why buying the finished article cost so much more. 

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