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Posts posted by mjmooney

  1. Modern pentathlon, who the **** came up with that rubbish???
    Actually I quite like that - it's in the true Olympic spirit of the all-rounder.

    I believe it's based upon the old skills that a soldier would need - running, swimming, horse riding, sword fighting and shooting.

    All in one day. How Boy's Toys is that?

  2. Only because they sent a third string side. If the US send their best team, they win.

    I still feel basketball is in the games to serve the interests of one country more than any other sport in the games. 305 million viewers to the commercial TV that broadcasts the games has nothing to do with that, im sure.

    Indeed. Perhaps they should put gridiron football in the Olympics. Wonder who'd win that? :?
  3. Actually I'm just watching the ping-po^H^H^H "table tennis" and that seems pretty funny.

    It's up there with darts and dominoes as "something you might enjoy playing but wouldn't want to WATCH" (actually I feel the same about snooker TBH).

  4. My oldest son is doing IT, art and music and has to choose one more subject (this is for 6th form).

    Psychology seems to be one of the choices, whats that all about?

    My younger daughter chose Spanish, English Lit, History and Psychology.

    She said that Psychology was really interesting, but bloody hard - easily the heaviest work load of the four subjects. She got the AS-Level (grade B I think) and then dropped it, to take the oher three at A2.

    Which gives me another chance to say that she got 3 "A"s, which means she's going to Birmingham, which means me fitting in a few VP trips! :hooray:

  5. to be honest, i have never found a guy who actually likes bigger girls (except in the breast dept)

    yeah, we pretend we don't mind a larger girl, and the media perpetuates the myth, but if you ask most guys do you want your girl to look like Vanessa Feltz before or after, 99% of people will prefer the thinner one.

    of course, there is a point, where thin becomes too thin, but if you ingore 'skinny' as opposed to thin women, then surely everyone prefers thin to fat?

    Nope. I like them nice, size is irrelevant.

    BUT, if I had to choose between two equally likeable women, one skinny or one - let's say "Rubensesque", I'd go for the curvy one every time.

    Can't stand stick insects.

    EDIT: I voted 12 - 16.

  6. Well I'm strictly an 81/82 man when it comes to the Villa, but I guess it depends on which team members you have and whether they are any good at this sort of thing (I wouldn't know).

    So I've voted for BFR on the grounds that he's pretty much GUARANTEED to be entertaining.

  7. That Harry Gratian story:

    Apparently HG and Archie McPherson were doing a World Cup radio commentary involving Bulgaria. HG had religiously learned all the players' names, but AM had decided he couldn't be arsed, and furthermore when he got to the commentary box he was pissed - and he was the main commentator. HG was not impressed and in a bit of a sulk.

    So the commentary went something like:

    AM: "And it's the Bulgarian number six, to.... er, number eight. Bulgaria's... number ten takes it up... he shoots... and scores!!!"

    (covers mic up and hisses to HG: "Harry, quick, what's the name of the Bulgarian number ten?")

    HG: "I don't bloody know. Sod off".



  8. Wasn't there once one by Coleman at the Olympics one time when he said about some runner that he "opened his legs and showed his class" :D
    It's always attributed to Coleman, but it was actually Ron Pickering, commentating on Alberto Juantorena winning the 400m final in the 1976 (Montreal) Olympics:

    “And there goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class.”

    I remember watching that live and pissing myself laughing.

  9. I'm almost through John B. Lundstrom's The First Team and The Guadalcanal Campaign
    Thank you - that's just gone on my Amazon wish list.

    EDIT: On a related subject, have you read E. B. Sledge's "With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa" ?

  10. Not sure those quite rhyme paddy, the sound of the O in orange seems to change the sound of the word as a whole meaning none of those rhyme with their n sound.

    Either that or I talk funny ;).

    Exactly. You can get some partial rhymes, but not the full two-syllable rhyme.

    The nearest contenders are (as noted) "syringe" (first syllable doesn't rhyme) and "lozenge" (both syllables rhyme, but different consonant in the middle).

  11. Funnily enough I was talking about this last week. Here at Bradford University the Chancellor is Imran Khan, and he was in town to present degrees at the graduation ceremony. One of the honorary graduands was "Look North" (and Yorkshire sports) presenter Harry Gration, and his acceptance speech was basically a series of jokes and sports anecdotes (including a rather good one about Archie McPherson that I'll save for another occasion).

    Imran had to follow this, and he's clearly not the most witty speaker in the world - so he rather desperately rolled out the old "Holding/Willey" story - to be met by an embarrassed silence. The older members of the "audience" had heard the story SO many times it was no longer funny... and the younger ones clearly didn't understand it at all, and (I suspect) took it semi-literarally, with some shock!

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