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Posts posted by mjmooney

  1. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    Sky sports are saying ac milan are interested in cash

    I'm sure they are, but I don't believe they're interested in Cash. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

    I've re-read the Downing 'Station' books.

    After Downing, I went back to the Gunther novels.

    I like Downing; I don't like Kerr. 

  3. 2 hours ago, DaoDeMings said:

    I just finished The Dharma Bums and it was wonderful. Might try this next

    It's his debut novel, semi-autobiographical, and quite different from most of his later stuff. Much more 'traditional' writing style (heavily influenced by Thomas Wolfe, by his own admission). The first 3/4 of the book reads like "It's a Wonderful Life" - an almost impossibly idyllic view of small town America before WWII. Things get a little grittier when the scene shifts to NYC. But beautifully written throughout. 

    • Like 1
  4. First bit of decent weather, so next door's cat Bradley pops over to see us. But we know he just considers us his dealers, as we have catnip growing in the garden. Same every time, totally off his face. 


    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  5. 44 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    Childbirth soon to be out of the top ten.

    When I was in hospital with the gallstones, a female visitor to another patient mentioned that she'd had them as well as giving birth, and reckoned the stones were more painful than the childbirth. 

    • Shocked 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    Oh **** oh **** oh ****! Got stung by a hornet a few hours ago, and jesus almighty, it hurts. Please feel sorry for me! 😧 It's been a few years, and I guess I didn't remember how ****ing much they suck.

    The one benefit is you get a clear baseline understanding of what "sting" means.

    I think I've only ever seen one actual hornet, in a holiday house in France. I did battle with it and eventually triumphed, but **** me, it was one huge scary bastard, wouldn't want to have been stung by it. 

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Xela said:

    If you could go back knowing what you do now, and advise your 16yo self on what career path to take, what would it be? 

    Much different to how it is now?

    People who are unhappy with their current situation will probably advise doing something different. 

    The happy ones will say do it the same way again. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, magnkarl said:

    The context is quite clearly different though. Intifada means armed rebellion, terror and resistance, while Zionism means (or meant to the original people fighting for it) that Jews had a right to a homeland. I presume there are many more zionists than people think, just not the rebranded version of it. One implies armed struggle, while the other seeks a homeland for a people who've been mistreated since they were forced out of Egypt. One is also a term used for a group, while the other is a rallying cry used by terrorists.

    I wouldn't wear either.

    Apologies for going off topic a little here, but - while the 'mistreatment' (bloody hell, what an understatement) is incontrovertible, the 'forced out of Egypt' bit was - when? - 2,500 years ago? How far back can you go in restoring regions to particular self-defined groups? In what way could - say - Russian Ashkenazi Jews in the 20th Century - claim to be in any way middle eastern? The Anglo-Spanish takeover of North America in the last 300 years was clearly an injustice, but does this mean the Iroquois and Navaho have a sensible claim to having a huge chunk of the country restored to them, forcing out the European interlopers with heavy weaponry? I'd say they arguably have a better case than the Zionists in Palestine - but it would still be a crazy, divisive plan. And to invoke the well-worn cliché, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. That's as true (or untrue) for Hamas as it was for the Stern Gang. 

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