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Posts posted by wazzap24

  1. 29 minutes ago, ender4 said:

    So are there actually any new films coming out soon?

    and when they do start coming out, is it going to be a massive avalanche of films all at once to catch-up?  or have all films forever just been delayed by 6 months, so the same volume will come out?



    2020 was shaping up to be a huge year at the cinema, even after the end of the Infinity and Skywalker Sagas in 2019.

    However, everything changed when cinemas had to close due to the current global situation, leading to numerous delays.

    But cinemas in England have started to reopen as of July 4 and in the coming weeks, more cinemas will open across the UK. Despite the delays, there are still plenty of blockbuster-sized treats in store for movie fans in 2020.

    Looks a bit of a ‘meh’ list to me. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Limited study, needs peer reviewing and wider trials, but looks promising. 




    The preliminary results of a clinical trial suggest a new treatment for Covid-19 reduces the number of patients needing intensive care, according to the UK company that developed it.

    The treatment from Southampton-based biotech Synairgen uses a protein called interferon beta which the body produces when it gets a viral infection. 

    The protein is inhaled directly into the lungs of patients with coronavirus, using a nebuliser, in the hope that it will stimulate an immune response.

    The initial findings suggest the treatment cut the odds of a Covid-19 patient in hospital developing severe disease - such as requiring ventilation - by 79%.

    Patients were two to three times more likely to recover to the point where everyday activities were not compromised by their illness, Synairgen claims.

    It said the trial also indicated "very significant" reductions in breathlessness among patients who received the treatment.


  3. 19 minutes ago, sne said:

    Thing is he does this from time to time and he never apologizes. He just says he's bipolar. That's an excuse not an apology to the people he hurts and offends.

    Guy is a grade A a**hole. He is so enamored by the sound of his own voice and his own importance that he makes himself cry. Can't stand him.

    I’ve always tried to separate the artist from the man, but it’s got a lot harder in recent years. 

    Anyway, he’s out of the running so better get back on OT. 



  4. 13 hours ago, Seat68 said:

    I am looking to buy a spare mask for in the car. I bought one off ebay and it was rubbish. Anyone bought one online that fits well and is reusable/washable. 

    Adidas. 3 for £15. Great quality and fit well. 

  5. The Sinner S1 is pretty decent. Jessica Biel is great (and hawwwt), but I’m not sold on Bill Pullman’s performance so far. 

    Doom Patrol is rapidly becoming a bit of a fave after a slow start. 

    Hunters is ace 

    See is as bad as the review say, despite a half decent first episode. 

  6. On 15/07/2020 at 14:07, OutByEaster? said:

    I believe he felt that it would be wrong for such an amount of power to be concentrated in the hands of a single individual.

    Deserved more likes. You’d have gone viral on Twitter with this 😀

    • Like 1
  7. Greyhound was a very decent film in many ways (Looked good, acting was good, pacing was spot on and decent tension during the action scenes), but the dialogue was a little too technical for me and it left me cold. 

    Apart from the very brief bit of backstory for Hanks’ character, there was nothing to invest in or care about with the rest, it was just Hanks and a bunch of decent extras shouting ‘Hard right propeller, 10 degrees, 2 miles out, fire in the poop deck, there’s Klingons on the starboard bow’ over and over again. 



  8. 42 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    Help required, need to track down an old Hulk comic from the 70's - he is held in chains and seems powerless against the people holding him and even the kids beat up on him. Think it was some kind of alternative reality Dr Strange exiled him to but may be wrong.

    Any help much appreciated 

    Had a look, found this? Hulk, Dr Strange and Sub-Mariner?



    Exhausted after his battle with the Absorbing Man, Bruce Banner is taken to a mysterious mansion where he becomes the target of an evil cult who desires to bring the Undying Ones to earth; Banner is sent to another dimension where he turns into the Hulk and faces the Night-Crawler; Destroying the Night-Crawler's realm, Hulk and his foe are teleported to the realm of the Undying Ones where Night-Crawler fights his ancient foes while Hulk rescues a trapped Dr. Strange and the two return to earth.


    • Like 1
  9. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53061288


    Volunteers have begun being immunised with a new UK coronavirus vaccine. 

    About 300 people will have the vaccine over the coming weeks, as part of a trial led by Prof Robin Shattock and his colleagues, at Imperial College London.

    Tests in animals suggest the vaccine is safe and triggers an effective immune response.....

    Many traditional vaccines are based on a weakened or modified form of virus, or parts of it, but the Imperial vaccine is based on a new approach, using synthetic strands of genetic code, called RNA, which mimic the virus.


    • Like 1
  10. I don’t drink as a rule, haven’t done for a few years now, but after a cold bottle of beer following a round of Golf the other week, I’ve had a bit of a taste for it. 

    Just had an ice cold bottle of Kingfisher lager. Not quite the same without a Tandoori mixed grill, but still hit the spot.


  11. Still doing ‘Tarantino Saturdays’ at the moment, but due to all of the words removed not having all of the movies, I’ve had to abandon the plan of watching them in order. 

    Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained have been the most recent ones. 

    Loved both. Brad Pitt is ace in IB, as is Jamie Foxx in DU, but one man elevates both films from really good to great and that’s Christoph Waltz. 

    • Like 3
  12. On 13/06/2020 at 07:07, TheAuthority said:

    It's a bunch of bollocks. 

    Deserves all of the likes, laughs and thanks reactions. 

    I can’t think of a more disappointing season in any show I’ve watched. 

    Maddeningly convoluted and the definition of style over substance. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 11/06/2020 at 12:11, Rodders said:

    Racing my way through GoT at the moment, and wishing I'd been watching it at the same time as everyone else. Must have been mad wondering what was going to happen next. Almost 3 seasons done in about 9/10 days :D  Thoroughly addictive. However, in lockdown as if my dreams hadn't suddenly become vivid enough, now they're off the charts bananas. 

    I really hope Joffre get's his comeuppance. 

    By the end you’ll be grateful you didn’t. 

    Avoiding the hype between seasons and not being overly invested in it for years, meant I enjoyed it all the way through - including the final season that got Star Wars levels of backlash. 

    I thought there was one rubbish episode in the whole thing, it’s in the last season and the only reason it was rubbish, was because you can’t see what the f**k is going on for 90% of it. 

    Brilliant show. 

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, fightoffyour said:

    A new study (not yet peer reviewed) of satellite imagery of Wuhan suggests that the virus may have originated as early as late August 2019.

    Coronavirus: Satellite traffic images may suggest virus hit Wuhan earlier:


    Just went to post about this myself. It’s really interesting and follows on from the ‘backdated’ cases in France a few weeks back when they tested samples from pneumonia patients that had died. 

    The Chinese doctor ‘blew the whistle’ back in December and it was already in the community then. A Chinese newspaper reported that the first case was November 17th and I read somewhere that one of the earliest known cases had no link to Wuhan and hadn’t been abroad etc. 

    I wonder if we’ll ever know the full truth about the origin of it tbh. 

  15. 12 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I can confirm that I’ve seen several posts that suggest the protests are because of 1 mans death. Some people are that thick/ignorant.

    Probably didn’t explain my point very well. I’m not denying people are saying it, there’s loads of clearings in the woods on Twitter saying the same, but they don’t really believe it, it’s just their attempt to weaken the BLM argument. 

    • Like 2
  16. 9 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Yes. I think is lost on some of the people particularly on Facebook who think these protests are because of 1 incident.

    They don’t think that. Even the thickest of the thick don’t really believe it’s because of one incident, it’s just a narrative they are trying to spin to undermine a valid and legitimate protest. 

    The same little Englander’s slagging off BLM were quite happily going to beaches, getting bladdered and doing the conga in their streets a couple of weeks ago. 

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