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Posts posted by mikeyp102

  1. I think he could get 20+ this season for them with the brand of football they play (Ince has 6 already). Ideally I'd have him back next year with Ince coming as well as I have my doubts about Weiman long term. Hope he keeps it up, as some one said a few pages back win / win really for us. I think a few more should go out on loan as well, surely Carruthers is better off playing week in week out with a decent Championsip team than playing U21s here.

    Carruthers and Johnson would definitely benefit from a loan to a championship. I can only think that Lambert feels that the Next Gen Series will be benefital for their development and that's why Johnson hasn't gone out yet (I believe that Carruthers was/is injured). That is of course unless no one wants them

  2. I bet our scouts do. What is the point in having a creative player like Ireland if he doesn't actually create chances?

    What's the point in having a natural goal scorer on similar wages if he doesn't actually score any goals?

    The point is sometimes players are picked because of what you know they can or might do, if PL was to pick a strikeforce on actual goals scored then Weiman and Benteke would start and Bent would be on the bench, but who would you want the ball to fall to in the 6 yard box?

    Sometimes you need to stick with a player to play them into form, I would argue SI is not out of form but perhaps lacking a bit of confidence, plus the starting line is still new it will take time for the creative side of the game to click into place.

    So my question is are you on the Bent page abusing him so much for doing naff all for his huge wages?

    Bent has recently come back from an injury (also missed some of pre season) and is regaining his sharpness. Ireland played regularly for the majority of the second half of the season. Bent has also got a proven track record of producing the goods. Besides one terrific season at city, Ireland has never on a consistent level shown himself to be a really creative player.

  3. Actually think we may see rotation between all 4 of our main strikers (not including Bowery in that as think he will mainly be a sub this yr), not even DB9 will be guaranteed his place. Weimann so far has worked extremely hard and been unlucky not to score.

  4. Nice to see a squad for a change at VP...On sat we actually had options on the bench (which didnt even include Delph and Baker). With it being like that wouldnt mind seeing the likes of Johnson et al getting some loan experience under their belts.

  5. Is there another midfielder on the squad that could play the attacking role? Bannan and kea look settled deep, and Holman on the right. From what I hear Westwood is also more defensive, and nzog is well...nzog...if Gardner hadn't been injured could see him playing that role and making the runs beyond the strikers... So if Ireland continues poor form who would we look to replace him?

  6. Just seen motd... How predictable that they said that lambert was very mon esque... Just shows how poor they are mon would never have got the tactic like that. Lambert is completely different for the better

  7. I know that Lambert sees MON as a positive influence, but he's going to be twice the manager that MON ever was. He's turned a turgid, stale, disorganised group of overpaid journeymen into a determined, hungry, skillful team for less than £20million.

    Ron Vlaar looks head and shoulders above any of Collins, Cuellar or Dunne. A real leader.

    Benteke already looks a class act and is only 21!

    El Ahmadi bosses the midfield and keeps it simple, yet effective

    Lowton has an eye for goal and gets forward all the time - our new Kyle Walker

    Williams could have a real part to play here, and will get even better

    Bowery - jury is out but he'll be way more effective than Delfouneso, thats for sure!

    (he didnt sign Holman but he's fitted right in to Lambert's style - I swear if McLeish had been managing him we wouldnt be seeing these performances)

    Who? Have I missed signing?

    If you're going to slag somebody off, at least make sure that your grammar is correct.

    Where was I slagging him off? I was asking a genuine question

  8. Think he kept possession maybe twice in the whole game, rest of time gave the ball away far too easily, yes he tracked back and tackled a bit, but in possession was very laxidasical, wasn't surprised to see lambert sub him

  9. I know that Lambert sees MON as a positive influence, but he's going to be twice the manager that MON ever was. He's turned a turgid, stale, disorganised group of overpaid journeymen into a determined, hungry, skillful team for less than £20million.

    Ron Vlaar looks head and shoulders above any of Collins, Cuellar or Dunne. A real leader.

    Benteke already looks a class act and is only 21!

    El Ahmadi bosses the midfield and keeps it simple, yet effective

    Lowton has an eye for goal and gets forward all the time - our new Kyle Walker

    Williams could have a real part to play here, and will get even better

    Bowery - jury is out but he'll be way more effective than Delfouneso, thats for sure!

    (he didnt sign Holman but he's fitted right in to Lambert's style - I swear if McLeish had been managing him we wouldnt be seeing these performances)

    Who? Have I missed signing?

  10. Bannan was very good today. good to see.

    The press would be raving about him if he was at Man U or Liverpool.

    Actually thought Eric lichaj was the best youth product on show today, very composed and offered a threat even on his weaker side...definitely going to be hard for Bennett to take his place

  11. Really can't predict either line up or result for this one.

    Will Lambert add the new additions? Will he stick with the team that got a good result at Newcastle? Will Gabby play or Benteke? Will Swansea continue playing the excellent football? Will we be able to create chances? Will Swansea's movement be too good for us (again)? Will Clark play like he did against Everton or Newcastle? Will the international break helped or hindered our progress?

    Far too many questions to be answered to be able to predict anything on this one IMO..

    That being said I'm really excited to see how it all unravels tomorrow.

  12. So without wishing to dis da Ireland boy, what the **** happens in football matches how does he go from Ronaldo crossed with Messi into Mr Adequate / Reasonable, not a bad player but not a bloody world beater either

    This is exactly what I find myself asking too.

    Yep thought that when I read it...wonder if it is actually the players thoughts or just pr bull?..

  13. My works recently raised 40k in a day for GOSH

    I'm a bit appalled but not shocked by what the villa players have donated

    Ireland bent Dunne get your wallets out for a noble cause you words removed

    I agree that players should donate, but looking though the donations list bent is the highest donator

  14. Methinks if he keeps the preformances up and stays numero uno until Jan, Given might be out the door... Get someone like Butland in we would have a couple of very good keepers.

    Doesn't our very own siegrist have just as much reputation at youth level? Butland has just been groomed through the fa system so they give him more coverage.

    Obviously that being said siegrist needs to go out on loan IMO to get some first team experience behind him, as not ready for first team here

  15. Sorry couldn't find a thread, so please redirect if there is on...

    Heading to Ibiza in 3 weeks, not a massive dance head, but it's my 30th so what the hell! Any advice where to go...only really want one of the clubs as cant afford many.....any ideas on cheap good places?

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