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Posts posted by ME


    Just finished the first season of the Following!!! Awesome show and welcome back Kevin Bacon!


    Ive got to be honest it became a bit of a chore to watch in pretty much the same way Under The Dome has. I persevered with The Following but wont be in a rush to watch season 2


    There were moments when I thought it was too easy for them to get away from the FBI. But apparently in reading about the second season that's exactly what they intend to improve on as well as giving a really great story. We will see. :)

  2. BACK ON IT!!! I still woke up with another headache but HEADACHES BE DAMNED! I also decided I am doing at least one race this week. It's my favorite one and I don't want to miss out. So I'm going to be adding more cardio to every work out until then.  I still hate working out, but man do I feel good afterwards. :D

    • Like 1
  3. Having a hard time right now. Lost a really good mate of mine recently and it hit me very hard, I've felt low since. He was my age and much fitter and stronger than me.

    Yet he has gone. :(

    To make matters worse I took my first holiday in 18 months a few weeks back and my boss was texting and phoning me because they (he and another employee) need me to hold their **** hands.

    Went to lunch for my partners holiday and left phones in hotel room, got back to find 14 missed calls and numerous texts telling me I am hard to get hold of...

    Last night an email with him telling me he can never get hold of me.

    Its pissing me off a lot tbh. Just having a shit time as it is.

    (Which is where my recent negativity has come from, apologies all!).

    I'm sorry you lost a friend. I know that isn't easy


    Your boss can go suck donkey balls (respectively) this is YOUR time so you should be hard to get a hold of.


    I hope you find something to cheer you up. QUICK!

    Also, I am still at work and won't be doing much....again....this weekend. So everyone calm down. Sometimes even the coolest people have a weekend with no fun. :)


    ha. pretty sure I am. The shoulder flares up from time to time (car accident). I am prone to bad headaches. I just think the combo of both has been getting to me. I'll drink more water just in case. :-)

    Jeez didn't know about that now ....just going from experience in the kitchen some days if I didn't drink enough water id wake up with a hangover type headache and get cramps in the legs


    The cramping in the legs can be from dehydration but normally it's a potassium problem.


    I've done really well over the years with rehab on my arm. No surgery. No pain pills. But I don't tend to go overboard with weights or arm routines. Moving to households in 2 weeks while working 6 days a week (don't forget I'm an LMT) while working out 5-6 days a week and then on this past Sunday lifting 2 couches with my brother just finally was too much. I knew better but needed to get stuff finished. The headaches: I've had migraines since I was 7. Another thing I normally prevent well these days but the shoulder pain pretty much created a domino effect.


    I will suck it up and be just fine. But taking a week off of working out has not helped my energy level. I can't wait to start working out again next week!!! Headaches be damned!

  5. ha. pretty sure I am. The shoulder flares up from time to time (car accident). I am prone to bad headaches. I just think the combo of both has been getting to me. I'll drink more water just in case. :-)

    • Like 1

    Dire Straits- Romeo and Juliet

    Brittney Spears- toxic

    Kasabian, can't think of the song I actually enjoy by them, but Brumerican knows it.

    Hot Chip - Over and Over

    You hate Dire Straits? You animal.


    In Jacksonville Florida we never have less than 3 old rock stations at one time on the radio. MY ENTIRE LIFE all of those stations just have to play Money for Nothing about 6 times a day. Sometimes at the same time. I love classic rock. But that song just became annoying along with the Sultans of Swing. As much as I love Steve Miller Band I still can't hear Fly Like an Eagle(Time Keeps on Slipping) without cringing. There is just a certain list that they have played out SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. I was 17 before I ever knew Dire Straights had other songs.


    Also, Sting creeps me out.

  7. I haven't worked out in 4 days!!! :(


    My left shoulder has flared up bad! I keep showing up for work outs and almost instantly get a really bad headache and dizzy. (pain shooting from my shoulder into my head!) This morning, the headache was already there when I woke up. It's really killing my energy level.

  8. Best part was she got really drunk one night and went off with my house mate, the same fella she tried to make me jealous with, I couldn't have cared less to be honest, but at the time her best friend had just had a kid she was about 20 I suppose at the time, and had lost her marriage principals somewhere along the way but she went to bed with him anyway and right before she climaxed roared at him "make me pregnant", I shit you not! A total and complete nutcase!

    I think you just know strange people.

  9. I was on here about a month back talking about my friend with the girlfriend who's cheated on him a few times and he's taken her back without blinking an eyelid. Well the last time she told him she cheated on him, and I told him to do a runner, she told him that she'd pre-ordered a PS4 for him for Christmas, I think it was a kind of bribe as he's as thick as a ditch, but he was out with one of our friends last week and they were talking about PS4s, she has since told him that she can't justify paying that much for a PS4 for Christmas and she has now got him FIFA 14 for PS3 instead and admitted she'd never pre-ordered it. The lad owes our friend a couple of €100 cause he needed to get his car fixed and is basically spending all his money on paying his girlfriends bills, I've no doubt he's getting money off his parents to support her as well, as she rang one day looking for money and he said he was broke, we had to pay him into pitch and putt so he was, but whispered into the phone if it's for the electricity bill we'll sort something out. 


    Now, I've no idea how she goes through so much money she gets regular maintenance off her child's father, his mother owns the day care centre the child goes to so that's all free, she gets unmarried mother benefit & is also on job seekers allowance, while it's clear she's not exactly flush, she's clearly not living within her means. He and another friend of mine were supposed to go to a careers fair in Cork Today they were to leave at 8 he was driving and my friend text him at 7 to make sure he was up but got nothing back was ringing him from half 7 on and finally got a call at 9 saying your one's kid was sick and he'd have to mind her for the day.

    No one deserves being used constantly and having their emotions stomped. I'll admit it does make it difficult to feel bad for him if he won't put his foot down but he certainly doesn't deserve it. A lot of people parents split so I have a hard time thinking that's a reason to take on abuse. He probably does care for the child, and doesn't want to abandon it, but it's not his child. This woman is an awful person! Any man or woman that just uses someone, who clearly cares for them, so easily and without shame is disturbing. And a buttbag! IDK what you can do, but you need to have some sort of intervention for the guy. Hell, let him read what everyone thinks here. At this point something needs to get through to him before she uses him up completely, and she will do that eventually. Then he's ruined mentally/financially.

    • Like 1

    Practically made friends with the esurance operator handling my policy (car insurance). I talked about her day and made her laugh (she's in North Dakota.....I'm funny there)....in doing so the following happened:


    1. An inspection I was told I had to do, she discovered (what 4 other people didn't) that because I have been with them so long they already trust me, so I don't need to go get the inspection. :)


    2. She waved the extra fees that would have been attached for my address change for the next 6 months. (apparently moving 15 minutes inland makes my car insurance go up)


    3. They finally realized I'm married. In doing so I saved $149.32 on my premium!!! BOOM!!!!


    Shannan, esurance super hero! If I had any remote desire to ever be silly enough to go to North Dakota I would make sure to hug her and buy her another jacket or ear muffs or something people need in the freezing cold.



    you may think you won .......




    It's all a racket so they still win....they just win a little less. Yup, they win less, so I lose less. And that's a win. :)

  11. I watched Django Unchained a few nights ago and wasn't blown away by it. It was good. Waltz was brilliant but it was fairly standard Tarantino fare. Good soundtrack, mind. Was I wrong in thinking they went a little OTT on the N word too even allowing for the era. It just came across as Tarantino ramming it down our throats in a "they said it back then so I'll put it absolutely everywhere and they'll let me" kind of way.

    You are completely right in thinking it. I did like the movie. But when I saw it I was in a movie theater that was mostly African American. It was definitely too much. But I did like the movie. Christopher Waltz is my new older man crush! He was awesome.


    3. They finally realized I'm married. In doing so I saved $149.32 on my premium!!! BOOM!!!!.

    Straight into Brumericans beer-account then?


    While I'm sure that's what he would prefer, it will most likely go towards calling him or visiting him. England's so damn expensive!

    • Like 1
  13. Practically made friends with the esurance operator handling my policy (car insurance). I talked about her day and made her laugh (she's in North Dakota.....I'm funny there)....in doing so the following happened:


    1. An inspection I was told I had to do, she discovered (what 4 other people didn't) that because I have been with them so long they already trust me, so I don't need to go get the inspection. :)


    2. She waved the extra fees that would have been attached for my address change for the next 6 months. (apparently moving 15 minutes inland makes my car insurance go up)


    3. They finally realized I'm married. In doing so I saved $149.32 on my premium!!! BOOM!!!!


    Shannan, esurance super hero! If I had any remote desire to ever be silly enough to go to North Dakota I would make sure to hug her and buy her another jacket or ear muffs or something people need in the freezing cold.

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  14. after completely ignoring my online dating profile for ages, I got a mail recently and have exchanged a few back and forths over the past couple of days. Have now slightly drunkenly asked if she wants to meet up at some point. I'm a very shy person and now am horrendously re-thinking and regretting it. I haven't asked anyone out for about ages. How long do you message someone before asking them out ( what a 21st century problem this is ) . My rationale was after a few messages surely you might as well just relocate the conversation to the pub, where the fun of getting to know someone is more personal, but I'm nervous of having come across as a bit keen. 


    Honestly, when I reflect I think it's usually been a woman who's asked me out first, this is the first time I've "taken initiative" in 8 years and I'm figuratively hyper ventilating. ( Yes I'm aware this is ridiculous )  



    I like that you asked her. Might as well go for it. Has she responded?




    Technically half of that Hyundai is mine and my half is called Ameobi .


    whos decision was it to buy a Hyundai 


    It was alllllllllllllllllllllllll my decision. :P


    MV, I think you're just filled with envy. And that shade of green doesn't suit you at all ;)


    (it was between this and a Ford. Ford was NOT giving as good a deal, LOLA wins)


    My last car was a Honda Accord. Which I looooooooooooooooved. But they are pricey now as well.


    *whispers* I did find a fully restored 1965 Ford Falcon on craigs list that I had to convince myself not to purchase. I wanted it so bad, but it wasn't practical. If I had the money to throw around it would have easily become my second car.



    To be fair if the choice was between "lola" and a ford I would have went for lola...ford make terrible cars 


    I think I like you less <_<





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