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Posts posted by ME

  1. 5 sets today. The first was fewest to 100 squat jumps. Every time you have to stop, you run to the stop sign and back until you finally achieve 100. I only had to run 3 times, but I thought I was going to die!!! Everything they threw at me after that was shockingly easy though. It wasn't meant to be, but after that mess first thing, it just was.


    It's set up for an hour, finished in 42 minutes :D yaaaaaaaaaaay! I now would very much like to go to bed instead of getting ready for work.

    • Like 1

    I understand that scotch is something to be savoured with every sip but, I can't stand the stuff ever since I drank some jack Daniels years ago and was sick afterwards, i think I'll put some ice in it first and let it melt a little


    Huh? Jack Daniels is not scotch! 


    And I speak as one who also avoids JD (and bourbon) for the very same reason - an absolutely crippling hangover on the stuff over 30 (!) years ago, still means that I only have to smell it to get a headache. 


    But scotch, I love with a passion. Just about to pour myself a glass of The Bowmore, in fact. 


    I just picture you doing this now....  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovUkATL4l_g

  3. well, I was just kind of thinking of story arcs in our modern culture


    There is pressure to legalise marijuana, the state is moving ever closer to making it (and other drugs) legal.


    At some point I expect somebody that would have previously made money with appearances on Springer to get Saul Goodman to claim they only started sucking 60 a day when the state legitimised it. Had it not been ok by the state, they wouldn't have done it. Therefore, it's the state's fault they now have 'x' which was most likley caused by this state endorsed habit.

    I suspect someone here has already got it in the works. Would NOT surprise me one bit.

  4. No-one has ever asked the most important question which is why I'm having a relationship with my aunt?


    Think it's because she is the spitting image of my late mother and I miss the cuddles.

    No offence, but I honestly think you've made it up just to get some attention.

    Hope. I HOPE he made it up. Any reason will do as long as he made it up.

    • Like 1


    ME smells like Rob?  :o


    Paging Brumerican...........



    So ME knows she doesn't smell like Rob, ergo she knows what Rob smells like.

    Paging Brumerican ............. taz.gif


    I've hugged the man. ......he smells like soap. I know you'd think beer or shame but nope, he smells pretty, I assume it's Karens doing. Or maybe whatever he uses to keep that hair so flowy. Brumerican spends way more time with him than I do :P



    You'd all know if you'd show to a Villa meet up once in a while!!!  *hint* *hint*

    • Like 1
  6. Squats look scary.  I think I'd definitely break my back and/or die.



    Do them properly and your back will be juuuuuuuust fiiiiiiine. Your thighs will hate you, but your back is perfectly safe.


    Squat progression and lunge progression are used in almost every work out for me. And my legs STILL feel like they might fall off half the time. It is a really good exercise.  


    Packo, if I didn't have someone telling me I had to do them. I never would.

    ya trying to work the day after some heavy squats .....not good


    It sucks every day :( After every work out I'm then on my feet for6-10 more hours a day. And I am unfortunately right leg dominant. I try so hard not to be but by the end of a long day I swear my right leg is going to fall off.


    Still, I dig it. :)

  8. Squat progression and lunge progression are used in almost every work out for me. And my legs STILL feel like they might fall off half the time. It is a really good exercise.  


    Packo, if I didn't have someone telling me I had to do them. I never would.

    • Like 1


    It's not a daily thing. It comes and goes. There are many times when it never even crosses my mind on what people think about me. Then you hear something or see someone else being judged and I start to wonder. Not worry, just....wonder. I grew up a tomboy. Most of my friends being guys I always worry what the new lady in their life will think. Because ultimately if she has a problem with me, I risk losing the friend. I am currently in the process of losing my closest guy friend (that isn't my husband). So trust me, this happens plenty. But I normally just like who I am and figure you either will to, or you won't. Not much I can do.


    Oh, and for some reason groups of rich people. They make me anxious. Like they can smell the poor on me. It sounds dumb. One or two wealthy people and I could NOT care less. But when I have gone to upper scale charity events and the room is filled with the wealthy folk, I do feel like I'm being judged. I don't need them to like me so much as I just want to leave.


    Oh that's what it was , I just assumed it was Rob


    ME smells like Rob?  :o


    Paging Brumerican...........




    It's not a daily thing. It comes and goes. There are many times when it never even crosses my mind on what people think about me. Then you hear something or see someone else being judged and I start to wonder. Not worry, just....wonder. I grew up a tomboy. Most of my friends being guys I always worry what the new lady in their life will think. Because ultimately if she has a problem with me, I risk losing the friend. I am currently in the process of losing my closest guy friend (that isn't my husband). So trust me, this happens plenty. But I normally just like who I am and figure you either will to, or you won't. Not much I can do.


    Oh, and for some reason groups of rich people. They make me anxious. Like they can smell the poor on me. It sounds dumb. One or two wealthy people and I could NOT care less. But when I have gone to upper scale charity events and the room is filled with the wealthy folk, I do feel like I'm being judged. I don't need them to like me so much as I just want to leave.


    Oh that's what it was , I just assumed it was Rob



    I smell pretty! Just in a " oh good my shower gel and body spray is on sale" sort of way


    Actually, the more expensive a perfume, the more allergic I seem to be to it. Can't be around it. (poor people skin :P)

  11. It's not a daily thing. It comes and goes. There are many times when it never even crosses my mind on what people think about me. Then you hear something or see someone else being judged and I start to wonder. Not worry, just....wonder. I grew up a tomboy. Most of my friends being guys I always worry what the new lady in their life will think. Because ultimately if she has a problem with me, I risk losing the friend. I am currently in the process of losing my closest guy friend (that isn't my husband). So trust me, this happens plenty. But I normally just like who I am and figure you either will to, or you won't. Not much I can do.


    Oh, and for some reason groups of rich people. They make me anxious. Like they can smell the poor on me. It sounds dumb. One or two wealthy people and I could NOT care less. But when I have gone to upper scale charity events and the room is filled with the wealthy folk, I do feel like I'm being judged. I don't need them to like me so much as I just want to leave.


    Please don't lecture me on morality  :crylaugh:


    You're cheating on your fiancee with your blood aunt.

    Holy shit I forgot about that


    Not the funeral selfies (although it did upset me for a sec), not that Morpheus was almost caught but somehow wasn't, not the mind eff on the pic of cars, or the tracking device that can be shot onto cars while chasing them. The MOST shocking thing I've read on here in the last few days is that anyone could have forgotten about the cheat with your blood aunt story.


    MV I'm actually proud of your brain for blocking this out. And impressed, because I don't know how you did it. *starts slow clap*

    • Like 3
  13. I did my 5k on Sunday. I was pretty happy to finish in just under 37 minutes when I discovered (since I start in the back with the slow people) I didn't cross the start until 2 minutes in, so I did it in just under 35 minutes. Made me mega happy. Roofing for 7 hours with family on the other hand killed me more than any work out. I hate it! If you are a roofer I salute you. It's awful work. Then in todays workout, I was killed. I did it though. Way too many box step ups and lunges.

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