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Posts posted by ME

  1. My trainer called me out yesterday in front of everyone for not working out the last few days. I have been feeling sickly for over a week and just thought I'd take a break. But I won't lie, calling me out didn't irk me, the new years resolution people kind of scoffing and acting like they've been working sooooooooooo hard for sooooooooo long compared to me did, in fact, irk me. So today I ran 2.75 miles before we even started the workout, let them get ahead in the workout, then...KILLED IT!!! They are still currently working out, I am typing this.  I am not competitive by nature, but when provoked, I WILL WIN!


    *disclaimer* I am fully aware that I haven't actually won anything, and that I am very much still not feeling well so this probably did me more harm than good, but at least for now, it feels awesome! Also, one girl clearly has a really bad shoulder, and even though she rolled her eyes at me (which I genuinely can't stand), I can't help but want to fix her shoulder.


    I also upped my skull crushers!!!

    • Like 1
  2. Todays work out was pathetic. No one but me showed up. And I mean no one. Not even the trainers. They told me to attempt what was on the board. After leaving out the stuff I am physically not capable of doing I only ended up with a 30 minute routine. I'd normally go run, but it's 31 degrees here (I think that's around -0.5 or 0.6 Celsius) I do not run in that kind of temp. I might just go back out there and do extra abs and squats.

  3. The work outs have been going well as far as getting back into it. My issue is that since Saturday I have been dizzy and a little nauseous. It only lasts a few minutes. I have been drinking water and a protein shake. The only dietary thing remotely different is it's a different protein flavor. I believe all of the other ingredients are the same. Do you guys think it's just my body adjusting to getting back into it?

  4. Look at these reprobates!




    Good hair ME. :wub:





    Is it a compliment to tell someone they look like a porn star?

    If you think the pornstar is pretty, then yes.

    All other options are not a compliment.

  5. So 3 weeks is apparently all it takes to ruin 11months of training . I started back on Monday. I actually did a lot better than I thought I would. Yesterday was also not as bad as I was prepared for. Today was brutal ! And I felt like my body didn't move correctly . EVERYTHING hurts. I'll get back to it quickly. I know I will. I just hate this part. Makes me feel like a puss.

  6. Going to Villa park with the hubster tomorrow. And looking forward to seeing some VT faces and a nice boxing day! Hope everyone had a great Christmas.


    8pints creepy seeing people from VT but does not say hello #10085 -


    Around 2pm I saw you and Brumerican at the corner of the Holte End/Witton lane and Brumerican in his lovely retro claret & blue jacket littered :o throwing his can in to the bush.


    8pints creepy seeing people from VT saying hello but not loud enough/getting blanked #1 (<< Coincidentally my favourite girl's name)


    After the game Brumerican came in from having a cigarette, ordered two lagers (I think) in the front of the Holte Suite and took the longest route possible :P back to a waiting Rob sitting on one of the massive tables in the big-screen-back-room (It was whilst on his long journey where I said hello but he just walked on by :D).

    Why didn't you say hello to me? So silly. Brumerican probably didn't hear you or think you were talking to him. Andy theunderstudy was there as well :-)

    Great spy work.

    • Like 1
  7. I have too many hugs to give. Not just for one person. Hugs to my dad for making it through the last year when they didn't think he would. To my papa, because this year has been so difficult with nanna passing away. A goodbye hug to my sister, mainly because she hates hugs and I think it's funny. To a select few friends that have been there for me this year. Then I will be hugging Brumerican. Then more and more hugs for Brumerican. Then hugging the people of the VT meet up at VP!!!!<<<< Deal with it. It's going to happen.

    • Like 2
  8. Wainy,


    I will be in Brum for two weeks. I was thinking of a meet up for boxing day or the match a few days later :P


    I simply will be landing in Brum next week :)



    BOF, It won't let me quote people on here anymore :(

  9. Die Hard

    National Lampoons Christmas Vacation




    No other Christmas movies needed. Those are my top 3 EVERY year.


    Sometimes I watch a Christmas Story because that's in my sisters top 3.

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