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Posts posted by Killeen30

  1. 18 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    He would probably talk to his agent, visit about 5 different chippy's and then decide.But by then they could all be closed for the afternoon.

    He’d definitely go for a chippy in Europe!

  2. 4 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:


    He's practically taken over the whole team and only has Wes, Grealish and Dean Smith left.

    And that's before he's signed.

    I don’t think he’d ever take over Jack.

  3. 7 hours ago, Keyblade said:

    Mings' shirt ripped, that's the second one in 2 games after Douglas against United.

    They player issues one are so thin. I have last seasons player issue shirt without the sponsor. While it’s a lovely shirt, especially without the sponsor, it’s paper thin!

    I don’t expect the standard fans version to be so thin!

  4. 3 minutes ago, Phil Silvers said:

    I'm gonna get a carrot up me jacksy for this but I prefer him to Trez and AEG

    I’m not sure he is much better or worse. I’d say he’s more tidy with the ball but they are faster. I’m not sure who would, if they played equal game time over the course of the season, produce more goals and assists. 

    To be honest quality wise there is probably not much in it but he’s a different option to those two. Although they are younger and could improve.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Kiwivillan said:

    His pass for Wesley goal against Everton was pure filth

    He is no world beater, but he has obviously got ability. He could be useful.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    I heard that before. Next time you hear of the kids they are playing in second division in Finland.

    The same thing happens to many young player at countless clubs. There is never any guarantees with young players, no matter how much of a natural gift they have.

    It’s about the mental side of the game too and also how driven young players are. We just have to look at the Moore Brothers. Talent alone doesn’t cut it.

  7. 12 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

    At least we made some youth signings. Maybe one of them will make the step up

    ...in three or four years.

    just kidding. I like that the club are bringing in what are deemed by, those who know, quality prospects

  8. 1 hour ago, hippo said:

    Of course - thats a positive upside and we decide to sell at a healthy profit - provided the money is wisely re invested - not a problem. The problem starts if we have to sell players to fund bringing players in.

    I been following Villa for close on 50 years - in that time, without exception that I can recall,a mystifying lack of transfer activity  has always later transpired to be the cash wasn't available. Of course there is a long way to go until the window closes - but the alarm bells are starting to ring for me.


    Transfer dealings are slow across the board. Just relax. Plenty of time. Money is there.

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