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Muller Yogurt Long Sleever

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Everything posted by Muller Yogurt Long Sleever

  1. Crest aside (conversations on that are going around in circles), I find the new branding we're seeing all very scattergun. Some nice bits, some very amateur looking, overall just not very cohesive. I know some people think others are going OTT with their reactions, but when you do this stuff for a living and are passionate about it, it's incredibly frustrating and disappointing to see from our club, especially at such an exciting and landmark time. I started writing a full branding review but can't be bothered, it is what it is. One thing I can confidently say - and this is a professional opinion - is that Mr.Heck is not the branding expert we were led to believe (unless it's some new form of dark art I'm not aware of.) Very excited about new kits and the whole adidas range, I have more trust in them! UTV
  2. Will do you one better than that. If the speculation is true about it being connected to a player, probably McGinn (but in truth, McGregor), but possibly Emi, this is a pretty solid bet for the new home kit
  3. Go on then, bit of tartan... and in a last minute twist, we're using the badge like this, dumping the penis AU150, and our new sponsor has respectfully agreed to tone down for the season. (I'm well aware this is beyond clutching at straws.) NUUUUURSE
  4. Knew the blue comment was coming! To my knowledge there isn't a 'right' blue, we've had many. Plus colours will show up differently on different screens - it's nowhere neon on my screen! Appreciate your comments though mate, needless to say I'm extremely passionate about this and as disappointed and p*ssed off as many of us are. Would've loved to work on this. There are some awesome Villa fan designers on here and awesome design agencies out there, who, with the right brief and process, could've nailed a new icon for us for decades, launching on a very special season ahead of us. Instead what we've got is, I believe, extremely amateur looking. I'm not a roundie but at least it's well designed and balanced. Anyway, as you say, time to accept it and move on. For now...
  5. Just sharing this as a form of therapy and to draw a line under badge-gate. These are most of the badges I slapped together during this debacle - some trying to fix the one we're getting - as many others have - and some just... because. (Yes, I have insomnia and need to get out more.)
  6. Maybe I'll post the back catalogue of badges I've made in the last year or so, all of which I consider to be better than the disgrace we've ended up with!
  7. We'd be going old skool if I had my way! Anyway we'll know soon enough. Better do some real work
  8. If it's this template, hoping it's more this colour use
  9. I'd prefer something a bit more classic myself, without the yellow
  10. if this is true, I guess we're looking at something like this (quick bodge job, and it pains me to put the badge on)
  11. That would be me. Not that I'd necessarily do this from scratch for our badge, but just frustrating how easily fixable the supposed new badge is! I prefer a gold lion but wouldn't mind any claret-blue combo as long as it has contrast
  12. Me too mate and no idea why I'm bothering to be honest! Agree the claret lion looks a bit like a cut-out, I prefer gold on claret. Just some full on clutching at straws
  13. Consider it whatever Pantone or shade of blue you like or think is right - the point is to further demonstrate how ridiculous and frustrating the colour use is at present. We have 3 colours to consider (I have no idea why white has been added, and appreciate some people prefer just claret and blue). Whatever the reason is, or ever was to go yellow on blue, is a bad one. Whatever anyone’s opinion of the overall design of elements (I think it’s crap and unbalanced, would drop the star and 1874, but whatever), there are multiple colour combinations that at least give this thing contrast. So please Chris, one more step at least, you can do this… (then we can move on to composition, and maybe promote you from Work Experience to Intern Designer)
  14. If the shield is locked in, Chris has completed Step 2. Please continue.
  15. It's all true. The thinking was the star only appears as a shirt feature, not on the standard every day badge. Whether that's a possibility or not, doesn't really matter if the monstrosity is locked in - as I said it all feels pretty futile so just making the rules up! NURSE! My make-believe version goes by thinking that if there's not a natural position for the star, and 1874 for that matter, they can be dropped - they can come through wider branding and communications, and will still be seen plenty. If they were vital elements then design with them in mind in the first place - what we've been landed with is professional shoehorning.
  16. I've left the crest subject alone for a few weeks but am still exasperated not only at the lack of consultation, but at the glaring design faults with the more-than-likely new thing. Everyone has an opinion on stars, 1874, crest or roundel, which lion, which way it faces and whatnot - and none of these opinions can really be considered right or wrong. But what is pretty much inarguable are the terrible colour choices, resulting clunky drop shadow and positioning of the lion scraping his head. What's also so annoying is that this basic design - which whilst not my choice of arrangement - could at least just work with a bit of refinement (in my opinion). Since it leaked, we've all seen enough Villa badges to have a different one every season until the end of time. So I know this is futile but I appear to have done it now, blame insomnia...
  17. You're absolutely right, and I don't know the brief of course - I just mean the core components are well balanced. At this point I'd accept the star and whichever lion, if it sat comfortably. Even if we had the fundamentals of a well arranged crest and hold on to a glimmer of hope the colours get adapted at some point.. Plus if they were open to crest shapes, at least consider something more ownable, such as this.
  18. Me too. The crazy thing is it's fundamentally the new one - it could have been made from the same brief, but this is made professionally. AAAAGGGGHHHH
  19. This guy is absolutely spot on. I'd just written the following, which essentially aligns with him but in a more frustrated way - but he's gone into more depth and been more constructive, to be fair. Don't love the crest shape but he knows his stuff. From the excitement of having a brand spanking new/refreshed brand identity with all of its possibilities, to the fury of seeing what we’re apparently getting, to the despondency of it probably not being fixed. This is our primary identity, it should be a new classic made to last for generations of fans, and it’s fundamentally wrong. Not due to personal preferences, it’s just off from a design point of view. I'm now at a point of not caring which way the lion is facing, or even which lion it is. Or if it has 1874 or a star. It shouldn’t be a case of making do, but if you have to do your own version of the crest, Chris - which you didn’t appear to ask anyone about - at least respect the feedback of what seems like every single fan who is supposed to adore it, and fix the sh*tstorm you’ve created. I don’t care where things are at in production, we’re used to late shirts. So please, just at least sort the colours out so that that we have a contrasting combination, negating any question of a bloody drop shadow; and arrange the elements so that it balances - Aston Villa at the top, ideally. I’m fairly confident just looking at it that the new crest has not been made nor approved by someone who understands basic composition, which is as concerning as it is infuriating. Maybe we need an official Villa design consortium... Fix it, bin it, or start again properly and use a current badge for our special anniversary next season. Pretty please. This is important.
  20. Spot on. Ridiculous to brief designers with 'these are the elements, arrange them nicely' (which they haven't); and I wholeheartedly agree we've missed a trick, in defining our whole identity in a more innovative and ownable way, whilst still celebrating heritage.
  21. Thank you. It's not so much about the colours - they're subjective so one person's wrong is another's right - plus they will show up differently on different screens. It's more the thought that perhaps all is not lost if it's rolled out smartly..
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