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Posts posted by Mammoth10

  1. By train is it quicker to go Brum-London-Norwich? Doable in under 3 hours ?

    No chance, quickest train is via Peterborough (1 change and £55 if you split journey) London with connections is over 4 hours.

  2. There's just been a total lack of progress under him, in fact we're worse than we were at the start of the season. He's been a massive disappointment for me. He either needs backing or sacking.

    No progress and we are worse...surely sacking is the option? If he needs backing (as I think he does) support him and don't mention the rest of the keyboard sacking revolution!

  3. got it really wrong today and im afraid my patience is lost with him now just as much as lerner those substitutions were woeful bannan doesnt belong in the prem!

    He made one 'tactical' change and the other two were enforced, yours and others opinions on what he could have done differently are welcomed.... Boring negativity

  4. Reminde me a lot of Carew in his early days today! Will be a fan favourite that is for sure! I think he would probably work best with Gabby!

    Could be worth selling bent as I'd like to see lambert with 20 mil to invest!


  5. He's taken the piss for 2 years on the pitch. How people think he "tries hard" is beyond me.

    And yes, he slagged the city off.

    I have read he said Bham was shite once, in context with him being treated like shite he might have been a touch emotional.

    Onto important matters ie football, do you think he has not 'tried' hard? If so fair enough, he has hardly been given ample opportunity for 2 years on the pitch let alone have the chance to take the piss. There seem to be people who know people are 'not trying', 'taking the piss' etc

    A lot of what you say is beyond me.

  6. I can't believe that some are saying they would welcome that spineless, weasling w anker Downing back.

    1 decent season in 3 for us, and shite for Liverpool last year.

    We raped them when we sold him for stupid money, I'd hate them to get their own back by dumping the turncoat bastard back on us.

    He was only a Villa player for 2 years and available to play for 1 and a 1/2 of those, I'd say his full good season was a pretty good return?

    He's exactly what we're crying out for right now and to think we're in the position to turn down this player is naive at best. This is all of course assuming we're in for him and he'd come back.

  7. Regardless of what happens this season, I'm not going to be calling for Lamberts head

    Even if we go down we'd be best sticking with this manager and rebuilding with him

    Hardest job in the PL

    Fully with you on this CI, you get a lot of shit on here but whilst not being so extreme as to mention the 'going down' I think we're just above that level!....Our squad is abysmal and has been for several years, needs major investment and there is one man who needs to address that.

  8. I phoned the club last week as not had mine, they said last batch being posted out this week.

    Hope you get it then.

    How does everyone use their vouchers? Straight away? String them out? Not at all?

    I separate all of my vouchers and fold them up, put them in a Villa Bronx hat and draw one out on the morning of each home game,then use that voucher on said given day. Sometimes though if I don't fancy the one I've drawn that day I cheat and put it back in til I get one I want.

  9. Coopers Tavern is better than the Devonshire and only round the corner from it!

    Richard, this place looks quite small from the google streetview, but is that deceptive? How busy do you think it'll get in there....this looks my preferred option...

  10. He also wasted a decent chance with a shot which trickled into the keepers hands and stepped over a ball played right into him in the 6 yard box.

    A few aimless hopeful flicks on's and one half decent pass doesn't make his performance decent.

    You really are a prize bell-end aren't you? Your moderator 'powers' and mega numbers of posts really don't equate to being at the match making informed decisions do they, I wish more than the odd few genuine, match attending, Aston villa fans would bring you up on your arrogant, not to be questioned posts. Heskey was decent today, you're a tnuc, ban me. In fact you won't ban me you'll patronise me with a Trent-ish response, as you love to velittke people, I'll sleep ok though as all those you belittle actislllt attend matches. F off and watch forest you tool

  11. At least this thread is slowing down now, what are we averaging 3-4 pages a day

    Perhaps one or two are coming to terms with who's boss

    Coming to terms with???? What on earth are you on about. It isn't a case of coming to terms with it, despite what some claim the objections to McLeish aren't about where he came from which this comment again implies.

    Some might be against him because of his time across the city but the vast majority of those critical are so for far better reasons than that as I think you well know because its been explained time and time again.

    Despite the lack of games this thread continues to tick over but obviously it is slower than when we are playing games. If the thread is a little more quiet it is a reflection of nothing more than the fact we aren't playing games.

    How does this post from CI imply that it's all about where Mcleish came from? For someone that gets shall we say 'a little upset' when people try to put words in their mouth, this is a little rich.

  12. I can't believe people see it as a good offer, buy by the deadline for no increase with no certainty of which league we will be in. Or if you wait pay even more for watching the dross we are being served up.

    With the current circumstances of the team, the current manager, the prospect of player sales and free transfers added to things like the lack of Saturday 3pm games and the cheap match day tickets buying a ST makes little or no sense.

    Regardless of the football/entertainment on offer a price freeze is still decent. I'm also sure we will know exactly what division we will be in before the deadline too.

  13. I tutted at the cashier in William Hill and went next door to Ladbrokes and put the same bet on without an issue.

    Good work, in the William Hill instance you encountered a classic case of 'the can't be arsed with customer service' cashier :)

  14. I hope we win more than ever tomorrow because we haven't won at home for three months.

    That and the fact that I'm making yet another 6 hour round trip up to VP tomorrow.

    Here is a novel thought.

    If the fans actually attempt to support them team, instead of sitting in silence waiting for one of them to make a stray pass and then vent ultimate rage at the team - we may just do it.

    The only time this season I have heard the fans support the team was Arsenal, now I know we lost it, but how well we played that day.

    Just a thought.

    Mate the people who dont like the McLeish generally stay away, so what you are actually saying is those who are tolerant of him are causing a poisonous atmosphere at Villa Park?

    Nice on you.

    ..............................and as usual, everyones fault except McLeish who is supposed to set up, motivate and send out a team mentally, physically and tactically capable of winning the game.

    What a crock of shite. There are huge numbers of mcleish haters who are still down at VP, fair play to you as you are genuinely staying away, but the notion that I've heard banded about on here (not necessarily from you) is that 90% of fans are against him, by your reasoning above VP attendances must be 90% down too leaving us other 10% to cause the poisonous atmosphere!

    In all honesty mate, what I wrote was a supposition. As you rightly say, I havent been there this season and do not intend to until I can renew my enthusiasm for the club. I still watch online and I posted previously that VP sounds like a graveyard, but was put right on here by someone who does attend who stated that this was down to microphone positioning.

    I do think that the whole club would be better served if those who do not support McLeish stayed away. Either McLeish would be able to build a team with confidence that can perform at home free from hostility, or attendances would be so low he would be removed from post. Both would be more beneficial to the club then people turning up ready to boo the players.

    As much as I have an opposing view with you regarding McLeish this response I agree with 100%, it's gotta be all about the club and getting the best and most confident performances out of the team. Not a likely scenario to get a moan free VP, never gonna happen, but we can dream!

  15. I hope we win more than ever tomorrow because we haven't won at home for three months.

    That and the fact that I'm making yet another 6 hour round trip up to VP tomorrow.

    Here is a novel thought.

    If the fans actually attempt to support them team, instead of sitting in silence waiting for one of them to make a stray pass and then vent ultimate rage at the team - we may just do it.

    The only time this season I have heard the fans support the team was Arsenal, now I know we lost it, but how well we played that day.

    Just a thought.

    Mate the people who dont like the McLeish generally stay away, so what you are actually saying is those who are tolerant of him are causing a poisonous atmosphere at Villa Park?

    Nice on you.

    ..............................and as usual, everyones fault except McLeish who is supposed to set up, motivate and send out a team mentally, physically and tactically capable of winning the game.

    What a crock of shite. There are huge numbers of mcleish haters who are still down at VP, fair play to you as you are genuinely staying away, but the notion that I've heard banded about on here (not necessarily from you) is that 90% of fans are against him, by your reasoning above VP attendances must be 90% down too leaving us other 10% to cause the poisonous atmosphere!

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