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Posts posted by ahamaad

  1. His other response (bearing in mind he is seeing this through green and white tinted specs)

    'He did well with rangers initially but he was bollocks at the end so he left. Bought some right dud players!'

    Finishing off what fist-face started then!


  2. My brother-in-law is a big Celtic/Scotland fan, and I sent him a text telling him about McCleish - his response

    'The clearing in the woods is chasing money. He is crap anyway'


    Not sure if he is bitter about him leaving the scotland job - but I reckon Walter Smith had made great inroads with that team before McCleish came in - and....

    The f*cked up against Georgia!


  3. Bad news that is - he is actually quite good!

    Hev, why are you always so worried about small heath.

    Shit rolls downhill and decomposes to leave a nasty mark. He got sacked from Rangers because they were doing poorly - and didn't make it to the Euro 2008 championships, losing at home to Italy (fair enough) and away to Georgia.

    He is what we call, an 'also ran'.

  4. Ali, after McLaren they will want RESULTS more than anything. They will accept Capello if he gets them into the knockout stages of major competitions, and he would ...

    Also do you reckon England have the personnel and mentality to play Catanaccio football ? It'd be an evolution imo.

    You and I know that - but will joe public?

    We know what Capello bases his teams around - after all he has won more trophies than the England team and small heath in their entire existence - teams with a focus on a solid defence and a solid backbone.

    That means dopping one of Gerard/Lampard - something the cockney media will not like.

    Even if we do a Greece and win or come close to winning a major tournament by a succession of 1-0 wins - people won't be happy with the 'Italian defensive mentality'.

    Stupid I know, but was one of the reasons cited for Sven going, even though we got to the quarter finals of major tournaments and qualifying was always a formality.

  5. I would love a Capello or Lippi - Lippi has ruled himself out though as he doesn't speak English (no big deal IMO).

    Capello would be great but would England fans be happy with his defensive football???

    If we slated Sven for taking a 1-0 lead and not finishing games off - what would we make of Capello, whose Juventus side made defending 1-0 leads into an art form???


  6. The conveyer belt of comedy just keeps cranking on at Sty Andrews. Fresh from the attempt to land Lippi (who I don't actually think speaks English) comes the news Blues and Bruce are locked in a battle over money.

    And the source of the dispute? Image rights! Yes you read that correct image rights, yes Steve Bruce and image rights!

    At first I assumed that Bruce perhaps paid Blues to not put his picture on stuff or even paid them to make him look less repulsive with the aid of photoshop and that he wanted a refund as he was leaving.

    But stageringly they pay him image rights which begs the question what do they use his image for Beauty and the Beast Disney **** lunch boxes? The only other thing I could think of was perhaps Hallowen masks.

    Either that or they have started selling dolls with his face on in Anne Summers - the mind boggles.....

    Steve Bruce and image rights I never thought I'd hear anything as funny in my life

    I have to say after the shite of the last couple of days this rant has put a amile back on my face!

    Top work!


  7. McClaren spend millions, literally millions on players like Joseph Desire Job - as well as the three has-beens from Villa.

    He got very lucky getting to the UEFA cup final - he is a shit manager - after 15 months fo watching the shower that is England I would have thought all of us had finally reached that conclusion?


  8. I honestly think Lippi has never even heard of them.


    You will get a few more weeks of this:

    Lippi turns down golden opportunity to manage Blose

    Mourinho approached for job

    Klinsmen tuens down blues


    'Peter Reid appointed new small heath boss with Gold quoting ' we were after him all along'


  9. General,

    There are certain vibes that are coming out of Villa Park and particularly certain players that does not sit too comfortably with us Villa fans. In particular the fact that certain players - and in particular the bedrock of the defence - Martin Laursen - not being offered a new contract.

    While we appreciate the ultimate decision is MON's - Laursen himself has been quoted as saying he is free to talk to other clubs in January, and it would be very worrying for us to lose such a great player to a rival.

  10. ust to re-iterate General, I think these 'fans' should not be allowed at Villa Park. We should have a closed doors policy with regards to their fans when they come to play us.

    Missiles such as glass ketchup bottles and coins being thrown by their 'supporters' at our fans, who were simply celebrating a goal. Children being injured.

    This is combination with their ridiculous pricing means we need to do something.

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