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Posts posted by ahamaad

  1. The crash will only affect you if you sell. If you can wait long enough, you'll eventually be able to sell at a profit.

    The only people negatively affected (ignoring the generally felt economic side effects in the broader market) will be those who figured either a) I'll buy now and flip it for a profit or B) I'll wait on selling it for another year and make even more...

    I take it you are from the States?

    I hear its pretty grim over there right now. Was watching a programme on it a week or so ago, and they used (interestingly) Cleveland, Ohio as an example, as it is allegedly the poorest state in the US. Apparantly reposessions there are at an all time high, and the blame is soley on mortgage lenders who sold mortgages to people who were clearly in no position to be able to afford repayments once the fixed term expired.

  2. Like I said in another thread, the US economy is in a full scale recession, and the UK's is on the brink of it. Reposessions are up, houses not selling, all fuelled by inflation and interest rates.

    First time buyers are shafted unless they have a huge deposit.

    There are going to be hard times ahead.

  3. General,

    I know this may not be an issue high up on the list of priorities, but I feel I must voice my concerns regarding sale of players to Birmingham City FC. I know ultimately MON has the final say, but I really can't see how giving them anything, to help them fight relegation is good for us. You have seen how they look at us with disdain and envy, so I have to say I am very disappointed to see them try and prise another of our players in the young and promising Mr. Cahill.

    I know me saying this will not affect any transfer outcome, but most fans don't like trading with BCFC, and certainly would rather sell a player to someone else before they sell to them.

    Rant over.

  4. Distorts which facts?

    More people use asprin, so more people die of it? Ali, you are the Doc - any stats you could call upon?

    Lots of people use ecstasy. Some die. Lots of people use aspirin some die.

    Without some real comparative stats, we are forever comparing chalk with cheese.

    I don't have any stats to hand, I am just using common sense

    1) aspirin is more readily available

    2) More people use aspirin than ecstasy therefore more people are likely to suffer adverse effects from it

    3) Most aspirin related deaths are probably intentional overdose

    If I saw a person who came in with an ecstasy related cardiac problem (I;ve seen a couple) I wouldn't tell them its as safe as aspirin.

  5. Most of the aspirin related deaths are due to deliberate overdose.

    How about asking if taking one 75mg aspirin tablet is the same as taking one ecstasy tablet.

    Police talking shite as usual.

    So most aspirin related deaths are as a result of people abusing drugs, whereas most ecstasy related drugs are as a result of people abusing drugs. Chalk and cheese I wouldn't conclude.

    Mlost aspirin related deaths are due to people taking 100 of them to top themselves, while the ecstasy ones are due to people taking one and having a cardiac arrhythmia or something similar.

  6. Regarding our transfers under MON and after Lerner took over I would say pretty much everyone is feeling a bit down about it.

    Apart from those that I talk to that go to the games that is.

    Yes its strange that one isn't it. I've been to every home home game and a couple of away games and I've yet to hear anyone say that they are downbeat about Mons signings.

    Do you speak to every single person in the ground?
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