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Everything posted by ahamaad

  1. Any news yet? 48 hours is well up. Has Ellis **** off? Where's the party?
  2. I've seen some corpses in my time but Ellis wasn't far off yesterday. :winkold:
  3. New Year, 48 hours? All I know is Ellis didn't look too healthy when the camera panned to him during the highlights.
  4. So someomne has to pay £1000 in order to complete the 64 million quid deal, and Ellis is haggling over wo should pay that? Even though he is a few million quid better off?
  5. Bayern Munich in the final? Three times winners. Real easy game that.
  6. 48 hours are up and no news? I take its not happening?
  7. From the Irish paper mentioned earlier: Why would Ellis want it turned into a successful club? That would be stealing his limelight. :evil:
  8. When is the so called 48 hours up? Will we know by the weekend? I have more or less given up hope of anything happening.
  9. Those three words in bold sum it all up for me. Why am I not fecking suprised? :evil:
  10. Another 48 hours? Where's Eddie Murphy becasue thats all we need now to complete this comedy. :winkold:
  11. Possibly. Maybe they are just interested in the land? Interesting how Ellis a few weeks back mentioned he wouldn't sell to asset strippers?
  12. You can't get results the same day for a biopsy. The sample of tissue, and in the case of a bowel procedure could well be a 'polyp', would need processing, freezing, cutting into slices and then viewed under a microscope by a pathologist. This could take 2 or 3 days if you o it privately, or 6 years on the NHS.
  13. I refer the honourable gentleman to the the post I made last night ;-) Just read it and I am beginning to agree. At least the Glazers had an interest in Sports. These people have no interest whatsoever. There was an interview with the chairmn of Leyton Orient and he basically said you don't take over a football club to mke money, you'd never get the books to balance. He never met with Ellis then.
  14. I am beginning to ask serious questions about the ability of these irish brothers to run Villa. Running a football club means you generally aren't in it for a profit making exercise. These brothers aren't even interested in football. We could end up in a situation where there is no cash to buy players season in season out, just like now really.
  15. LMAO, thats priceless, and the funniest thing is it just sums Ellis up!
  16. ^^^ Apparantly elies wants to sell.
  17. Yet still he backs him at evry fecking AGM!
  18. ic Brum: Anyone got a spare 10 million knocking about? If these guys can't even come up with the money, forget the cash for transfers! :evil:
  19. ^^^^Does anyone think that had we a stronger league position, things would be done more smoothly, or is it just the Villa way?
  20. Ellis doesn't want to sell, but he is being forced to sell because of health reasons. He is like a child that is told he has to give up his favourite toy and he is clinging on for dear life. rocket polisher.
  21. Hands up those who deep down thought this would never happen. 20 million quid each year for players etc, too good to be true.
  22. I agree. Treat a product like shit for 23 years and then expect people to fork out millions for it. Ellis is a senile clearing in the woods.
  23. This is like the club is in a fecking coma. I can't stand another year of Ellis. I had it on good grounds that everyone has tried to get him to sell up.
  24. Ellis, Villa and Investments are three words that just aren't compatible.
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