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Everything posted by ahamaad

  1. Even if the club is bought out, I don't think DOL will go straight away.
  2. This is all beyond me. Why the **** couldn't they (Villa) do this out of season? Why disrupt the running of the club like this?
  3. Can they handle Ellis though? because nobody I have met so far can!
  4. So what does that mean? Not come up with the cash? What does he expect? A suitcase full of cash? They have a 1 billion pound company, why is he questioning if they have the money? Does he want to see their bank statements? Bottom line: Is Ellis going to sell?
  5. I know nothing about shares or finances, so will someone please tell me and otehr forum members in plain english what the above statements mean and should I spend my Euromillions winnings on getting rid of Doug?
  6. 72 hours well over. How much longer now? I've got bets on 3 months.
  7. I am a shareholder, should I take Ellis to court?
  8. Because Ellis is squeezing every last drop out of this club.
  9. The 48 hours was up on Monday. The 72 hours hass now been and gone. We've heard nothing. Could it be that it ahs fallen through. Another year of Ellis.
  10. A crucial 2 weeks when Ellis decides if he will have a prawn and cucumber sandwich on 31st Jan or screw the heart bypass and go for a BLT. Thats the only decision he will be making.
  11. We could send them down. The final nail in their coffin. I don't think I could miss it for anything.
  12. I know a couple of people in that boat. The way I see it is I go to support the team on the pitch, Ellis can kiss my ass as far as I am concerned.
  13. ali - steven has documented on numerous occasions that whilst a certain person is around he won't attend VP. Hope it clears it up for you Fair enough.
  14. ^^^ Whats stopping you now?
  15. Is there a scream emoticon, because this is what this takeover is doing to me.
  16. This is draggin on and on and on and on.......... First they say 48 hours, now another 72 hours. We should know this week. No doubt with the week up it will be another 2 weeks and the january window will be closed.
  17. I remember him saying he grew up in Erdington, and was a regular a VP, or is he the new Ellis?
  18. So the main people on each side are: Ellis' family and Neville, neither of whom are the main people in the takeover? That doesn;t look good.
  19. Quick straw poll. How many people think the takeover will go ahead?
  20. But if there is a fixed price agreed between vendor and purchaser, that surely has no earing on the other share price?
  21. People are being very cagey today! Do we take it as 'no news is good news'
  22. Could it be the usual fluctuation in prices?
  23. Never a straight answer with Ian :winkold:
  24. That doesn't sound good? :evil:
  25. Share prices? Any indication anything is happening, as the crucial 48 hours is definitely up.
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