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Posts posted by PeterSw

  1. 13 minutes ago, daft said:

    There are other ways of crossing the ball that doesn't really demand a towrering target man. City cuts back into the box with low crosses to tap in or power home from close, which will make Haaland a perfect player since his movement and strength will wreak havoc. We don't have to balloon balls into the box from touch. Cutting back would probably be a better option for us even though we don't have a Haaland, but Ings would probably do somewhat better in such cases, even though he absolutely looked like a man without any power to his finishing Friday. 

    We need a bit more movement to open open some more space though, low crosses or not. 

    This is what baffled me. If you are insistent on width and getting crosses into the box, then surely they need to be low balls for Ings/Watkins or the other forwards coming into the box. The only only way we would of had any success with the high crosses was that maybe the forwards could get to the second ball but even that was a stretch.

    • Like 2
  2. I think it's the combination of the bad loss, change of captaincy and the mistreatment of Mings (and maybe Traore/Guilbert/El Ghazi to a lesser extent) that has opened this thread. The loss/performance alone was bad but many probably would have gave him the benefit of the doubt to turn it around but the other things have got people on edge as these are the sorts of thing that can result in losing the dressing room and once that happened, its hard to come back from.

  3. I think we'll see Chambers in for Konsa defensively.

    Interested to see the changes he makes in attack, hoping our home tactics are different to our away tactics and we play a more attacking game. Can't help but think that it will be the 4-3-1-2 with Ings and Watkins up top.


  4. 3 minutes ago, SuffolkVillan said:

    Considering his recent comments, could he have already lost the dressing room? I normally advocate given new Managers time but in this case I think sack now and replace when the right fit becomes available. Gary Mac and Critchley should be able to continue without things getting even worse......hopefully!

    It wouldn't surprise me. I think Mings is a big big figure in that dressing room. Players probably would have been annoyed by stripping him of captaincy, but dropping him AND those comments after the game... might have pushed a lot over the edge. Next couple of games will tell us alot. 

    • Like 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    Christ - should Liverpool sack klopp? We are 1 game in. It’s absurd to be talking manager change

    I'm still 'Gerrard in' but it's more than one game. It's been 25 odd games and not much by way of style and performances. 

    By the time the WC break comes (a sensible time to change) we'll be 17 games in and another season down the drain. 

    • Like 2
  6. If there is no improvement by the WC break he should be sacked. Problem is, will Purslow sack his mate?

    Hopefully the owners will step up and insist that he goes. They do appear to be quite ruthless 

  7. Mings will be desperate to go to the World Cup. If he's not in the starting XI by the end of the month, he'll be out of the club. Can imagine him and Coady at Everton doing a good job. 

    If it came to it, I'd rather SG out of the club than Tyrone

  8. Ings and Watkins are a good interchangeable combo to have in the match day squad. One replacing the other after 65-70 mins in a game is a good option for us to have. Imagine a good few teams in the league are quite envious of it. 

  9. For me:

    Mings club captain as he's a great leader and person on and off the pitch. 

    Martinez VC as he's also appears to be a big leader in the dressing room and is likely to play every game so can naturally take over from Mings when he doesn't play

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, useless said:

    That's twenty-six players, so one player over, and I think it's pretty obvious a number of those won't be with us next season, Steer, Guilbert, El Ghazi, Sanson and Davis will likely be playing elsewhere, then question marks still surrounding Luiz and Traore as well, there will be plenty of room for more new signings and our own academy players.

    Pretty Sure Steer has a long term injury and won't be available until January 2023 at the earliest 

  11. 23 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    I half expect to see him feature against Walsall as Martinez and Olsen won’t be back until next week. 

    Yeah him and Steer will probably get a half each?

  12. Good to see Ash sign on for a year. Experienced head in the dressing room and around the place. Good role model for the younger lads too.

    I wonder if coaching badges and a place on the coaching team next season was added as a sweetener to the deal

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