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Everything posted by est1874

  1. Jesus we've been disastrous after equalizing. We were never winning this game.
  2. Which just underlines how disappointing Watkins has been.
  3. Why is there always such an extreme reaction? We laud Jack with praise, rightly so, when he plays a blinder. If he has a rare stinker, it's still valid to acknowledge that? Surely. Yes there are mitigating circumstances - he's played 3 games in a row for England and yes he's entitled to a bad game every now and then. It doesn't mean he's not having one, or that people are having a pop. It's called having eyes.
  4. Why the **** do we keep crossing to an area of the box with no bodies and no runners into the back post? Virtually pointless.
  5. He looks wrecked in fairness. Don't think he's played a full 90 yet?
  6. Unnecessarily harsh. He's been a bright spark for us today, even if you think he's not brilliant he's not been a useless pile of shit. Or did you miss his assist for our goal?
  7. Watkins and Traoré seem to be swapping in and out. I'm not sure it's working!
  8. I can't help but agree with this, and it's daft when you consider we have arguably the most technically gifted player to grace a Villa shirt since the early '80s.
  9. We look dangerous when we get forward and then it just doesn't fall right or we don't take our chance. Frustrating.
  10. Luiz showing that we have nobody capable of doing what March did to us.
  11. Your straw man is a bit obvious here - nobody has compared him to Rui Costa or even close. He gives us a set piece threat, whereas McGinn is giving us nothing at all at the moment.
  12. He does need a rollicking from the manager for that one, so it doesn't happen again. Smith seems too nice to go in hard on someone like Ty though.
  13. I don't really think that it has. He's only really kicked into gear for us when we've been ahead, he starts most games slow, so I can't see him having given us much out there that Traoré hasn't given us so far.
  14. He has games like this in him. It's very frustrating. I'd honestly consider bringing on Hourihane, we're not losing much in sacrificing John here, and Conor gives us a set piece threat.
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