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Everything posted by birdman

  1. Half the team will be suspended for Brentford at this rate
  2. Not playing out from the back very well. Sort it out lads!
  3. True. Think they're a bit shell shocked from the early goal
  4. We haven't quite settled into a rhythm yet. Need to keep hold of the ball better.
  5. We left just after final whistle and being in lower North Stand it's super quick to get out. Was pleasantly surprised to reach Witton and get straight on the platform for the first train! I think there have been discussions about a 30m overhaul of Witton as part of Villa Park expansion. Have no idea if anything firmed up though!
  6. I believe based on recent experience that from New Street, Aston has more frequent trains but we have used both stations and really there isn't much in it unless pre match pubs are a consideration. I would say Aston is a 15-20 minute walk and Witton only 10 minutes if that. You'll want to get to Villa Park 1 hour before kick off ideally and then you'll avoid packed carriages! Getting back to New Street, if you get out of Villa Park quickly you can beat the worst of the queues for the train at Witton. If there is a massive queue expect to be waiting for around an hour. Last night for Man City was our most hassle free game travel wise. Probably because of the 8.15 ko.
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