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Five Ken McNaughts

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Posts posted by Five Ken McNaughts

  1. 2 minutes ago, LancsVillan said:

    I have watched and re watched the video and Friends arms are at his side with whistle in hand as Jack passes to Lansbury,  it makes it even worse.


    THIS is the damning piece of evidence. Only when it was clear Villa had a one-on-one shot did Kevin Friend decide to blow for a dive by Grealish. Totally caught with his pants down. Nothing about this situation feels like an "honest mistake".

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, sne said:

    They could absolutely overturn the call after review, but since they've been instructed not to change the call on the field because it would put the refs in a bad light they are not doing so.


    IF the whistle has gone first, then I really don't believe they can. If the whistle has gone the goalie is within his rights to not even dive. Active play ends with the whistle.

  3. 3 minutes ago, samjp26 said:

    Yes he did, meaning VAR can't intervene with the goal being allowed or not. If he blew after the ball went in, like he is supposed to, then it would have went to VAR to see whether or not a goal should have been given. Friend didn't let the game play on, he had basically already made his mind up in a split second that Jack had dived, despite no appeal and Jack not even looking towards him. Funny how Cahill was the one holding his leg like he'd been injured.

    As I said previously, Jack has a reputation, referees will be out to "get him" to show their authority. Bunch of Representatives for Wellingborough.

    Was typing something similar and missed your comment. You're right – VAR can't overrule if the whistle has gone. But watching those little clips, it seems Friend certainly doesn't have the whistle to his lips when the ball reaches Lansbury. Makes it look like he suddenly thought "Shit, better nip this in the bud quick!"

  4. 2 minutes ago, privateer said:

    99% sure I heard the whistle before Lansbury put it in.

    Thanks. That would make VAR an irrelevance in that case (so at least solve that part of the mystery). Of course, it would also make it an even worse decision by Kevin Friend – not only booking Grealish for a non-existent dive, but totally ignoring the protocol about letting goal scoring situations play out so they can be checked by VAR.

    • Like 2
  5. 20 hours ago, Villarocker said:

    I think that Tyrone Mings is going to become priceless at Villa both to the club and to the fans. If that is the case, he will become a legend. Value will mean nothing because if we achieve what our owners want us to achieve then Tyrone will probably be part of that.

    I would be happy for him to leave on a free (aged 40, for a final pay day in MLS. Leading the fans in a farewell rendition of "Allez! Allez!" while wearing full kit and all his Villa medals, standing on a statue of himself outside a 60,000 Villa Park).  

    • Like 3
  6. Interesting to read all the above thoughts on the various Villa podcasts. I too gave up on MOMS for some of the reasons already mentioned (sweary, cynical and rather self-satisfied). In fact, that is one of the reasons I quite enjoy Gather 'Round The Lamp – it is pretty much the opposite of all those things. Sure, it is not always searing insight, but the presenters seem genuine, upbeat and grateful to their listeners.

    I recognise some of what @Chindie says above, but I would cut the American presenter (Mark, I think) a little more slack. Sure, he uses some buzzwords and North American sports sayings / clichés, but that would only annoy me if he weren't a real fan, and I certainly get the impression that he is, at least for the past decade or more (he's doing a Villa podcast, after all, and drove some truly ridiculous distance to get the Minnesota game). In a funny way I rather like hearing Villa talked about in American English. Exotic, innit? The fact is Villa have a growing fanbase around the world, not all of whom are going to be steeped in the subtleties of terminology that come naturally to some of the rest of us. I think we should just throw our arms open. So if Mark calls West Brom "Baggies" instead of "the Baggies", I don't mind too much.

    The English half of the presenting team (Regan – very confusing that he has the more American name) seems like a nice chap too, although if I had one bit of advice... he sometimes appears to be reading the notes for the next discussion point while Mark is speaking. Thus, there are no interruptions, no back and forth, no "let me pick you up on that" type moments. Still, they have only done 20-odd episodes. Maybe the format will loosen up a bit with time.

    As for the Villa View, I have enjoyed many of those too, although it was interesting to read @omariqy's comment that they lost him during the Hourihane vs Luiz debate. I missed that episode, though I did hit "Stop" when Tom said he thought Nyland should start against Leipzig (that's the problem with podcasts – we want them to have opinions but we can't really shout back). Still, I would certainly take a differing opinion over no opinion at all. There is nothing worse than listening to a podcast and being met with "I didn't see the game...", "I've never heard of this player...", "I haven't being following this story..." or, during the live Villa View event, "Who knows anything about Wesley?? No-one! Exactly!".... (Well, thanks to VillaTalk, I had already watched a highlights video in which I saw tantalising traits of Thompson, Atkinson and Benteke, and read a fascinating article about his personal story). So, if you're doing a podcast, please do a modicum of research. Not sure how this comment became so long. Probably best I don't go into the world of podcasts.       

    • Like 1
  7. On 25 August 2019 at 20:08, The Moustache of Teale said:

    Possibly fuelled by the obligatory hot bank holiday Sunday drinking session, but I got slightly emotional reading this article:


    Such a Rocky story! Thank you! Makes me wonder if Tyrone trains by running up the Holte End steps in the snow. A damaged player given a shot at redemption by a fallen giant of a club, both saving each other in the process? What a privilege to witness a modern-day fairytale from the stands of Villa Park.

    • Like 3
  8. You don’t need a crystal ball to see the inevitable consequences of continuing to sing about Ezri Konsa’s manhood. You simply do a Google search for the Lukaku song and, when you see the results, imagine the words "Manchester United / Romelu Lukaku" replaced with “Aston Villa / Ezri Konsa”. Doesn’t make for pretty reading, does it? We can all go round in circles arguing whether the lyrics “should” or “shouldn’t” cause offence. It’s actually quite irrelevant in the end. The only sure thing is a public relations car crash. If you choose to continue to sing the song, that is entirely up to you. But please do so in the understanding that this whole thing can only end badly for Aston Villa.

    • Like 3
  9. 10 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

    Disappointing for me. Great opportunity making our first eleven gel more.

    Instead he throws out a team that haven't played together in a competitive game. This game can go either way really.

    Under Paul "Why do we have the cups?" Lambert, that would probably have been my reaction too. But this doesn't feel like a defeatist and negative selection in that way. I really want to see how Targett and El Ghazi link up, how Hause and Konsa are looking (not to mention a first glimpse of the Mysterious Nakamba). If everyone steps up, Bodymoor Heath will be a happy camp tomorrow. Seize your chances, lads!!!

    • Like 1
  10. Personally, I am far from convinced by VAR. I cringed when it starting doing the preposterous "shoulder comparison" thing that led to a Sterling goal bring ruled out on the opening weekend at West Ham. Fans of both teams in the pub where I was watching had already agreed he was bang in line. Which he was. You have to wonder why a VAR panel should then feel the need to get involved, drawing their silly (and highly subjective) lines on the screen, trying to deconstruct the shoulder joint like an anatomy lesson. They desperately tried something similar for the fine Wolves goal against Man U before eventually giving up. I was heartened that Wesley's goal, and Pukki's this weekend for Norwich (both bang in line with the last man), were allowed to stand without the shoulder nonsense. However, if anyone happened to see the LASK v Brugge Champions League qualifier – where the VAR team got so confused by their own manipulation of the shoulder lines they presented two totally contradictory conclusions – you will realise that Alan Shearer's favourite mantra that "You can't argue with VAR on offsides" is pure Emperor's New Clothes stuff. It's not some advanced body sensor technology or a mythical oracle, Alan. Just blokes drawing lines on a screen and making complete prats of themselves at times.

    • Like 1
  11. As one of those who feels that Taylor has done fine, but that Targett would be the bolder choice for our next PL game, I thought I would take a look at how he fared against Crystal Palace last time round.

    01.09.18 Crystal Palace 0-2 Southampton (Used sub. 1 assist to Højberg for the second).

    30.01.19 Southampton 1-1 Crystal Palace (Starter. 1 assist to Ward-Prowse for the equaliser).

    A few extracts from the SouthamptonFC report of the second game give an interesting insight into the areas where Targett may offer something different to Taylor:

    "Matt Targett had got forward well, motoring towards the by-line before standing the ball up centrally, where Ings headed marginally wide of the mark."

    "Saints were straight on the front foot in the second half. Targett won and took a well-positioned free kick, but Vestergaard couldn't arch his neck high enough to connect."

    "Redmond and Armstrong were involved down the left, skilfully exchanging passes and waiting for the overlapping run of Targett. The best move of the game, the full-back received the ball and fizzed it across the face of the box, where Ward-Prowse was positioned to side foot home."


    I would have no qualms about Matt Targett facing Crystal Palace again.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, peterms said:

    Just "The League Cup" worked very well for many years.

    Naturally, that would be my preferred option too.

    I was just thinking that many of this competition's image problems could have been minimised, had the Football League had the foresight to say the original name was sacrosanct (and sponsorship / naming rights could go no further than the "FA Cup sponsored by AXA" model).

  13. 10 hours ago, Pez1974 said:

    Amazing signing from what I've seen so far.

    I know Deano was looking at him when he was at Brentford, and he seems exactly the sort of player that they would pick up for a few million, and then sell to us for £20m. Nice to cut out the middle man for a change.

    And just the £73,000,000 cheaper than Harry Maguire.

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    • Haha 2
  14. The icing on the cake is that as the Friday night PL game (with no other football to compete against) that match will have been top billing in sports bars all over Europe and further afield. What a fantastic advert for the club.

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