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Everything posted by Greenfly

  1. I chalked that down to a lack of chemistry in the team. The rustiness of both squads used was pretty clear. I'm sure they'll get used to his runs over the next few games.
  2. It would be nice to see Guilbert and Jota playing together in the next match. They could cause some real havoc on the right, judging by their performances last night.
  3. Greenfly


    Hi. I've only been a Villa fan since 2015 when I became interested in football, but I'd always had a soft spot for them since my brother and cousin took me to a few games as a kid. From the moment my interest in football took off, there was no other team for me. I've been hovering in this forum, reading people's viewpoints and engaging in the club's history for a couple of years now, and I thought it'd be nice to start contributing.
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