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Posts posted by Sulberto21

  1. I think the best way forward in the medium term is to buy the houses around the area especially behind the Doug Ellis stand. Ideally to the junction of Trinity Road and Witton road, down to the railway line then all the land around the church too. 

    Then build something magnificently monstrous like the AT and T Stadium. 

    It all depends on demand and our subsequent growth potentially.

  2. Hello, Villa Fan since 1989. I became a season ticket holder in 2005 up until then I used to go to the odd game every season alone. 

    I became a manure supporter for all of ten minutes when they had the diamond blue kit in the early 90’s then a Leeds fan when they became champions all at the age of 11. 

    Weird fact - I don’t like sitting in the Holte ‘haww’ ‘how dare you ‘ because I hate having To see the North Stand. Sitting in the North is magnificent when the Holte is full and bouncing. It’s genuinely awe inspiring. 

    First game ?  When we stuffed wimbledon 7-1. 

    Fave player? I have two Obviously the best premier league defender ever and I was a huge fan of Steve Staunton. A classy player playing in the wrong era. One of the best passers of a football ever. 

    In recent times it’s got to be Gareth Barry and Ashley Young. 

    Weird Fact 2 - MON chose Heskey over Falcao and Cavani, “oh but he brings others in” . No missing guilt edge chances meant other teams came in to our spot!

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