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Posts posted by MaVilla

  1. 7 minutes ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    Swear I just read quotes that the new Newcastle signing said it's a club with great history.  Anyway, back on topic. Have we signed new fullbacks yet? 

    We don't need full backs m8, we have the Scottish cafu, "brock lesnar" Taylor and "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" Elmo.

    Not to be confused with "float like a butterfly, sting like a Bree", he's a totally different player FYI.

    What more does any team need......

    • Haha 1
  2. Pleased with the signing.

    The only thing I will say though is I hope he's close to match fitness, we need players to improve the team.

    Like hause we don't need new players coming in who are only going to warm the bench, especially with the problems we have.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Indigo said:

    But all of that means it makes more sense for us to keep and play Bree rather than loan him out.

    Elmo and Hutton are poor, aging and probably won't be here come next season - why have either of them ahead of Bree in the pecking order then? Give Bree the run of game time here and see how he gets on. It's not like we're loaning him to a League 2 side, we signed him from a Championship team he was playing well in and are apparently considering loaning him to a Championship side. He's clearly at least capable at this level so why not play him for the remainder of the season instead of two players who aren't of any more use than him that have absolutely no future here in comparison.

    I don't have an answer other than it seems obvious that DS doesn't think the same or Bree wouldn't be being loaned out?

  4. I also like the fact we are sending out our youth prospects on loan. (Doyle hayes/ bedeau, ohare etc)

    Will really be good to blood them for the last half of the season and allow us to see how they fair, possibly with a view to seeing if they are ready for first team action next season when I think the team rebuild will take place over the summer.

    Coupled with this Guilbert signing for next season, if it happens, I think is really showing good forward planning, good stuff I think.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, Indigo said:

    If Bree has a future at the club and Hutton and Elmo don't beyond this season then what is the point in loaning Bree out exactly? Give him the minutes here if that's the case and make him the first choice right back for the rest of the season. Best of both worlds as he gets the minutes he needs but he gets them here rather than going out on loan and then having to attempt to find his feet here again. If we're working towards next season and only hopeful of a play-off place then surely playing a player who will be here and not persevering with two that won't fits the brief.

    Hutton and Elmo are both shite too and obviously the salient point is that it keeps both of them out.

    Elmo and Hutton will probably be gone at the end of the season, so if Bree goes on loan it will give him a good run of consistent game time, which is probably what he needs.

    I thinking probably a good move tbh, will allow.us to give him game time and decide if he is good for us next season, especially as we are meant to be signing this Guilbert guy who is also a RB for next season.

    • Like 1
  6. How does it conpare to witcher 3?

    I haven't played Red, but I only have a PC and probably rate witcher 3 as the best game I have ever played currently.

    I have heard such good things about red for dead I was almost tempted to buy a ps4 rather than wait for it to cone out on PC?


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