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Posts posted by Dave-R

  1. 2 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Sack him now. And give new guy a 2 week chance to work with this team. Maybe we should have gone for Henry he can't have been this patehtic

    Depends what Henry's plan would of been, to be honest I can't see anything better in Henry too what Bruce is doing, could of been an experiment gone horribly wrong. We need someone who's experience, that can do the business and bring some good, enjoying attacking football to villa.

    A manager that most of all can do what Bruce has by bringing players together, but most of all get these players saying how they should be and at there full potential.

    That is the biggest problem and question to ask, why are our players just not playing to there full potential and why are they havimg such difficult times pulling results out??

    Can't blame it all on Steve but he does own a fair share of this, maybe it is coaching staff, maybe we need to evaluate everyone who are around the players and in charge of making them better, someone or more isn't doing there job properly.

    Could bringing in new extra coaches work, coaches who can install some swift attacking football and sort our defence in the meantime??

  2. Bruce I usually say I'm in support for, however I think I myself am starting to shift my support in favour of a new manager.

    Up till half time we have had most of the possession, I'm struggling to understand how we are leaking goals when we control the possession.

    No matter the defeat today, we look like complete utter fools on the pitch. We have a team that should be tearing up teams. Although the championship has got well drilled teams who have been doing it for some time now, we still should be playing better than this and coming out with better results.

    Steve needs to sort this mess out and quickly and not because I'm thinking of his job on the line, but because we had a second chance at things, to bounce back from the brink of our destruction. If this season doesn't work out we are done for keeping what players we have managed to keep, let alone be competition for even the championship

    So yeah I think after every game and what Bruce keeps on saying about how much better we will be, even I think it's time to let bruce go. Not saying he isn't trying but what ever he is trying just isn't working. We need a fully fledged attacking manager who can make what we have work and make it work fast.

    Usually if a manager starts like this, it's very tough for them to change things for the better. We needed todays result, even if it was to say we are improving, it's not happened..

    • Like 1
  3. He's not a loan to buy is he. Would of been great If we could of had the option to make him permanent, how much would Tammy be worth??

    Find it funny that before the transfer window closed, spurs tried to make a bid and Chelsea was no way, not to rivals.

    Am I rite in the info I am seeing on the net, that we will of paid 9 mill for this season long loan?? 

  4. Did you all see that trolling gif that villa had posted of Theresa May dancing or trying to while visiting south Africa, with the words (When you realise a loan signing ‘may’ be imminent).

    Its good when you sign a PL player and mock the priminister at the same time.

  5. I think Adomah needs the competition from the new loaners. It's good for him and thats been a big problem in certain areas where we have been lacking, no competition, so players stop trying so hard and do not play to there full potential. 

    I consider Adomah a very good player and we have relied on him alot, but again when there are no others to challenge the likes of Adomah or Kodjia, then they won't play to their fullest.

    We have had injuries galore in certain positions, but one thing you can be sure of is Adomah has given his all. 

    I mite support bruce in alot of ways but one thing that does do my head in about him and other managers, is that they have there favourites, it shouldn't be about favouritism but should be about loyalty, talent, form and commitment. Manager get it so wrong at times by the way they will drop in form players as soon as they can all because a new guy joined, but has yet to prove himself, in my eyes dropping your players for the new guys straight away is wrong, unless they have immediately impressed during training sessions,, more than what that player as then it's understandable. 

    I can't seeing Adomah giving up and good on him too, he now has a challenge ahead of him.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I got JAH VILLAN and number 7 on 3rd and will get JAM VILLAN on the 1st, just do you lot can spot me when I finally visit VP. Lol

    Just for @Dave J Agbonlahor will be going on my 2nd kit hopefully for Christmas.

    I am thinking for the third kit shirt one of the following: Yorke, Milosevic, mcgrath or what mite really move me is Ugo Ehiogu, shame he passed away, but was one of the best CB's ever.

    • Like 1
  7. I've just had my home shirt and God damn does it look Beautiful. Not only does it look the part, but it feels the part. Looks and feels expensive compared to past football shirts and Luke deserves an award for the home shirt alone.

    I had the sky bet and efl badges put on and they even feel great, not no cheap things that will fall off in some washes or pull off in time.

    Well impressed with the player naming also, again, looks solid, not no tacky name printing.


    Deffo getting the third kit shirt soon as, mite have to go for the shorts for both kits too.

    If there was a beautiful lady in front of me at this moment in time while I'm looking at this villa shirt, I would struggle to choose the beautiful lady, rite now because I am in love with this shirt already.

  8. 3 hours ago, VillanousOne said:

    didn't Muller corner that market?

    Well you have Activia, Danone, Actimel, yeo valley, Onken-(my Fav), weight watchers, dairy milk, Benecol and more.

    I don't think they cornered the market, do have a good percentage of it, unless you referring to the Műller corner selection they brought out, then i would say you are rite lol

  9. 3 hours ago, av1 said:

    Speak for yourself mate. An apple muller rice goes into my packed lunch every single day ?

    Oh don't get me wrong they are lovely the original ones anyhow, but they did bring some version out that just was a no no.

    Good for you on still eating them, I prefer the Muller yogurts, when I see multi packs ill still get them, get about 6 in them for a few quid and they are the bomb, the strawberry being my favourite.

    I just don't think they are as widely popular as what they once was, when they first came out on the scene in the UK at least, everyone was buying them and sometimes was a struggle to get them at times.

    I did love the Muller villa shirt though, one of the best shirts, that and the Acorns in my eyes.

  10. I would say if anyone can pull a signing that high profile off and bring him down to the championship,  Bruce can. I'm still in the thinking why even bother with this guy, it seems he has been so reluctant to drop down and even come play for us. To me he has something to prove or he wouldn't be sitting on the bench for his current team,  he needs to get off his butt and start scoring goals,Abraham needs to get rid of the stick in his butt and realise that he needs to think about his career.

    The Sun though, how many of there story's actually come true, there is a reason page 3 was the most realistic and best part of The Sun.

  11. 1 hour ago, Cridontour said:

    I also had a Grealish on mine. Believe it or not I have just had an email saying mine has been dispatched via Hermes as well. I’ve tried the tracking number and Hermes don’t recognise it! Typical Villa, get your hopes up and then shatter your dreams!


    Yes what I've learnt from experience of the delivery company's is our shirts will go on a journey, one parcel of mine before went all around the country before getting to the hub took a day itself, then another journey from the hub to mine. Your parcel as soon as it gets to the first place will then be logged in the computer and the tracking number will go live. There is an app on your smart phone you can get a very good one I've used many a time, type in (parcel tracker) on the app play store, it's icon is a (Brown coloured box) and called (deliverys package tracker). The app is easy to set up and very good with info. Soon as you enter your info, don't be worried if you dont see anything straight away, it may just be a case that the tracking number has not gone live at the parcel service hubside yet.


    I've just found mine on the app, when you type Hermes in, choose Hermes.co.uk and not any of the other Hermes as there are multiple options for Hermes.. This now saves me from keep going through the net onto the sites as it keeps me informed every step taken in the journey till it gets to me..


  12. 1 hour ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Mine literally moved to "despatched" today, hopefully smooth sailing from there.

    Not long had the email saying it's been shipped, here is hoping it's a swift delivery now for us all.

    Did you get the badges and a player names, I was torn between elmohamady as he's my number, Mcginn or Grealish, Grealish won the toss.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Cridontour said:

    Ordered my home shirt on the 10th August and still nothing.

    Did you have a players name added to your shirt, maybe it takes extra long as I had Grealish on my home shirt.

    Had an email just saying it has been shipped with Hermes, so shouldn't be long, usually in the UK with delivery company's and not post, once shipped they are next day. Either way should be this week, so glad I will finally get last week's birthday present lol..

    Maybe check your emails mate.

  14. On 28/08/2018 at 12:25, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Lucky, mine has been on "picking" in order status for about 5 days ffs.

    Same here since last Tuesday, Picking, no doubt I'll be one of those to receive last.

    It doesn't give me confidence about orders arriving soon for those who ordered a bit ago, they seem to be fulfilling those orders of people who have recently had one, its a strange move that is.

  15. On 28/08/2018 at 16:11, Villaninireland said:

    I ordered mine last Wednesday and it arrived Friday morning. Delivered by Yodel ?

    So I ordered last Tuesday 21st and people who order after me get there before me, yeah that makes sense.

    Whoever is doing these pre orders is pretty daft, first time I've ever known a company to get those who order before others get them last.

    Not happy

  16. 6 hours ago, PatrickCousens said:

    I'm surprised there wasn't interest from the Championship, but in any case I expect him to do well with a run of games. Probably a good move all round. Bruce relies heavily on wingers and he's not going do enough to start regularly here yet.

    I think it comes down to us not loaning out our players much over the years, especially the youth's. There would be alot of interest in our youth's in alot of directions but teams won't approach unless we put out a statement saying our youth's are up for loan. Club have been used to us saying no way to much I think, something that really needs to change because it is keeping our young padawon's from growing faster.

    I'd be surprised if we didn't have a bad record for loaning out our players compared to most clubs. I would not be bothered if our players could get decent performances in. It's got to a point where our players are progressing slower than other teams young stars and thats not good at all for villa as a club and foe the players who are not getting game time enough.

  17. I think the loan is a Good thing, experience and game time under his belt will only improve Andre and be better for us when he returns.

    I know some will see it bad, but try to see it as he is not getting first team starts much with us, that will change hopefully when he is back with all the first team starts at Portsmouth. Lets hope he does do the business there, because he is needed at villa but we need him to get that experience under his wing.

    To be honest we need to send more of our youth out, I don't think we should stop at Andre. Villa have been so resistant in sending our youth out on loan and that is one area we need to change.

    While our youth's are at home trying to play what they can,when they can they are struggling to put In good performances, where our rivals/other clubs are loaning out there young players to get first team football else where which changes them so much and foe the better. We need to stop keeping our youth so protected at villa, let them run free for a bit at other clubs, bring them back and see how different they are, then maybe we won't have performances like the other night in the carabao cup when we should of really beat that team no problem.

    We can't keep putting our first team against everyone all the time and expect them to be the only ones to pull of results, we need to be able to rely on the B team and get results from our shadow squad also, the only way we do that is follow how other teams treat there youth and get them loaned out for as long as it takes for those players to evolve and be prepared.

    Send those youths on loan for as long as it takes and watch villa and those players reaped the rewards when they return.

  18. 14 hours ago, El-Reacho said:

    We've made a bid for Harold Moukoudi from LeHavre apparently - £1m loan fee with £7m option to sign. French Football Weekly have just retweeted that and are pretty reliable.

    Celtic must be starting to get mad, especially if we hijack another player they are after.

    I bet they are still fuming over Mcginn.

  19. The way I see it is if the main team start going out there and not bring in results, then there is a severe problem.

    I do think Bruce would have preferred to concentrate on the league, rather than last night's cup, I don't mind that if this is the case as the championship is long. Getting the B team out there, playing them and getting them experience needs to be done regardless. The problem with our B team is it just looks like they have hardly touched a ball compared to other B teams and that is a problem because it means they can't be relied upon when the time is needed to jump into the main team.

    Our players (except main team) need experience, send them out on loan so they can get first team experience for a while, it needs to be done, they will thrive of it and come back better. If it were up to me I would bring in a ton of loaners like bruce has and have most of our players out on loans for experience, that way when they do come back, they can be gradually embedded into the main team (without problems), they should be brewing with confidence and that game time by then. Or we could just throw them into the main team here and there and risk it like we have been and get round to this every week where Bruce has to keep sorting the lot out, which i could imagine is an headache in itself.

    Isn't Bruce sending Andre green out on loan to Portsmouth, this tells me he wants green back as quick as possible, but when the time is rite and green is ready for it. bruce sees the worth in players and doesn't want to rely on loaners, but has no choice. Really Aston Villa shouldn't need loaned players. I think part of the problem has always been because we have been so reluctant to send players out on loan for that all important experience. 

  20. If Bruce does go at some point, I do hope we get someone who knows how to play real attacking football, that can get our guys taking it to the enemy for a full 90 by keeping the pressure on.

    Nine changes in tonight side is understandable considering the amount of games we have played in such a short amount of time.

    I am hoping our next game is a win, we do really need one now, so now is the time to pull a rabbit out the hat bruce and bring us a win. Do hope the new wingers have a massive effect on the next game, everyone really needs to step it up now and show this league what we can really do. The more these games end up in results that are not wins, the more the pressure will be on Bruce, also the more the pressure will be on the team to get a result.

    I can see the owners getting ready to fly in and meet with bruce, but then again they did mention there would be ups and downs in there statement and that this season was going to be tough while its all figured out.

    I trust in our owners to figure it out no matter what and believe if Bruce is replaced that our next manager can do the job and has experience, I don't want to gamble on a no experienced manager.

    If Bruce does go, the scary/nervous times are back again, I'm dreading it to be honest because one mistake could send us down the league where we mite not recover from. That's why I think Nas and Wes are giving Bruce room to figure it out properly and yeah I do think he can do it if time is on his side, maybe it is with the owners starting the things they did.


  21. What is it with people coming out and spitting crap about Jack Grealish.

    Paul Lambert is the newest one to spit about Jack, that he will leave the club. They are just doing there best to get it in the media so it reaches jack and get him thinking about it. I think they are doing it just to create tension in villa, I mean there is no other reason for talking about Jack at all, unless it's to cause unrest.

    If they can't beat him on the field, they are trying to be dirty in other ways and it's very annoying because they can not just let it go and just wait for jack to make those decisions and moves for himself, it's like they think they can think for him..

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