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Posts posted by Dave-R

  1. On 27/08/2018 at 00:08, villakram said:

    He'd be mad to come to Villa managed by Bruce.

    I'd imagine that there are many better options available if he wishes to drop down to our level.

    Way to instill confidence, I really disagree with you, he would Have no better place than villa if he dropped down.

    Villa are well know also for loaners coming to us and having great spells and that's what Abraham needs, he needs a reason to give to Chelsea, so that they would be crazy not to first team him, he could get that with us since we have the support for a player like him.

    Like I said though, I don't think I want him with us,to much self entitled rubbish it seems.

  2. well it looks like Cahill has told Southgate that's it on his England career, wonder if there could be a chance of us getting him to drop down, wonder if his announcement to southgate has anything to do with a move to villa and he is thinking of dropping down??

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  3. On 26/08/2018 at 10:00, DaveAV1 said:

    Nas and Wes have been very quiet, I’m pretty sure that’s not down to inactivity. Bruce said we’d have a new CEO by now, Peter Kenyon was mentioned, but now all is quiet. 

    Similarly our former CEO hasn’t said anything much either. Has he had a visit from a Russian with an umbrella?

    Things are quiet......too quiet for nothing to be going on. Or have they already caught Randyitis?

    Thing is they must be very comfortable and happy leaving things in charge of those who are there.

    Maybe the time to worry is when they do actually show up. Nas and Wes have that many other interests, we just add to the pile and there other interests may take alot more work than what villa does. To me it's a good thing when owners can leave those in charge to go do there other things, some businesses have more hands on approaches.

    Villa just needs them to be what Nas and Wes are, the money men or to draw/bring out plans for future development of villa park.

    I would like Nas and Wes to be here a bit more myself though, I would especially like to know that they are making things happen where villa can generate even more money by itself for the future and be really self sufficiant.

  4. On 26/08/2018 at 20:37, holteend1982 said:

    It's not illogical in the slightest bit, he doesn't do enough but that doesn't mean I blame him for these performances, why do people take criticism of grealish so personally? 

    And as for best player since 1982 just refer to my previous post about how so many people overrate him unnecessarily. 

    You know you do have to take into account how much the opposition gets frustrated with Grealish, he does not throw himself on the floor.

    They are targeting Jack for specific reasons, he gets to them, does there heads in, creates unrest and is a clear migraine that just doesn't go away.

    They are without a doubt every game, trying to take Jack out of the game and it isn't because he isn't doing enough that is causing teams to make him there bullseye, it's because he is the man on that field every game. The other teams know full well if they give jack any space he will score or completely pull a team to bits, he has the ability to be a pain all over that pitch and they do not like it one bit and will do anything to take Jack Grealish out of the game.

    It just so happens that we now have a second player they are targeting, who is Mcginn, he is another headache for teams.

    You have noticed how many players are getting booked per game rite, you can pretty much guarantee that there are a couple of bookings against Villa and it's because we have a couple of players who cause other teams severe anxiety. 

    Grealish and Mcginn I have took to calling the terrible twins, it's been a long time since I've seen a pair cause so much unrest between sides and it's all because of how good they are.

  5. Grealish is a player who does is bit all over the field, he works everywhere he can, is always up and down the pitch, Jack is invaluable in my eyes the kind of player every team would wish for.

    It has been along time since we have had a player like Jack, Jack certainly is a guy who raises morale for a start just by being in the team. Jack always puts his bit in and other players feel motivated more when he is in the team and I do not know how other people can not see that.

    Sure jack does not score many goals, it's ok too, a player of Jacks standing plays and it's alot of others who feed off of Jack. Ill put it In Gaming mmorpg terms. We have an mmo team going in for a raid, you have your attackers, healers, buffers/debuffers, tanks, jack is like a buffer/debuffer who raises the defence, attack, supports the battlefield by aiding with his abilities or getting to the opponent so they can not work to there full potential. This way when Jack his aiding the defence, he's raising that defence by being around, adding extra support so the team stays alive more or in this case (stop so many goals) but when he is up there attacking he isn't getting as many kills but he is helping to get those kills coming in or in footballs case (assists or being a headache to the opposition). Maybe you understand that or don't, I do as I wrote it, but basically Jack is a player who is far more valuable doing what he is doing, by aiding his fellow players, than just scoring goals. If you can not see Jacks use then God help you, some of you think if a player isn't scoring then they are a problem, some players just are not goal scorers as much as others, yet they contribute all the same in other ways.

  6. Its one thing im dreading for when my home shirt arrives because they are usually tighter on me so have to get the next size up.

    Watch though, now I've ordered next size up, it will be sods law and it will be to big for me.

    I spose I will know though for when I get the third kit shirt. I was hoping that I would of had in time for my birthday, but no chance on that.

    Please hurry villa and send me my shirt.

  7. From the way the media paint this picture is that Tammy doesn't want to drop down and wants to fight for his place at Stamford bridge. Not only that but the media portrays Tammy as a player who thinks he's an entitled human, that expects everything to be thrown at him and doesn't want to work to much for it.

    I personally, if the media have him rite, do not really want that type of player at villa, that type of player brings problems, ie Ross.

    Really Tammy should of showed a willingness to drop down, certainly looks like he's happy to sit there and collect wages rather than play football and first team football with us.

    I would say let this Tammy deal die and chase someone who is willing to put in the time, loyalty, effort, someone who shows there eager to come to villa and score us goals while helping a promotion push.

    If Steve is rite then we have yet to even talk to Tammy, maybe it's for the best he stays put and he's let to ponder on his silliness, all because he wants to stay top flight. At the end of the day it's all any player would want is to be with the best, but when your pushed out and sat not doing nothing, it can effect your whole game, mind and fitness. Staying with your club may not be an option and for the time being may need the next best offer and I'd say we are it for Tammy.

    Because of how long it's taking for Tammy to be interested, I would go show someone else interest who is actually worth the time and energy, there could be a really good player who would put his all in and we are wasting time on someone who looks like he doesn't even want to budge in our direction.


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  8. It seems as though everyone is against jedinak as cb and I can understand that as its not his position, can take players along time to get used to new roles.

    Think SB needs to find a player or two for defence, definitely, the CB position needs sorting out, I just hope Bruce sorts it sooner or later as the goals are coming in against us.

  9. 4 minutes ago, sne said:

    With 2 new wingers in I wonder if we'll be looking to offload him to Turkey or whatever.

    Squad must be ridiculously expensive to maintain by now and Adomah, as much as he is a great guy and scored a lot last season might be expendable.


    I personally would not even risk off loading him, for me Adomah is great at getting that ball and because of his speed turns alot of his opponents inside out. Adomah caused brentford no end of problems, to me that type of guy is worth keeping around as he gives out alot of headaches.

    Yes I've been thinking myself, we must be crazy ridiculous on the player bill now with the new add on's.

    I would much rather offload ross and co who don't do what they should be and decrease the player bill like that, than get rid of a workhorse like Adomah.

    Ross and co are like those you get in videogames, who stand there and don't do anything all game, only to realise your team would of been in a better shape if only they had pulled there weight. Not only that but you find they have been off collecting resources for themselves in the map while you have been fighting every step of the way for victory, oh yeah they are called: leaches who are always out for themselves..

  10. I find this guy fits in to the playstyle we was playing the other day against Brentford. Tuanzebe for most of the game was up and down the pitch on his flank and like lightening too. Remember he is running up and down that pitch very fast, he has that speed, but it can also cost us defensively. While the first error was his I think,the second was not all his fault..

    For just having three guys at the back and then Tuanzebe going that deep and putting crosses in, there needs to be sufficient cover for when Tuanzebe isn't back in time.

    People say that brentford could of scored more and that's ok saying that, if that was that type of game however, just look at the goals we would of scored if all this was the case, for 70+ minutes we didn't let them hardly breathe. 

    Personally, while I was watching that game I were wondering if Tuanzebe has a devil in side of him that just won't let him rest (maybe a Tasmania devil)

  11. 22 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

    Dunno about Ronaldo needing to be changed...


    I do know that in 2018 pro evo did lose the official champions league licence, but for 2019 they have gained nine new official licenced leagues..

  12. 12 hours ago, Adam2003 said:

    Not to do a Bruce in, Bruce out blah blah boring post, but this is why I didn’t quite get the “he missed promotion, he has to go.” We seem to be on a positive trend over a couple of years now. It’s not as fast as we would have liked but I still think we can match any team in this league and go for promotion this season. We have kept our star player and added new potential. Still missing a couple of spots but still on an upward trend. 

    Maybe Bruce didn’t feel we could manage to play this way at the start of last season. Maybe he was wrong, maybe right. Maybe we needed Player X or Player Y. But we are not in a bad place... let’s just keep improving. 

    Agreed that handing out a couple of beatings at this point could be great for the season’s momentum and the feel good!


    I don't think I need to say anything because I think you took the words out of my mouth and couldn't of said it better in anyway.

    Last season I was very surprised where we ended up, still am in a way. Steve came in and changed many things around villa and in my eyes for the better. We are on a role and do hope it continues, last game certainly showed on what we was capable of, and hope this is the signs of things to come. We dismantled a team for over 70 minutes, other people thought we were going to be destroyed by brentford. Instead we showed Brentford what villa can achieve, sure the outcome wasn't what we hoped because we were unlucky and no red card was issued, but it's clearly there.

    Some people think the championship is a place of teams we should be killing regularly, but it's been proven time and time again that the championship is a league that is not only tough to get out of, but has well oiled/drilled teams that have been doing this for years on the end, that do know what they are doing.

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  13. If we was in the premiere league, teams would be queuing up with bids for jack and they would be crazy offers, not a chevy/spurs insulting one, but real hard to knock back offers.

    Jack is a magician and that football is his crystal ball, he is simply magic and while he is with us I hope we are the ones that can eventually provide top flight football for him.

    Honestly if we hit the top flight with Jack, his worth will instantly double, if not tripple,  because he always puts in 1000%, Always looks to improve himself, he's a team player and any team he plays in starts playing better because of the vibe he brings.

    Jack is the type who wins wars on the pitch, he wins those wars with his heart for football and the mind he has for the game.


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  14. 4 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:

    Agreed. I do think that Bruce is going to do everything he can to ensure that we bring in as many players as possible to give him the best chance of keeping his job.

    Well I don't think it's just because he wants to keep his job, it's all every manager wants to do is to keep there job at the end of the day.

    You would think that a manager wants to bring in players because they want the team to win, I think the last thing on Steve's mind is his job when signing anyone.

    I do think we need a CB as well as another attacker, but do think the defence now is a priority, we are leaking goals at the moment..

  15. 9 hours ago, Fowlersrs said:

    Indeed pro evo looks strong this year. If your on ps4 I don't see the issue with licences. A day 1 option file sorts all that 

    The issue is there regardless of platform, it's because EA/fifa grabbed up all those player names, club names back on the mega drive. ProEvo could never get a look in and was always considered the inferior football game and EA was always offering more money to clubs and players and it could do that because how many back then would buy fifa over p-evo. 

    Konami's rep was never that of what EA's, back when they started to compete for who had the top football game, konami struggled every step of the way to get ProEvo to where it is today and they have finally gotten the recognition Pro evolution soccer has deserved since the early 90's.

    As it stands now I think Barcelona, some other teams and Ronaldo and other players now have to be changed in upcoming fifa games because Konami are paying more for them over what EA were. It really is a cut throat business between the two publishers over names and over the decades its been EA winning until  now.

  16. On 18/08/2018 at 13:38, dubbs said:

    Tbf I tried the PES19 demo and didn't think the gameplay was as good as previous versions. 

    I myself have always preferred ProEvo to fifa, love how ProEvo's have come along. Always did hate how fifa snagged all the licences on names and made it awkward on ProEvo , which has changed over the past years and Pro Evo has been getting a fair share. 

  17. Been playing the division again on xbox, for the shields, all so I can get the rewards for The Division 2 next March.

    Also play World of Tanks, did try that armored warfare but feels like a very cheap imitation of World of Tanks.

    Looking forward to Forza horizon 4 coming on GamePass on release. Also February next year Anthem.

    One game that I've been saying is really needed on console is a real in depth strategic type MMO and it looks as though one is on the way named Stellaris, which is a pc game, does look a beauty.

  18. Part of me wants to get it again, had it way back on the Dreamcast and loved it. Shenmue to me felt that by the time I had finished the game because of the ending, I felt like it was an achievement. 

    Never played shenmue 2 though, but bet it's just as good as the first.

  19. 3 hours ago, Hornso said:

    Why would you want Adidas on a shirt? So we can a templated kits that look like other teams kits except for the colours and the logos?

    One, it makes sense because one of our owners has a controlling stake in it, rite?? 

    Two, I'd prefer addidas over a betting sponsor anyday.

    Three, all sorts of merchandise other than shirts could be made.

    Four, those teams you speak of would be paying our owner while aston villa can actually wear addidas with pride and tell the other teams to cough up.

    Five, addidas is a good sports name anyway, has been around for a very long time and comes from the athlete founding father -1949 Adi Dassler (good history)

    Six, I already have myself some addidas stuff anyway, so a villa shirt would make my day, just one with addidas on.

    Seven, it's not the sponsor/template that make us look like other teams at all, I do understand what your saying, but as long as the kits look the bit, we are villa and we stand out.

  20. We deserved that win every step of the way. Mcginn and Grealish played fantastic, adomah looked dangerous nearly every time, they couldn't deal with him most of the time. Kodjia's first equaliser came out of no where and he didn't half work hard for that first goal and deserved it, then to give us that second equalizer, really made my heart cry for the guy. Nyland had a couple of shaky ones but I felt overall his performance was good, made a few important saves, i feel he could be very good down the line for us, he will deffo improve.

    My biggest annoyance is not from any part of villa, but the fact players who are getting frustrated eith the likes of Grealish are now doing it towards Mcginn. Point blank maupay shouldn't of been on and deserved a red for that stamp on Mcginn, ref's need to get tough on this because it's getting worse and costing us.

    Brentford got outplayed 96% of tonight's clash, well done Steve and the lads, that's how I want to see us play all the time as we looked completely professional.

    I think as soon as we have more attacking options, we will be very dangerous indeed, because we looked it already.

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