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Posts posted by Dave-R

  1. 6 hours ago, sheepyvillian said:

    To be fair, Carew Luck certainly wasn't on our side that day. 

    Is that better Sheepy?? Also we couldn't be any more unluckier these days could we, brilliant team, unable to win..

  2. 5 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    FFP man. It’s real!!!

    Wonder how much staff wages got freed up, bet it was a ton, plus some players on the way out, FFP may not be so bad for it, maybe that's what the culling was for, a plan to bring in a top dog.

  3. Media is saying it's possible purslow could be on the hunt for a premiere league manager, would make sense as well to bring one in who knows the job like the back of his hand and has way more success that failure.

    Even read Rafa Benitez as a possibility but then suggests may not be possible due too the type of relationship he and Purslow had.

    I think we will be seeing our CEO Christian Purslow bring in a big gun, I think that's what the owners would want no matters the cost they can afford it, then all eyes would certainly be on us to win promotion. 

    If the owners want to see silver wear in the next five years or so, then the owners are going to have to splash that cash. We will see how devoted they are, bringing in a manager who's a Heavy hitter will show us fans they are not pulling any punches and are willing too do what it takes..

    I don't see why no premiere league manager wouldn't want the challenge either, the money would be there and it is a high profile job and task in taking us up, it would do wonders for their history.


    I'm really excited as to who we will get.

    • Like 1
  4. It's sounding more like we will try and bring someone down from the premiere league from the way the media is saying it.

    Also a chance of rafa benitez as media suggests but may not be possible due to the relationship between purslow and him.


    It's like waiting for a present isn't it?

  5. 1 minute ago, AshVilla said:

    It's now time to unite as fans and get behind the new guy whoever that will be.

    It feels like a cloud has lifted and I'm feeling positive for once, were going up.

    It's going to be hard work though considering the mess that has been left behind.

    Let's hope the new guy can start us with wins, big job he has, we need god on our side.

  6. I do wish him well, but it has been coming for a while, I just hope whoever takes the position up can bring the magic to villa.

    We need a jack of all tactics manager, one who can get the best out of our players and isn't afraid to bring us out attacking, with fast paced lovely flowing football.

    I honestly would love a proven manager,  who can bring success with the cards he will be dealt at Villa, he has a big job ahead of him that's for sure, I don't envy the guy.

  7. While the Goal we scored are welcomed, it's damn rite God damn annoying that we can't win a game and leak as many or the same as we score, it's almost as if our goal is to draw every game it's beyond a joke.

    I don't know what bruce is doing but can he not get our lads to win a game we was suposed to win, he really is making it look hard to win or lose. 

    If leagues were won by draws, we would be top every time with Bruce in charge.

    Some of the blame also goes out to Chester for this one, getting sent off while we were in the lead is a stupid thing and cost us the match.

    I will say this I regret every bit of support I threw into you bruce, your a nice guy but that's as far as it goes now and you need to leave on your own free will for the sake of our club. At this rate I can see us fighting to survival another relegation battle not fighting for a promotion.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Fairy In Boots said:

    This is what will happen, we need to turn nasty with it really and force their hand. “Bruce out” chants before kick off should do it.

    Pitch invasions will do it

  9. I just bought fifa 19 and second game in and I why like wow, what have they done to the keepers, I mean my keeper twice just watched the ball roll on by LMAO, I was like no way that never used to happen. So now the keepers are very real, real as to the point they really do make blunders.

    I managed to get me the ultimate bundle with all the packs, got enough to make a alot of national teams which is great.

    Only one villa player at the moment though which is Adomah, so alot of work to do on a villa team.

    Does anyone know if all the players brought in on loan were added to villa on fifa or do we have to go digging them up?? cheers..

  10. On 30/09/2018 at 09:19, turvontour said:

    I dont agree with the first paragraph.

    Surely the owners aim isnt for us to avoid relegation this season? Theyll have looked at the playing personnel, wages, last seasons points etc and be aiming for min playoffs?

    Theyre not just thinking, oh great, another draw, another point on the board. That would be a club like Rotherhams attitude.

    I say it because the owners are new, because of our position last season, what players left us and the statement and certain words that Naz and Wes came out with. I mean when the owners sound like they are backing bruce by saying that this season is going to be tough, there will be ups and downs, that we mite also be in this league next season, certain words they said early on into this season makes you wonder about what they are ready to settle for this season.

    Time will tell on it all anyway, but I think while they are culling staff, sorting out the club's from within to suit future plans, this is the picture they paint for this season for me. There is also the fact as to why hasn't bruce been given the boot yet, if this was a promotion push, he would of been gone already, I think that the owners maybe willing to settle for another season in this league as this season is used for the sorting out of aston villa from the ground up.

    I think that if Bruce can make a push happen then the owners will of course be over the moon,  but as I said above if it doesn't happen I think that bruce won't go anywhere for a bit untill they have there rite candidate, the owners will also settle for us being mid table if that's how it looks at the end, but that's just my view.

    • Like 2
  11. I think so long as bruce isn't losing games then the draws in the owners eyes are not counting as losses, it will be just a case of let's see if Steve can bring some wins in and bring it back, there is still time for it to click in place (really Steve can only go one of two ways from these draws). I know we the fans are seeing Steve's draws as losses but the owners most likely won't be, points is points and draws still bring points in. It would take a real bad form of losses and as some suggest for us to be firmly in relegation, he certainly would deserve being head hunted then.

    The last few media articles are suggesting he is doomed at Villa, but I'm not so sure Steve's time is up yet. Steve has pulled a good team together yes he should be winning the majority of games with our team and I myself think it's only a matter of time before this team clicks and really starts to move.

    The only thing that we the fans can most likely say is going to happen at the moment is that  another draw is likely and you could almost 100% cash in on that bet. 

    In relation to the owners- I think at the moment they have there plan, they will either wait for Bruce to become so unreliable that even draws are not coming in. They have there new candidates ready, and will take action if needed, putting there chosen man in place if it gets that bad. from the way the owners have done things so far they are holding off to wait till there maybe someone who can really do the job and snap him up ( I bet the list of manager possibilities is looking horrible at the moment). That's another thing isn't it, if we install someone, we have to get this rite for once, because as far as I'm concerned we have been doing this for far to long now that we keep bringing in mistake after mistake. Its about time that we got the best we can get after Bruce, yet the only way to make sure that happens would be to sit on Steve till it gets that bad and wait till someone from one of the other teams gets sacked or contract is up. We deserve the very best out there for the job, yet the best out there are already in a job, unless we snipe a manager which won't sit well at all.

  12. 49 minutes ago, villianusa said:

    I'm not saying Bruce will or won't do it but to say the season is over with  us being  6 points behind the leaders with over 75% of the games left is extremely pessimistic, Bruce has shown even with his dire football can put on a good run, but he surely must be short on time.
    The stuff we are doing right now is dire and something needs to be said by the owners or the CEO. Either back him or sack him because we are going around in circles right now and it is terrible to watch.

    something from the owners as to whether these current run of results is ok for them may put alot of bruce out people to rest. I mean if we all knew that Wes and Nas were sticking by him then there would be no need to shout bruce out every week if the owners are happy for a mid table season, we could just be more patient with things rather than calling for his head, obviously we would like to be pushing for promotion, but I can't see it at this rate. I would like to think he could still pull off a run, it is possible and a run yes it could put us back on track. Its that exact run that if bruce finds it and takes us all the way to PL that we will all be singing his praises but he isn't doing the business at the moment. 

    Untill the owners say they're happy with the current season being mostly draws, fans will keep calling for his head and saying this season is over for us, the owners need to come and and have a say.

  13. 2 hours ago, striker said:

    Those are fair points but most of the teams you are referring to didn’t have the budget that Villa had when being relegated. Those teams would have made cuts to star players and squads while not being able to replace those players with the same quality. Bruce has however been given the funding to do that yet the performances have been, in the main poor with the same mistakes being made.

    This Villa squad should be steamrolling the Championship in the same way Newcastle and Wolves did but the difference is that those teams had good managers.

    Oh yes I completely agree with you in that sense where teams coming down would have had to prioritise which players to keep, wages would of had to be trimmed, quality goes down with relegated teams and it has not with us we have gained quality if anything.

    The only thing I can say is we have a team that is entirely pretty much made up from loans, but even by now the loanees should of glued together and wins should be happening. another concern is when season is done, I hope the loaners want to stay at least. 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, TRO said:

    I think you make some good points Dave, and I think you are on to something..

    However, the problem is, despite the disruptions, he has had nigh on 3 seasons.

    If it was a tweak here or a tweak there i would have empathy, most previous posts have proved that......I have defended him.....but its like waiting for a bus thats not coming.

    We have all seen enough, there is no more to see or wait for, the odd blip with a few wins maybe......but a consistent winning run with defence and attack operating in unison, is not coming......its stop, start, patchy football that is anything but cohesive, its like a fog of individual players working on their own to make it work.....like an orchestra without a conductor, who fancy having their own way to make their mark.



    You are most likely rite, bruce has nothing left, nothing to show and all his hands have been dealt now.

    Just something is niggling me with him though, like I think he still has something up his sleeve, maybe it's hope, I don't know.

    The only thing I fear about getting rid of bruce and bringing in a new one again, is that we keep going round in this short managerial cycle that is obviously getting us know where either. We do need to settle with someone for long than a few seasons or we may well be in this league for a good long time as well. I think the only way to secure a trip back to the premier league quickly, would be to snap up someone way more expensive than bruce, even that isn't guarenteed, but maybe success certainly could lie in the inexperienced here I say let's give it a shot.

  15. 14 minutes ago, striker said:

    Just wondering did any Villa supporter expect to be 15th at this point of the season with Bruce retaining his job?

    I was hoping we was a promotional runaway team, but to be honest sort of new this season would look different on points to last. Certainly didn't think we would be that same team as last season but would be a different sort of challenge to teams.

    When I read the words from when Nas and Wes came in, it all most certainly backed what bruce has played so far, they said this season was going to be tough, that we would have our ups and downs and that we could well be in this league next season.

  16. 2 minutes ago, av1 said:

    Couldn't agree more mate. This league is shit, our squad should be up there. 

    The whole approach has been wrong since relegation. The idea that you just sign the best players and leave them to it is insane, we haven't built a team, we have individuals. 

    That said, they are good individuals (relative to the competition), and a good manager should be able to gel them into something better than they have ever shown. 

    They always said this was one hell of a tough league to get out of and now we are finding it. Teams have been here for time, they have fine tuned themselves over half a decade and longer. I think our impatience is also going side by side with our eagerness to get back to the top flight, which in turn is also showing a no tolerance towards having a manager like bruce (which I'm not defending by the way) who needs more time like alot of these clubs in this league have had to fine tune themselves , yet our desperation is showing for demanding results, i just hope all that does not cost us in the long run. We are showing that we as a club are trying to by pass half a decade or longer of potentially staying in this league, by not staying and fine tuning our club over x amount of seasons. Most teams who come into this league certainly would be happy for bruce to be pulling these results out, it is kind of offering safety.

  17. 8 hours ago, TRO said:

    Its procrastination in its darkest form.....He is not going to turn this around its plainly obvious.

    If he had Kane and Vardy up front.....the results would be the same.

    Its over......and the sooner it gets dealt with the bettter for all concerned including him.

    That's the thing, in a way we all knew what we was signing up for with Bruce, we knew the football wasn't going to be sexy, wasn't going to be fast paced, one thing we did know it's most of the time he was going to make it so we were tough to beat. However tough to beat we are, is also tough to swallow when wins are not happening. Cant justify keeping a manager on if all that is coming out the woodwork are draws, the occasional win and loss, cant justify it at all unless the owners said they were happy with a season full of draws.

    It certainly doesn't help us move villa on from Steve when you have articles that come out and say: Steve Bruce is like mcdonalds, you know what your getting which is a solid defensive manager at premium price (chequebook).

    That paragraph above basically says that no matter the price a club pays for a premium manager, even at draws and no wins, you are getting a premium bundle which is what we asked for. So it's as if we signed up for a potential Steve Bruce coming along and not going for promotion and to hell with that said promotion because our premium buy contains safety instead which while were sorting villa out, they're mite be those that may well say safety would be key at this moment in time.

    It's never a dull picture at VILLA is it now.

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