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Posts posted by Dave-R

  1. 37 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I know most people hate him but I'd still like to thank him for his efforts. Went belly up in the end obviously but I don't think his intentions were initially in the wrong place. ALSO, in some roundabout way his failure paved the way for potential rebirth!

    Quoted my own Facebook post.

    That Is spot on. Xia did try his best, spent  an absoloute fortune trying to get us back where we were, yet it was not to be and some bad errors along the way nearly cost us the world. Do I hate Tony like it sounds some on here do, no I do not, he tried his best and it failed and anyone of us could of made that same mistake. None of us were saying anything but praise while he were throwing money at the situation, trying to bring in the best he could at the time, it nearly worked too. It was a shame it didn't work taking us back to the premier league, yet in a way maybe what happened was for the best with the new owners coming in, we are more financially secure now than what we would of been under Xia. All we would of had to spend under Xia would of been that promotion money, not alot really considering the kind of capital you need to be a top 10 team in the premier league, under Xia's rule we mite of been dumped out of the premier league as fast as we got it.

    At least this way we have financial backing chance of restructure, to do things rite and get back up with owners who can spend whatever they damn well please once they have us in the premier league.

    We will get there eventually, just will be a crazy story to tell in how we do it in the end, because there always seems to be drama and crazyness going on at villa's front door (but we wouldn't have it any different would we).

    • Like 2
  2. All these staff that have gone, was not a surprise to me, the fact we had new owners as well was only a matter of time before this happened. Given Wes Edan's background in sports, I should imagine that both owners were not pleased with the current results as well as had an idea of what they wanted to do in the reshape and new structuring of the club.

    I think any staff laid off where there roles included the training of players were simply to do with the current run of results. This could tell us, that the owners could be bringing in new staff, which will reshape is for the better, this could be the very first steps to seeing there vision for Aston Villa start from here on .

    As in the way of scouting positions, as TheStagMan states we have been very poor for a long time. Our highly paid staff who seem to do as little as possible bring in players and often I think they go off on what they see off match of the day highlights rather than really scout our potentials out. Something needs changing because we have been paying for it in many ways, we have had way to many players come to us, earn big and do nothing, that needs to end, so does the staff who earn big bucks and don't do there job properly, it all needs sorting.

    Would like to hear from the owners about it all, get some info as to what is really going on and what they are trying to do, because we can speculate all we like yet none of it is true until we hear from the men in charge.


    • Like 1
  3. Is it me or are some looking at Grealish as not being as good as the rest, all because he doesn't score as much as other players, it's what it seems like and it is the only thing that can be said against jack.

    Let's put it like this, if Steve holland has come looking in the championship at our player, Jack is obviously drawing the attention of the England manager and for all the rite reasons.

    I think Jack deserves an England call up, his work ethic is superb, he's up and down that pitch helping the defence and trying to bring goals In, I rate him highly because it's deserved. He is the best player in the championship because of the way he causes no end of problems for the opposition, how he's there defensively, because he is a ball winner, because he's an assistant to goal scorers. At Jacks age he knows that field, knows how to win free kicks because the opposition want him out the game, everyone's targeting him and he should feel honoured that they are because he is a guarenteed migraine that doesn't go away.

    Grealish is ace and anyone who says otherwise is absolute crazy, we should all get behind this lad, get behind him because we want him to keep progressing as he is. Personally I don't know how any of you fans can slate him in anyway, he's our player and deserves our utmost respect and support..

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Hoof hearted said:

    I did laugh at the final sentence but it's very true! 

    Yes he does seem a bit cocksure, hopefully that arrogance becomes goals and not just another Carlton Cole that this club seem to be able to create. Fingers crossed eh?! 

    I'm all fine with an arrogant forward so long as it is goals that are coming from his bad attitude. The only problem would be is if his arrogance starts affecting The team that bad it's doing others heads in, it's one more potential problem we done need.

    I have a feeling though that Abraham can use his arrogance to do the other sides defenders heads in. If Tammy can push that onto the opposition, then he would be a winner alone on that. If Tammy can cause the defence no end of problems and give them headaches, if others are scoring around him and he doesn't I would be happy as he is still doing his job of making there defence not function.

  5. 10 hours ago, Hoof hearted said:

    He looked genuinely upset on Saturday after the final whistle, thought he played much better when JK came on and rightly gave the midfield a round of **** when ignoring his positioning. 

    Seems to have a hint of arrogance about him which is what centre forwards need, he'll bag a hatful for us when he gets going I think.

    I do hope your rite about bagging hateful for us as he certainly does seem arrogant, cocky and full of that's my ball, which I spose forwards do need a bit of it at least.

    From looking at the video of his goals someone had posted, it certainly does look like he can get on the end of other players mistakes or unfinished shots, from that alone he should be top scorer in the championship at end of the season considering all the ones we can't seem to put away ?

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, thabucks said:

    Umm he only stayed after threatening to leave all summer when he got wind as to whom the new owners were... No loyalty of sense of duty ... just full on self preservation... I know for a fact he was close to going this summer then basically begged to keep his job . So yes I’m my eyes he a pathetic man ..... He stayed only for £££ not out of respect or pride just £££.  He threatened to take us to court for constructive dismissal in the summer !

     And I wish some people would stop bringing up his deceased parents ... as if it has anything do with the argument of can Bruce take us forward. It is not necessary. Sad as it was/is he is paid £3mill a year or thereabouts to perform a job regardless of the circumstances ...


    So your saying that having lost someone that close to you wouldn't have an affect on the way you go about things, like your day to day routine,job, life and so on??

    I'm sorry but I don't agree with you, I've lost my mum recently and it has completely destroyed my world, it has affected me in every way. If I'm being honest with you all, I can't be bothered with anything, I lost the one person in my life who was there for me and who brought me up, who was also my friend. She is gone and coming to terms with this isn't happening at the moment.

    Add to that fact that the stress I now feel, anxiety and I'm not sleeping nor eating properly or can't think of anything but her, I'd say yeah losing someone that close brings many things on that you can not control.

    Some things in life you can't control and something as so saddening as losing your parent/parents/loved ones, can take each and everyone of us down dark roads. Everyone deals with it in there own way, some better than others, I myself am still trying to make sense of it all.

    I think Bruce does have to go, if his health is getting in the way of him doing his job at Villa then he should step down, the question is, is it? I like Steve, he seems a good person, brings stability and creates a good feel vibe with the players. However none of that seems to  be working on the pitch, his tactics just are not working, when it's coming down to us snagging late injury time goals out of pure luck, then we are in a crisis. I agree with you guys we do need change, someone who can bring us up to speed of the championship with a new way of playing that doesn't make us look that boring that watching that paint dry on the wall would be more fun to see.

    It is a shame bruce couldn't make things work, the owners need to see that draws are not enough, come in and say to Bruce it's time, you did your best but you have to move on because we need a fresh face who can do the job.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, sne said:

    "We've lost once in seven games and all of a sudden there's a crisis swirling."

    How many wins in those 7 games Bruce, and who did we face?

    I think it's a very big crisis waiting to happen and it's not far off. When we are having injury time goals just to bring us level to me that's crisis point. It shouldn't be taking us 90+ minutes to score let alone struggle to bring us back from a potential loss. Bruce is struggling to get our players performing at 110% they are not even performing 60% i dont think, i think its Bruce and the staff around the players.

    It could also be as others are saying it, where he thinks he is going so why even bother, why enforce a game plan and why try get the best out of our players while he is still our manager.

    I think and I hope I am wrong but because of what personal things happened to Bruce he just stopped caring so much. I can understand if losing both his parents has rocked his world, as I've recently lost my mum to cancer on the 10th of September on the same day grealish had his birthday ( strangely my mum for my birthday in August got me my villa home shirt before she passed away with grealish's name on and they both share that day together now), but it has rocked my world losing my mum. I think Steve has tried, but alot has happened, to the point you stop caring when losing loved ones, it does affect how you work and do day to day things, if it didn't you wouldn't be human.

    I'd say while bruce is in charge and till he isn't villa manager, he needs to be doing what he signed up for, no excuses, no bull crap, put personal stuff out of it, just get this team back on track and give it your all it's what he is in that position for.

    • Sad 1
  8. I was all for giving bruce a chance, but honestly that time has passed now. I am firmly behind the Bruce out lot because nothing is changing. I mean it's that bad we are struggling to score and those goals are arriving as equaliser not as winning goals, that is a very dangerous situation we are in.

    We without a doubt should of won that game but our players could not put them away, I don't think it's just bruce I think our staff need sorting out also.

    I can't go on seeing these draws or losses keep coming out so I'm up for the change now, not tomorrow or when it's to late, we need that change quickly.

    Don't ask me though who I think should take over, I just don't have a darn clue to be honest. Whoever comes in I think we need an up to date manager who can bring in some sexy football, who can get things rite.  It is hard to watch our lads play at times, knowing we should be pulling victorys out. The championship is a league thats tough to get out of with well built teams who are fighting for everything, thats what this league teaches you and if we don't adapt we won't even be in this league either.

    If I were the owners I would fly in asap and say to Bruce (Vince mcmahon voice), the words YOUR FIRED.. I don't dislike bruce, it's just that he isn't doing what he should be doing for us. No doubt it will be our luck though we will get rid of Steve and he will go take the next club to the top flight, that have him as manager, would be just our damn luck.


  9. I think this is a new strategy by the new owners in sending as many of our players out on loan and I am totally with it. We have struggled with our players breaking into the first team, simply because they just are not good enough,where as other teams have been following that strategy for decades and there players break into the first team no problem.

    We have been way to strict in the past in letting out young players go out there and taste first team football and it restricts them eventually. Think of it as a young kid leaving school, who has got more chance of getting the job, someone who goes into a bit more education, gets it on paper then goes for a job or someone who goes direct for a job, we all know how it works. The other thing is while we have been so strict loaning our players out, they are pretty much sitting on there butts, not only wasting there talents built also not getting any experience by playing. We need those players to go out on loan and come back better and this in my eyes is something we should of been doing just like so many other teams decades ago, yet we haven't. 

    I know some of you disagree with so many going out on loan but let's be realistic, our players are lacking because of it. In the end when these players come back, I bet they will be a better bunch and players who we can rely on and look to, too fill positions we need them too.

    I see all these loaners as a temporary thing, if we adopt this kind of strategy, again like so many clubs who do it, eventually we won't need to rely on loaners as we will have breakthroughs alot more. It just takes time for a club like ours to start something like this when we should of been doing it all along. I dont think its just FFP thats set this loan thing off, i believe its also to get our guys out on loan so that in the end we can rely on the players we have down the line.

    • Confused 3
  10. I see it at there is no one else out there at this moment in time that could do the job, Terry is the man that in my eyes could sort out the defence. I would even have Terry come in and take over from Bruce, I think Terry has enough experience to go into managing.

    I just don't think with everything going on, FFP, windows closed, it's obvious that there is only one man for the job. We need Terry bad and that is the sad part about it, we should not of ever been put into this state and that person/persons need to be gone. I've come to terms that someone at Villa, high up, left us in this state and it's absolutely bang out of order, those people involved should come out and own up, and face the backlash.

    A deal to snap Terry up shouldn't be taking this long, should it?


  11. 34 minutes ago, wilko154 said:


    I don't see us signing a centre back at all unfortunately. It doesn't take two weeks to sign a player that currently doesn't have a club at all, especially over an international break.

    Happy to be proved wrong, but I think we are stuck with what we have until January.

    Yes this is a move that should have happened quick. I certainly think it's neglect not picking him or an out of contract defender up. let's face it Terry is the most experienced, most qualified to do the job in what we require, what is available to us.

    This situation is highly annoying to be honest, can't stand the way our defence is very poor and it's come to the point that it will take Terry to sort it out.

    Whether Bruce forced the situation or not, those people involved should be held accountable who are involved in the mess, because next time it maybe worse than a 4-1 defeat. Like I said by the end of this season, steve will look a complete fool and will of made villa look a complete joke, or he will do something spectacular to the point no one can see it coming, i just dont think it will be the latter.

    It has been one heartache after another and this season will of been wasted if Bruce did deliberately destroy the defence to sign Terry then can not compete the signing of him. Forcing the owners is one thing if it can be pulled off, but does not look like it can be. Then what will the owners feel about Bruce forcing them into this terry signing, surely it's a straight mark against bruce and it's made them furious at Steve. It says alot to the new owners when a manager is pulling stunts like that doesn't it, that's if all of this can be proven anyway..

  12. I am concerned most of all about the way Bruce has gone about the defence and the options.

    As I've said in the other thread it shouldn't take this long to sort the mess out. If I had one thing to say to bruce it would be to get Terry in, because at the moment he is the best option available and surely everyone must see that??

    But now it looks like Terry isn't even coming if the media is rite and if that's the case then it really all does lie on bruce this whole mess that we are in.

    Steve tried to either force the Terry situation and it didn't work or he messed up big time and made some rookie managing mistakes, which are highly unacceptable.

    I tried to stand by bruce when those were against, now I feel myself that he should be gone if he doesn't bring Terry back to villa, feel he should be gone anyway, but at least if he got Terry in, that there maybe a chance of going up, if not then I say it's time bruce for you to go.

    I can't stand by and see our beloved villa have a manager who makes mistakes like this, one of the worst mistakes I think I have ever seen which has no doubt cost our club dearly this season.

    We will see as it all unfolds anyway, we are either going to be a laughing stock at the end of the season or Steve Bruce is going to pull something spectacular off that none of us can seem to see coming, I can't see it being the latter.


  13. What I don't get is why on earth are we leaving it this late as a club to get the best guy for the job of sorting the defence out.

    I'm sorry but the options are limited, surely the owners, bruce and whoever else is having a say up the top can see this, I must say I am not impressed at all.

    It is not like we can go out and go and buy whoever we want due to FFP and the fact windows are closed.

    To let Terry slip through our grasp is just plain and utter stupidness to be honest, I know the owners want younger in the team, but at the moment isn't stability a better option considering we have next to no option. To me it's like the owners are reaching for a goal that at this moment in time is impossible to achieve, so Terry needs to be here at Villa.

    Frustrating as hell and I can understand why all of you are so furiated with this mess, because it should of never happened or got to this point.

    By the time the January window comes, it will be to late to play catch up. If I knew for sure Bruce planned all this out, to push the owners to get Terry back, i would not be impressed as much as you all. In fact he would go down in history as my most hated manager of all time, all because he screwed Aston Villa's defence for a season, when really he should of planned ahead.

  14. 13 hours ago, Lord Willard said:

    If we are tight on money, I'd rather us use the money to sack Bruce than employ Terry again. I loved Terry but Bruce if ruining this team

    Sack bruce, put Terry in his place I say.

  15. Terry yes please, he brings stability and he's an inspiration on youngsters, they all look up to him no matter who is playing around him.

    Would love him to take over from Bruce to be honest, would prefer him over Henry.. 

    • Like 1
  16. just to clarify- You guys would rather keep Bruce than have Hendrie, but would take your chance with Henry?

    Bruce isn't going to listen to the fans no matter how much we all try get him to listen, but someone who is on the same page as you all could get somewhere with bruce or with the team perhaps?

  17. I like what Lee Hendrie has said after the defeat at sheff utd. Lee seems to know what he would like Steve too implement, I think maybe bring him on alongside Steve, maybe can give Steve some help and ideas.

    What would everyone's thoughts be on hendrie coming in to aid Steve or becoming manager?

    It prob would never happen but I personally would be up for it, either as an aid to Steve or replacement.

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  18. 6 minutes ago, El-Reacho said:

    Only 9635 signatures needed until parliament gets to debate Jedinak at CB and Tuanzebe at RB. Good news?

    I for one cant even think of this being a parliamentary debate, as much as the whole situation is annoying, i would laugh my ass off for the entire season if it became a politics debate..

    Would be even more funny if the priminister was the one to sack Steve Bruce.

  19. 23 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:

    It's annoying that he states that we were up against a very good Sheff Utd team who will be contenders this year. That's the sort of comment that I would expect if we had managed a hard-fought draw against them, not after a 4-1 hammering as he's basically admitting that we are not ready to compete at the top end of the table with teams like that. It's the sort of thing that a manager of a club happy to finish mid-table would come out with.

    Well didn't the owners also state this season was going to have its ups and downs and be tough. Almost as if what Nas and Wes said backs up the way you put it and what seems to be brewing in Bruce's head.

    I'm not defending bruce at all, but we have basically been reset in every level over the past years , from one bad to the next. Now we have to find our way back, it does take time, cant be done over night and some expect that.

    Sure it maybe time to move on from bruce, but who do we move on to, he certainly needs to be top quality it seems, the next manager needs to have experience on every level of the game and bring a new approach that fits in with today's football.

  20. 31 minutes ago, villabromsgrove said:

    It's 1.30 in the morning and my family party is still in full swing. There are people in the hot tub, people at the bar, and a few of us sado's in the lounge discussing Villa.

    Minds are made up .... Bruce has to go.

    It's still a bloody good evening though!

    Hot tub, Lady's, discussing villa, getting drunk and plenty of fun after sounds lime an ace night.

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