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Posts posted by Tumblerseven

  1. Boys i think he is getting southampton minimum and i think club is working behind the scenes and then heads will roll.

    I think many people will go including Purslow we are sacking responsibly.

    Swim or drown for Gerrard he drowns he goes into history books how shocking he is and no one will defend him in media.

    He swims maybe we have our arteta? 


  2. wait isnt its obvious that gerrard wont play with 2 midfielders because he wants to cover fullbacks with midfielders? isnt this signing of dendoncker a confirmation that we are sticking with the Gerrards plan or vision of how he wants us to play??


  3. They are running circles around us. every midfield player getting owned and caught out of position. huge holes in midfield players dont know where they supposed to be kamara including.

    Huge disconect between midfield and defence huge disconect between midfield and attack.

    Nothing works  its embarasing honestly.


  4. 4 minutes ago, Tommo_b said:

    Cos of one appointment that didn’t work out?

    I think its more than just one appointment that didint worked out.  I think we have problems with recruitment. We cant even sell players for profit. I think we have problems with general vision. What we want to build here? it all come from CEO.

    I think goying from Smith to Gerrard is in itself problematic. Absolutely different cultures from those two managers.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Nobody is demonizing McGinn or hates McGinn

    Truth is he isnt good enough to start for a team looking to finish top half in Premier League and him being awarded the captaincy means he will play every week when he was previously the weakest player in our starting 11

    yes yes i know you just "criticizing managers pick decisions" i know that excuse i heard it before.


    hey and thanks for telling me that hate doesnt exist. i got confused when i saw that dude yesterday who said he hopes that coutinho and mcginn will get injured for like 10 games. stupid me


    • Haha 1
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  6. 21 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    Nobody is mentioning this. Just his faults. Doesn’t seem fair considering that cross was almost like a goal. It looked easier to score.

    yup. people just straight up demonizing this player thats why nobody is trying to debate these people.

    what can you tell a person who says that mcginn is the worst player we hawe and he only had 3 good games in 2 seasons and he is beying picked just because hes friends with a manager.

    there is zero rationality you just dont waste your time with people who are  saying stuff like this.

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  7. 28 minutes ago, villan501 said:

    Anyone else alarmed how recent week has gone, traore told train with u23's, and the captain debacle.


    I really think the obsession with Gerrard style and his  insistence on playing it will hamper us. Possesion football is out the window for this season, wrong personel in the system evident today.

    10 people screaming on villatalk forum about captaincy  and how they dont like mcginn.

    thats a debacle???? lol

  8. how can you be happy that we won?

    how can you be happy that our preseason was great?

    how can you be happy that our youngsters look solid? 

    how how i ask you when gerrard has no clue and mcginn is eating puppies for dinner!!!!!!!!


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