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Posts posted by Tumblerseven

  1. 26 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    3rd from bottom and less  points than west brom is acceptable?

    If the season started with those 10 games we will would be in a relagation fight again.


    Can you stop with these ifs? my god please stop with these ifs.

    So we considered one man team by everyone and we lost this one man and we have bad run of results and thats unneceptable for you? Really? 

    So you saying that the team in the middle of rebuilding who lost its main man  and who sits 11 safe from any danger of relegation  on the 2nd season of premier league is unneceptable for you.  Just confirm me this please.

    We took our points earlier  we can lose some at the end because we can afford having a bad run because our team played really good at the start. Thats how it works some team play better at the start some at the end.

    If your expectations was europe or winning the league that your freaking problems your delusions.

    11 safe from relegation on the 2nd season in the premier league with grealish injury with pandemic it is acceptable for me. YES YES YES YES

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  2. Did we just got relegated? no

    Did we just lost a cup? no

    The sheer panic and negativity in this sub is actualy unreal.

    So some people just wait when we lose so they can write s*** about smith in this sub huh?

    People said it to me didint believed it until now.

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, av1 said:

    I notice both FA cup finalist have gone with 3 at the back today. With Target and Cash both having great delivery it’s something I think I’d like us to try.


         Konsa.    New.     Mings

    Cash       New.   McGinn.    Targett    
                 Watkins.     Tammy


    Not gonna lie that looks sexy.

    • Like 1
  4. I swear this month i saw a football game with flying tackle with no contact. Ball controlling player stoped and gave up possesion before potentialy injuring tackle and got the ball back by refere. Im actualy angry.

  5. 43 minutes ago, weedman said:

    Here's the difference between someone having an opinion which no-one will get annoyed about 

    "I think we need fresh legs on, I wish Dean made earlier subs sometimes" 

    And here is what actually happens 

    "wtf is Smith doing not making subs?! Time to start looking for a replacement, we need a proactive manager" 

    Can you see the difference? 

    I dont think im coming off so much unreasonable that you would have an opinion of me that maybe i dont see the diference. 

    So i just want you to confirm are those unreasonable opinions in this thread or match thread? Because i just went to match thread its really not that bad. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Tommo_b said:

    Ahhh so it’s only a correct or incorrect action according to your narrative, gotcha. 

    So wait are you saying that you actually think its all just an opinion and there is no correct action??

    So why the hell are you mad when people express theyr opinions on match thread its just an opinion by your own reasoning.Freedom of expresion and speech they can say whatever they want right?

  7. 7 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    Who gets to decide its incorrect? 

    Doesnt matter who gets to decide it doesnt change the fact that there is correct action and incorect action.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tommo_b said:

    No not in the slightest, how can you have a moan up about subs and not being a good manager for not making subs and then when it goes in Deans favour that we then have to molly coddle those fans who are critical?

    Are you telling me that had he not made a sub and lost the game that suddenly those that called for him to make a sub are now validated instead?

    Sorry it doesn’t work that way.

    Damned if you do damned if you don’t in this rhetoric. 

    Because it doesnt matter if it went in deans favour you seem not to understand this. Yes you can win by making incorect action and yes you can lose by making correct action.

    If there is a football match from what is hapening on that football pitch by analizing an seeing events you can decide what is correct action to change things and incorect action. I dont look at that as just an opinion.

    X player got injured. Action of what are we goying to do is not just opinion i think there is corect action and incorect action. I think you agree correct action is to sub injured player.

    Dean1: Makes corect action we won. Its all good and he made correct action.

    Dean2: Makes incorect  action we won. Its good but he made incorect action. Thats reasonable criticism by the way not MOANING.

    Dean3. Makes correct action we won. Well it happens but bravo he made correct action.


    If we talk about rhetoric your rhetoric is actualy sounds concerning.

    It sounds like you saying if fans complain or criticise manager in match thread and we win they had to be wrong and unreasonable by default. And if they where moaning or criticising manager we cant molly coddle them after???? what does that mean???  um...what should we do exactly?

  9. 25 minutes ago, Tommo_b said:

    Yet the very last game by not making the sub being screamed out for in the match thread has gone on to collect us 3 points.

    Does not making a sub that goes on to get you 3 points count as being pro-active or inactive? 

    This feels like post event rationalization.

    Fans claim dean sub strategy inactive.

    Dean didint made subs and won game

    That means fans opinions invalid and hes actualy proactive.

    Im sorry but thats not how it works.

  10. I think we should not buy him we saw his very low point. His very low point is so so bad that hes behind 17yo players  hes basically unplayable. If he finishes his loan playing like this my opinion wont change that we should not buy him.

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  11. 11 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Exactly this for me 

    Nakamba plays 5 to 10 yards deeper than Luiz, you bring him on and the whole team ends up dropping deeper, that's not what you want, energy is one thing but you have to maintain the shape that was working 

    So my first thought of attacking my criticism was this idea. Then i felt it was kinda simplistic or lazy because you can demolish it very easy.

    Our most energetic player in midfield is mcginn and i think everyone agree with that.

    So If we using presure or attack as defence taking of Barkley and bringing Nakamba and telling John go wild a little higher where Barkley operated quickly demolishes this idea in my opinion. And in attack we still strong  Mcginn has a good pass and creativity and can shoot.

  12. So nice win good job manager proud of you.But i think i have a  criticism of Smith. .

    So if im not delusional i would say we had masive holes in the middle in this game. In my opinion luiz and mcginn teamwork was really bad this game. Luiz especialy looked like hes not very aware of opposition players in cdm zone and at times he would seem like hes operating there alone because mcginn would operate higher.

    So my question or criticism is.  Why when we scored we didint bring on our most defensive midfielder Nakamba??????  Nakamba brings energy in problematic area and fixes those holes.

    I think all of you would agree that at that point 2-1 80th minute our objective is securing the win.  So can someone answer this question or elaborate if you agree or disagree with my observations or thinking.




  13. 40 mil + addons for abraham when we spent 30 for Watkins? Thats crazy and unnecesery 40 mil thats starting money we dont and wont play 2 strikers.

    As i see we need decend creative backup for grealish. Starting creative midfielder starting right winger and backup left back.


    • Like 3
  14. 19 minutes ago, MotoMkali said:

    Because why were 4 players able to press him? There was space to pass out of one of our men came short.

    Also best player in the league was an exaggeration but he was 2nd in POTM voting and at left winger he has an average rating of 8.06 which is higher than Grealish. 

    Oh yah? You remember that situation good like first touch good?? Watkins was near suporting el ghazi  why el ghazi didint pass to him? Just dont say he couldnt

    He choose to driblle my man. Basic pass and watkins has a ball. 

    I mean i can explain what happened if you cant comprehend.

    1. Mcginn pases the ball to el ghazi when hes already surounded by 4 players.

    2. Mcginn like the smart player slows down and waits for time to defend or stop the counter attack when el ghazi eventualy will loose the ball because hes surounded.

    I cant believe you blaming our  midfield players for this situation it blows my mind.


  15. 12 minutes ago, MotoMkali said:

    If el ghazi is firing he is the best player in the league or did you not know he was 2nd in POTM voting only to the best player on the team that won all their games in December. 

    Nah no way you are not serious you trolling. Im 100% convinced that you trolling.

    By the way i searched for el ghazi surounded by 3 situation you talked about i found it.

    5:55 i suggest to everyone go look at it and imagine that this guy blames our midfield for not suporting el ghazi in that situation.

    No one in the right mind would blame el ghazi for losing the ball in that situation. He received the ball surounded by 4 players he couldnt pass the ball to anyone from that situation when they closed him why you blaming other players for not suporting him. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, MotoMkali said:

    Because no one could do well out wide when Barkley and Mcginn was on. We saw that with both traore and Grealish.

    So why are we only having a go at el ghazi? 

    El Ghazis first touch this game was to beat his man and then no one came over to support and was surrounded by 3 players so lost it. Not really his fault imp. 

     El ghazis first touch 1:05 he passed to watkins. I dont understand are you trolling and lying or you delusioonal.

  17. 2 minutes ago, MotoMkali said:

    It absolutely is. Jack didn't **** do anything in the first half either. Barkley and Mcginn did not take advantage of the space he created and so he could just be double and triple teamed out of the game. When we get it outwide teams just overload that flank because they know we have to go all the way back to the keeper to switch it because mcginn and barkley never show. 

    What game did you watch my man? What spaces? He barely could control the ball did he even got to dribble with ball on the right flank? I really doubt it

    I dont understand why you defending him all over forum and blaming other players.


  18. Are there

    3 hours ago, gilbertoAVFC said:

    Anwar. El. Ghazi. Is. Not. A. Right. Winger.

    It's like moaning Cuellar isn't very good at right-back. Yes cos he isn't one!

    It seems like serious condition or illness (not a right winger).

    Symptoms lazy runing not presuring not defending. 

    Affects every action on the pitch like passes clearances headers..

    watch 37:00 to 37:40

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