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Posts posted by AvonVillain

  1. 38 minutes ago, est1874 said:

    I'm withholding my opinion until I've sat with it a while, which I would counsel others to do.

    You were bound to hate it no matter what they produced, no?

    I'd be all over this opinion in virtually all circumstances, and even in this instance, if it wasn't for the spectacularly misjudged, hopelessly out of date DROP SHADOW. I'm pretty sure even Photoshop issues you a warning if you hover over this option these days, stating: "irony fan are you? - let's go back in time to the very beginning of the internet to see why we all quickly moved on!".  Shockingly poor decision, and I genuinely take back any previous criticism of 'design by committee'.

    ♪♫ Yellow & Blue Army

  2. Just now, sheepyvillian said:

    I really enjoyed reading the comment from Kompany regarding Emery and the job he's done with us. I think he was spot - on.

    Vincent Kompany, like Troy Deeney and one or two others I could mention, are one of very few ex-pro's / managers who are genuinely worth listening to.

  3. 8 minutes ago, rjw63 said:

    Just think it would be better giving a bench spot to someone who might actually get on if only for five minutes when we are 12-0 up

    Of course; we all think this. It's just that when anyone who comments on this situation puts their CV next to King Unai's CV, there's a pretty steep drop-off in on-field football success. So there's really no need to even mention it anymore.

  4. 15 hours ago, tinker said:

    If we're gonna compete at the very top, season after season, then we need a stadium to match those ambitions and Villa Park will need to be completely rebuilt to match those ambitions.

    I don't quite get this argument. Take Stamford Bridge for example - a stadium with LESS capacity than VP - and ask how this stadium has negativity affected Chelsea's hoovering up all the available trophies over the last couple of decades competing at the very top?

    Isn't the current debate more an obsession with the fans rather than a genuine hindrance or any indication of owner ambition?

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  5. 14 hours ago, turvontour said:

    Why if we go joint top on Saturday, what would be the basis for it? We also likely won't be anywhere near as weakened team wise as we have been in the last week or so. 

    I was referring to the negativity on a football forum. It's sort of like wondering why there's so much negativity on Twitter. It'll never be any different.

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