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Everything posted by Robtaylor200

  1. we just have to get 3 points every week, scrappy, crappy or majestic
  2. 4 yellows to Burton, hopefully they will have red soon
  3. wtf every one winning, players sent of and the shite 3 up
  4. results not going for us today we have to do it for ourselves
  5. slowly slowly catchy monkey. KEEP CALM we are going to win this one
  6. I think SB is trying to make sure we don't lose. We should slaughter them, but I am expecting a very defensive 1:0 or 2:0 and either will give us 3 points. He is aware of the banana skin and is taking no chances
  7. I think my 4:1 bet will come in today (only 28/1) Bent will score if he is playing, hope its only the 1
  8. This has to be 6 in a row, we can not lose this and we definitely cant lose against the shit. I forecast 7 wins in a row. I remember good times like this and still loving it
  9. Cant believe it, First time in 20 years for 5 in a row As I was at work, I recorded the match. I had to fast forward the recording a fair bit Actually watched 10 mins worth and that included watching the goal half a dozen times
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