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Posts posted by AJ

  1. 9 hours ago, skarroki said:

    Tony only follows 33 people and a lot of them are fan clubs or famous villans. He follows 12 players, 3 of them being our new signings.

    Baker, Westwood, Grealish, Gestede, Clark, Green, Hepburn, Amavi, Ayew are the 9, plus Tshibola, Elphick and Gollini. Dont think there's too much to go on there. 


    Nothing to read into because that tweet is not true. 

    Interesting that he is following Grealish. Keeping tabs?

  2. Under MON, he was actually quite good. But during Houillier and onwards, in regards to his fitness, he didnt heed advice and made some bad decisions. As a result, his form and pitch time suffered. He is now approaching 30, and his prime has been wasted. Kudos that he is trying to get back in shape, and try to make amends for his club. I have never hated Gabby, but I think it is too late. With the direction Villa intends to head, I dont think Aston Villa is his club anymore.

  3. Scored 27 goals last season. Not any individual player, that was Aston Villa over 38 matches. With poor posession, uncreative attack, and players going AWOL in support, we were never going to have a 20 + goal scorer. Even if we had our pick of any decent striker, with our diabolical playing style, even they would have struggled finding the net.

    I am hoping we change our style of relying on Hutton or Bacuna crossing it in to find Gestede's head amongst 3 defenders and a goalkeeper, and we actually use some more creativity, and stop treating the box like it is surrounded by barbed wire. Just maybe then, we might get our 20 + goalscorer, and I believe Ayew can be that guy.

    • Like 1
  4. On ‎22‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 18:38, Paddywhack said:

    Whenever I put a wash on and put the clothes to dry, they don't need ironing and they smell lovely.

    I don't know what she does differently, but when my girlfriend puts one on, all the clothes end up looking like our cat has had all his mates round to have a sleepover on after doing a tough mudder


  5. 14 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Yeah, but you're in Japan, so there's that. 

    You are right, that is a very bright side. If watching a bad movie on my hols is the worst thing that happens, then I am doing quite well.


    • Like 1
  6. Probably the first real tough decision RDM had to make. However, it would be nice to see Stan finally get the chance to end his career on his terms. If they do offer him a contract as a coach, I hope its a good one.  His presence alone would make him worth more than every cent.

  7. 42 minutes ago, It's Your Round said:

    I do, by January RDM will know who's clearly not good enough. They'll have had their second chance and if they still aren't doing the business we should be in for reinforcements. Providing we're not too far down the league then a lot of ground can be made up from January if you go on a winning streak (I had to google what a winning streak was:wacko:)

    What I was thinking when I posted, but you put it so well. Very informative too. I always thought a winning streak was when you outrun the cops naked.

    • Like 1
  8. Just watched Independence Resurgence today. Even though after every movie he makes, I pray that Roland Emmerich never ever is allowed to make another movie again. Currently in Japan, and wanted to try out their IMAX cinemas, and opted for this movie just for the special effects. I realise my mistake. Same characters from every crap movie he has made, a thin plot fed on corn and clichés, and a lot of drawn out scenes which should have ended up on the cutting room floor. When the end credits came up, I prayed again that Emmerich never makes another movie again, sighed, then punched myself in the face for being so stupid.

    • Like 1
  9. Thank you Trent, your post was a good read and you raised some interesting points. In regards to the quote, I intentionally didnt put the focus on Islam, as my point could also be used towards other religions, especially Christianity, particularly during the Crusades among many other examples.  In my mind, I get the impression that Daesh couldnt really give a toss about Islam, and that they are just using religion as a hall pass for the commitment of their atrocities.

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  10. I by no means consider myself an expert, or even well informed, but any system which harbours the belief that you are a good person and deserve to go to heaven for murdering as many innocent people as possible is hypocritical and ridiculous. These aholes I am assuming know this, and are just using this as an excuse to justify their own individual psychopathic homicidal tendencies/ fantasies/ actions. Daesh seems like a big club for all the f***ed up people in this world to come together and receive encouragement and support rather than arrest and imprisonment for their actions. For the tragic losses at Nice, Paris, and Belgium, I really cannot imagine a more pointless end to lives. I acknowledge and accept this is probably an over simplifying rambling on my part, and as usual, I welcome the well informed to put me in my place.

  11. 6 minutes ago, useless said:

    I don't know anything about the player or the level of interest of other clubs in him, but I would have thought so. The link came from the 'Daily Star', who I believe don't have the best of reputations when it comes to reports of this nature (no offence Daily Star readers), so we might not even be interested in him at all.

    Very likely we aren't. Last January, we were linked to alot of players according to a variety of news sources, and they proved to be 100% wrong because we signed bugger all.

  12. 6 minutes ago, meme said:

    Or he could always come on for some underperforming midfielder if a game's turning out to be a bore draw. Would give the boys a wake up call and a huge morale boost.

    Me likey. Makes good sense.

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