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Posts posted by AJ

  1. 11 minutes ago, A38villan said:

    1st post checking in here :-)


    I think we should be looking at beram kayal from Brighton for the holding role, did anyone see him play last season? 

    Apparently available for 1.5m due to last year of contract 

    He comes with plaudits, but his stats are a bit worrying. Also, he may be down the pecking order for targets in that position. Personally, I am well aboard the Jedinak train.

    Anyhoo, welcome, friend.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Made In Aston said:

    Add Bamford to this and I might just need to buy new pants! 

    You can get special Bamford pants? That is very innovative. Pants are such a forsaken foray in men's fashion. At least he isn't pushing a fragrance or another bloody shirt. Where can I get these pants?

  3. 31 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    So your point is, somebody can piss off!


    Probably an emotional post from myself initially. I like Ayew, and I have been so looking forward to the possible combination of Ayew and McCormack and what that could bring. Then I hear about this claptrap of him wanting to leave. It was like hearing that you can have dessert after you finish all your vegetables, then finding out dessert is boiled cabbage.

    • Like 3
  4. Just now, dont_do_it_doug. said:


    It just seems silly on quite a few levels. Firstly, I question the validity of the link, especially all that has been said by Uncle Tony that he wasn't leaving. I know that's football, and that contracts don't mean squat, but it is frustrating to see a player leave that is a "keeper" leave so easily with so much of a contract remaining. Last year, he accused Lorient of boosting his transfer fee to  discourage Villa from buying him. If we did the same to Whammers, will he spit the dummy again? Villa has had too much of a recent past and present with drama queens in the dressing room, so, he can piss off. This is all of course depending on the credibility of Tribal Football. If its just clickbait, then they can piss off.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Midfielder said:

    my debut post is to share a new transfer link. A rival potentially for the attacking midfielder / Morrison position is Luis Alberto of

    Liverpool . Fee in the region of £6million. Age 23 has played just 14 games for them since a 6.5m move in 2014 apparently. I know nothing of him until now. http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/695360/Luis-Alberto-Liverpool-Sevilla-Aston-Villa-Wolves-QPR-Transfer-News-Rumours-Gossip


    Welcome, friend.

  6. 37 minutes ago, romavillan said:

    Very much last chance saloon for Morrison if he comes to us, or if he stays with the scum actually. Although putting away my claret and blue specs for a minute I think it's probably in his best interests to stay in Italy as I'd back the Italian coaching to get his head and his diet etc right too, him coming back to the UK might put some old demons in his face again.

    He has always been an incredible talent, he has never put a season together though, if we bought him we'd really need at least one good whole season out of him.

    I have had concerns about Morrison too, but agree that he is talented. With the dressing room now appearing to take an about face with an increase of mature heads and club captains, hopefully any potential behavioural quirks can be kept in check and regulated from the team level.

  7. 59 minutes ago, Papillon said:

    How far have we managed to sink? :o Mr. Jiantong Xia - if you are reading (and I am sure you are actually) - stop ridiculing us and our former great club.

    We relegated at the worst possible moment in the history of the Premier League and our entire squad didn't seem to care one bit, now you are slagging off a loyal servant who has not yet departed the club? Also, think what you want about pundits in general and Ian Holloway, but all of these guys have tenfold the experience and knowledge about English football and Aston Villa compared to the new owner. Respect them, and they will treat you thereafter.

    Now we have a new owner and he is doing all the wrong things, we have seen it so many times before. I do not really care where our owner is from, be it Asia, North America or Arabia, but we have seen numerous examples of non-footballing (m/b)illionaires coming in and destroying clubs for the fun of it. As far as this one goes, there are already red flags in the air and we haven't even kicked a ball yet. Pathetic. This guy might be successful in Asia and in other business sectors, but it does not mean a single thing when you operate a football club in Europe.

    Writing personal tweets of this character is extremely unprofessional and childish at the same time - it is something a leader should never, ever do - it will only bring him negative media attention and lead to ridicule from everyone, well, except from the few fans on here who thinks it's hilarious for some reason. This owner has not proven anything, he has accomplished nothing at Aston Villa and we face a ridiculously hard task in promoting at the first attempt from the Championship. Every team will be after us, we need a solid foundation and climate for the manager and squad to work in. Imagine this guy when results are going against us (and they will!) - he just seems incredibly irrational. Read a leadership book and look at the successful owners around Europe. Be more like the non-vocal, fully supportive ones - do not end up like the Venky's, Gillett/Hicks or the embarrassing Comolli.

    He came in and said we were going to be among the three best clubs in the world, that a lot of cash would be available for signings and that he loves Villa and has supported us for a long time. Yawn! This is what every person in the world would/could say, it's just empty words which will come back and bite him in the ass. Post a picture of yourself in a Villa-kit from when you were five years old or it didn't happen, so to speak. Spread these words within the club and share your resources with the ones in charge, do not act like a little child on the internet.

    I for one expected a tough challenge in the Championship before he took over, now I am pretty certain we will have an even tougher challenge because of this owner who has decided to interfere and embarrass the club before our first game has even been played. Less talk and more action, keep yourself out of social media when it comes to AVFC please. Furthermore, if you insist on continuing, at least freshen up your English and/or hire a PA to do the job for you - reading nonsense is even more cringe-worthy when it is seemingly written by a child.

    glitter whine annoyed insult pun

  8. 15 minutes ago, The Moustache of Teale said:

    Please stop this. My mind is an overheated frenzy of double entendres such as playing for the opposition, playing at the back, preferring it in the hole etc, etc...

    Just don't mention his ball skills.

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