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Posts posted by mrbojangles

  1. If Villa win tonight my footy bet from the weekend wins, cost £1 pick up £50. If im being honest though think we will draw but I can always hope. Dont usually put Villa in as they usually let me down when I do

  2. give him a chance ffs. Hes not even at the door and already getting stick. Im happy we have someone in place and can move on. Granted the guy is not without his flaws but no one is. Why cant people be happy that we have someone in place. Might settle the players down and get back to some sort of consistency and normality again. I will reserve judgement but as mentioned just happy we have got the manager farce resolved.

  3. That would really worry me on several counts, and would proberly put me in the anti lerner camp, since it would suggest we are only interested in the cheapest option/yes man.

    It would also wreck the career of a respected coach and decent servant to the club.

    wouldnt have thought so, K Mac has done i good job with the reserves im pretty sure everyone on here appreciates the guy and understands that he has been thrown in at the deep end.

  4. 3. The idea that we must run out and get a Manager just to say we have a Manager does not make sense. To mention a specific name and expect that specific person to show up on Monday does not make sense. To now turn on Paul as the new scapegoat for a defeat does not make sense. I understand people are upset...so am I. At the same time, I am not going to urge Randy or anyone else to run out and grab any manager just to say we have one. It is obvious that getting the right person is not something that is done overnight.

    Surely getting the right person in is an urgent matter though. I dont like moaning but we seem lost as a club, no manager (even K Mac it seems is not sure whether he would want the job) and the inability to strengthen places which seem clear to the majority of Villa fans (a striker). I think we just need to hear something from th club and have some reasurrance that you are trying all you can to get us the right man for the job and that it will be done sooner rather than later.

    Also as somene else has mentioned will the money we recieved from the Milner deal be reinvested in the club/team? As you can appreciate football is a passionate game and people spend a lot of money on their teams colours, travelling to games etc etc. We have players earning more in 1 week than what I earn in 4 years and judging by yesterdays performance they could not care less about the fans or club.

    Cheers General


  5. Hi, City fan looking to add my 2 penneth.

    In my mind, there is no question that you are getting the best side of this transfer. As someone who's seen Ireland's progress through academy, reserves and finally first team I can only hope he does well with Villa and that is the opinion of the vast majority of our support. As for Milner, he's the kind of player we need at the moment in our team. He may not be as creative as say Ireland, but he's versatile and can go forward quite well. I must say though, the amount we're paying? We've been hung out to dry to the proportions we were when we paid £24m for Lescott.

    As for our fanbase; yes, there is a new found optimism within a lot of our ranks. But if you were in our position, would you not be? I mean, we're buying some of the world's top talent (albeit at very inflated prices, but hey. It's not our money that's being spent). Players like Tevez, Silva, Adebayor, Yaya Touré. Players of the calibre that if you'd told me they'd be playing for City 10 years ago, I'd have laughed in your face. Because the vast majority of us are the ones who've been through the shit. I mean, I'm 18. Yes, I've not seen as much as some, but my god I've seen the shite. First match was in Division 2 at home to York City back in 1999. Yes, there are bound to be a few gloryhunters in the ranks, should we win anything. Unfortunately that comes with the territory.

    I was sad to see Dunney leave and I'm just as sad to see Ireland go. Dunne's already proven his worth to you, and I'm sure Ireland will also. Good luck for your season, except against us

    Nice post :thumb: apart from the last sentance :evil:

  6. good read, some good points, however we surely could not turn ireland down, even if a new manager comes in and dosent like him (highly unlikely) we are not going to lose much money if any if we sell him on. Oh and there is a spelling mistake in the last sentance, should read then not the :lol:

  7. I am churned up about all of this to be honest.

    On one hand, I can't really blame the guy if he wants to go to a club that obviously has more money and more intention of making the Champions League dream come true. The reality is that they have more chance of success that Villa, in the near future. The money will be bigger too, whether or not he plays regularly is another matter!

    On the other hand, I really liked Milner. I thought he had a bit of a slow first season but last season he looked the part for us. You can tell what the club think of him from the way The General talks about him. I thought he was the kind of player that would be faithful to us for giving him a real decent chance of playing at a higher level and more regularly. I mean, what was his senior England career looking like before he signed for us?

    To sum it all up; I have never booed or hated a Villa player that has returned after leaving us. But, with the way I feel right now, I can see me making an exception when Milner returns to Villa Park. I applauded Gareth Barry last season, because he can say that he gave us over 10 years loyal service, playing in many positions for the good of the club, and after lots of false dawns decided it time to try his luck somewhere else. Remember that this guy had never been involved in a transfer and was deserving of at least one decent financial move, when you consider that he is nearing the end of his best playing days.

    I can't say the same about Milner. He has given us a couple of seasons, of which one of them was average. The first sign of the ££££ signs being flashed in front of him and he wants away. To me, there is not an ounce of loyalty being shown there and I find that unforgiveable.

    I agree but its sad that there is no loyalty anymore, however you have to look at it like we will make a lot of money by selling him to strengthen other areas. If he wants to go elswhere after what we have done for him and his career then **** im. That said and done he will be really hard to replace and does not bode well for other players.

  8. Delighted that the murdering piece of shit that is Peter Sutcliffe will never be released from jail. Utter and total scum.

    yeah I agree but lets be honest it was never gonna happen, it is such a high profile case he was never gonna get released

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