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Lichfield Dean

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Posts posted by Lichfield Dean

  1. I notice that Grealish, Ilori and Lyden are all absent from the U21 game, so as we have been hearing Jack is back with the first team, and I wonder if either of the other two might be given surprise bench appearances?

  2. Minor point this, but has anybody heard about changes to the training regime or general office hours at Villa lately? 

    Driving past Bodymoor Heath in the morning I have noticed that security guys at the gates are there before 8am whereas I never used to see them, and general activity in the area seems to have increased as well.

    Maybe it is nothing, or maybe the threat of relegation has resulted in longer working hours being mandated there?

  3. Maybe Neville had a point when he said that the team Kmac put out was him trying to prove a point to the like of Fox and Reilly as 6 of the bench were summer signings, the other was Gil and Gana and Adama don't even make the squad. Like he was trying to prove that homegrown experience is the way to go and not the foreigners.

    If that was his intention he failed pretty spectacularly and managed to prove exactly the opposite.

  4. I am sure I saw him up and standing by the touchline at one point on Saturday and I commented at the time that I thought it was unusual for him. I didn't imagine that did I? It was just the once though.

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