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Posts posted by rubberman

  1. 7 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    If there was ever a comment that summed up VillaTalk, it's this.

    The new chairman being written off as a massive prick, minutes after being announced.

    Mind you - if he's any good someone will poach him off us.  Hope we've got a clause in place in his contract.

  2. After Sunderland I had a brief moment of despair, but then i thought to myself that I didn't want to give up hope - that's what gives me the buzz on a Saturday morning. So until it is mathematically certain, I'm going to keep believing we might yet survive. 

    Probably (almost certainly) deluded but feels slightly less so after yesterday.

  3. Vardy just back from surgery and having to play Weds and Sat has got to be in our favour.  Hope the Spurs game is tough for them.

    Very big ask to get 2 wins on the bounce, but play with the commitment and desire of last night, get Villa Park bouncing and who knows.  Really no expectation though.

    Hoping Sunderland win tonight.  Would keep Swansea in the crap and 17th place within (very faint) sight.

    • Like 1
  4. We're not hated at all.  In fact I think a lot of other fans feel sorry for us and the shit we're putting up with.  On most sites I've seen last night and today, people seem pleased for us to get a win - I guess we are no threat to anyone really!

  5. No chance.

    I'm usually stupidly optimistic before a game, but this is a nailed on loss.  Zaha will tear Clark / Cissokho a new one.  At Least 0-2, boos all round and probably an injury to Ayew to heap on the misery.  Depressing.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Duck said:

    Anyone know how much we have to spend? Surely were not still selling to buy? 

    Selling to clear out dross I expect - we're not going to be getting much ££ for anyone.

    Given the summer net spend, I'd think we'd have £15-20m. + Loans.  

  7. I agree.  If our strategy (such as it is) is to buy potential on 5 year contracts, develop and sell on, it is surely even beyond Villa's stupidity to sell one of the brightest talents for a loss after 1 season, whatever the wages.

  8. 26 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    We are relegated already, there's no point panic buying now when we have 8 points from 19 games. We should just make signings that fit in with life in the championship.

    I keep seeing this. But if we sign championship players, we'll stay in the championship. We need to keep aiming on the premiership and make sure we get back to it before the parachute payments run out. We still need to buy / loan quality. 

    • Like 2
  9. Had we not had injuries and suspensions I'm pretty sure it would have be virtually the same side each week. Norwich is the aberration proving that we don't have the depth to rotate. Or any depth at all. Or even shallowness frankly. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    We're bottom of the league, the gap to survival has increased, we haven't won since the first game of the season and we've scored less goals than any other team in the league. 

    I think it's pretty outrageous that other attacking options haven't been given a chance. How bad does it have to get for us to try something different?

    From what I've seen I think Remi has been focussed on consistency and giving the players he sees as the 'best' a run. It's worked for ayew and veretout, for Rudy not so much. 

    I presume he watched all the Sherwood games and saw players in and out each week, systems changing and saw how that screwed everyone up. 

    That said, with ayew out I hope the plan isn't Sinclair and gestede and we do see more adama-time. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Kingman said:

    Any news on this new manager bounce thingamajig? 

    "What happens when you change manager?

    So in the Premier League, at least, there is a boost for a short honeymoon period and then performance dips back – and indeed slightly below the level that it was before the club changed manager. Between 12 and 18 games after appointment, the points’ benefit of changing manager has vanished, suggesting that on average there is only a short-term gain and a longer-term negative effect of changing manager."

    From: http://www.wbs.ac.uk/downloads/news/2009/10/what-is-the-impact-of-changing-football-manag.pdf

    I can't manage to insert the graphic this refers to, but essentially, there is usually a small uplift in the first 6 games after a change, with a bigger impact games 7-12, before reverting to the mean (ie where you were before the sacking).  Our 'bounce' has been negligible - whether this is because of the desperate plunge we were on prior to the change or the lack of impact Remi has had is a matter of opinion. 


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